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Minutes 2018


Minute of Meeting of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council held in Elie Sailing Club on Monday 3rd September 2018.

Present:  Jim Robertson (chair), Lynda Rennie, Steve Blaney, Grizelda Cowan, Carol Birrell, Angus Meldrum and Sandy Bingham and Cllr Linda Holt

Apologies from: Cllrs John Docherty and Bill Porteous

The meeting opened with an address from Dr Day from Elie Surgery on ‘Scotgen’ – an initiative modelled on a Canadian version designed to address the recruitment crisis of GPs in Scotland. These graduate students, all now in the first year of the programme are funded with bursaries and are bonded to Scotland for the next 5 years. Dr Day informed us that volunteer patients may be selected and she asked for suggestions on any other relevant community activities in which the students might become involved.

Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Angus, seconded by Carol



Matters arising:

Nairn Park

It was confirmed that Elie Estate has taken back control of the playing field and has no tenants at the moment. It is understood that E&E Action Group has approached Alex Nairn with request to lease it.

Sunday time article on second homes in E&E

This was published on 7th June 2018 – for those who didn’t see it see -


Speed check

Carol, as requested, contacted Police Officer requesting speed checks on roads into village – she was told to be patient as there is a big demand and we have to wait our turn.

Caravan opposite Marine Park - has now been removed.

Railings at Hyde Park - have been replaced with shiny new ones 


Questionnaire on the Elie Estates Development Plan and Future of the Villages have been distributed to all houses in E &E. E&EAG will update when results have been formulated and analysed.

‘Wee House’ fence by Earlsferry Town Hall

We have formally to agree the boundary between Wee House and Town Hall – Cllr Lind a Holt is on to it.

Parking outside Earlsferry Town Hall

Cllr john Docherty to provide update




















Cllr Linda Holt


Cllr John Docherty

Chain Walk

The RLNI at Anstruther has been in touch with Steve suggesting that they should have a presence at both ends of the Chain Walk. Proposal is that, at beginning of the season 2019, there should be one week at Shell Bay end and one week at West Bay. CC supported proposal.




Questions from Public

Chris Roy has expressed concern over traffic problems in village.




Chairman’s Report

East Neuk and Landward Community Forum

Next meeting to be on 6th September. Topic – ‘How Communities can take over village buildings’ to include: Community Empowerment’, ‘Community Asset Transfer’ and ‘ Community Participation’. Janice Laird from FC will address.

Also proposed for discussion are Out of Hours Service by Fife GPs and Heritage Network.

Jim Robertson to report back to CC at next meeting.

Jim informed meeting that he has an updated list of all fund raising opportunities applicable in Fife.


Meeting accepted proposal that we should have insurance for up to 250 people at any event arranged by E&ECC.

CC Elections

Nominations have been requested – closing date 6th September. If there are more than eight there will be an election.











Jim Robertson

Councillors’ Reports

NHS Fife Out of Hours Service – public meeting

Cllr Linda Holt informed meeting of forthcoming public meeting at Waid Academy on 20th September to discuss NHS Fife Out of Hours service with particular concern over the shutting of the service at St Andrews Hospital and its future.

Street signs

Carol expressed her frustration that many of the village the street signs are still illegible despite having raised this problem several times in the past. Cllr Jon Docherty has already promised that this would be addressed with some urgency – still waiting.

Yellow lines outside Ship Inn

Still waiting for these. Cllr Linda Holt assured meeting that this would be actioned.








Cllr John Docherty


Cllrs Linda Holt/John Docherty


Environmental Action Group

There is to be a presentation of Beautiful Fife Awards in Rothes Halls on 4th September. Jim and Steve to attend. Steve expressed his thanks to all who have helped

Financial donations

CC expressed thanks to Ewart Murdoch and an anonymous donor for their donations to CC.

RBS Piggies are back in shops and pubs and have raised almost £300 since May.

VIPER  has now joined up with East Neuk Communities Emergency Reaction Group. This group is using our VIPER as a template to include all East Neuk villages. The chosen Emergency Reaction Points in E &E are Pavilion, Sailing Club, Church Hall and Earlsferry Town Hall. Plan to hold a simulated reaction emergency in near future.

Earlsferry Town Hall

Lynda Rennie has stepped down from Chair and handed over to Patricia Ritchie to take on to next stage. Patricia to update CC at next meeting.


Treasure’s report

Approx £5,500 in bank account. This is allocated to various groups including the Beach Group, E&E Environmental Group and the CC itself.

Angus to arrange donation to Sailing Club of £100 as a thanks for use of premises.



Angus Meldrum

Planning matters

Applications as follows:

4 South Street – replacement of roof

20 Baird place – extension front and rear

5 Fountain Road – single storey extension front and rear

No more has been heard re application for phone mast




Concern expressed over homeless man apparently living in tent at Ruby Bay Car Park. Angus has already contacted Robbie Blyhth of FC&C Trust who has confirmed that camping is not permitted. Because he has identified himself as ’homeless’ this is now a civil matter. Dawn Jamieson of FC will investigate.


Date of next meeting – 1st October 2018, 7.30 at Sailing Club






Minute of Meeting of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council held in Elie Sailing Club on Monday 2nd July 2018.

Present:  Jim Robertson (chair), Grizelda Cowan, Carol Birrell, Sandy Bingham and

Apologies from: Steve Baney, Linda Rennie and Cllrs Linda Holt, John Docherty and Bill Porteous

Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Carol, seconded by Sandy






Camper Vans

CC has been advised that toilets will not be opened at night so still concern over dunes being used as a public toilet. Suggestion that Fife C&C Trust might provide an attendant to oversee who would also take parking fees and check overnight camping. Angus to chase up.









CC advised by E&EAction Group that questionnaire is to have a few tweaks following discussion with FC. This will be circulated throughout village once it is finalised.




Nairn Park

At present FC is leasing football pitch and is in discussion with Elie Estates Trust over possibility of renewing lease. Jim to call David Campbell of FC to find out if lease is to be or has been renewed.





Railings at Hyde Park

Jim Easton, FC is on to it. Tenders have been invited and it is expected that they will be repaired shortly




Carol to chase up (previously requested and promised) speed checks with Police Community Sergeant.

Concern over legality of caravan parked opposite Marine Park, camper van blocking Cadgers Wynd  and congestion of traffic congestion behind church. Carol to contact Community Police Officer.

Parking outside Earlsferry Town Hall at a slant has been approved by Cllr John Docherty and lines on road are expected along with line outside hall to allow for loading.











Meeting with Claire of Sunday Times

Claire met with Graham Johnston, Jim and Carol and others at Pavilion to discuss 2nd homes in Elie and Earlsferry and their affect on the village. Later she spoke to Angus and Alex Nairn – article to be published in Sunday Times on 8th July.


Questions from Public

ATM outside old RBS is not working. It has been reported and will be fixed.

A mobility scooter driver has complained that E & E pavements are not suitable for mobility scooters. Complaint passed on to Fife Councillors.

Member of public Mark Dickson asked if anyone knew if there would be any benefit to the community from proposed new golf course at Balcarres.

Angus Meldrum expressed concern over state of some of the chains on Chain Walk. Angus to raise with Robbie Blythe. On subject of Chain Walk CC would like to congratulate Fayre day Group on their production of the new leaflet advising would-be Chain walkers.

Request was made that replacement of play equipment at play park at Woodside be chased up.  Damaged play equipment has been removed and not replaced. It is a busy and popular play area and now has very limited play equipment. Request that Bill Porteous action this.





Fife Councillors











Bill Porteous

Environmental Action Group

Wheelie Clean to be asked to water hanging baskets – CC agreed to fund this.

Piggies have raised £140 so far. They can be found at Pavilion, 19th Hole, Buffet, Newsagents and Appletons – all proceeds going to E&E Environmental action Group.



Chairmans’s Report

The East Neuk Forum is to continue with Jim Robertson as Chair. Next meeting in September and elections to be held




Insurance Policy to be renewed. Question as to whether we need to add anything – Jim to investigate.

Flag at Toll Green – Carol to ask Kenny to fix.

Jim Robertson has a list of all funding organisations in Fife and who would be eligible for such. If anyone would like more info on this contact Jim.

Garden adjacent to Wee House behind Earlsferry Town Hall is being used presumably by owners of Wee House. Fife Councillors to investigate this.











Fife Councillors

Date of next meeting Monday 3rd September, 7.30pm, Elie Sailing Club





Minute of Meeting of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council held in Elie Sailing Club on Monday 4th June 2018.

Present:  Jim Robertson (chair), Steve Blaney, Grizelda Cowan, Carol Birrell, Lynda Rennie, Sandy Bingham and Cllrs John Docherty and Bill Porteous

Apologies from: Angus Meldrum. Cllr Linda Holt

Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Grizelda, seconded by Steve



Matters arising:

Proposed Housing Development

The meeting was informed of the formation of the Elie and Earlsferry Action Group who will keep CC up to date with all its activities.

74 questionnaires, which were available at the recent Elie Trust Consultation meeting, were returned and findings have been passed on to Steve in the form of a spreadsheet and a summary. These, along with comments which were written on the back of the questionnaires, will be available for members to see. It was suggested that Alex Nairn be asked if all this information might be made available for members of the public to see – maybe at library. Steve to ask Mr Nairn. It was noted that the questionnaires were available only at the meeting and at the newsagents shop but were not distributed to all householders about which members were disappointed. Jim also expressed disappointment that the questionnaire did not have a ‘Don’t know’ option – only a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.











Camper Vans

Angus expressed concern that as the public toilets were not open at night the area around the car park was becoming a public toilet. Cllr Jon Docherty agreed to put these points to Fife Council but advised that the toilets would not be opened at night. It was suggested that a sign be put up. Reiteration that signs are already up asking camper van owners to park in lower car park but that there is no law in Scotland to enforce this or to stop them parking at all. It was suggested that a charge might be levied/ a CCTV system might be installed. Meeting was reminded that it is Council property and that it is up to Fife Council to action such proposals.



Cllr John Docherty


As Elie and Earlsferry Action Group have indicated that they are happy to operate a Charette for the village Lynda proposed that the CC should instruct the E&EAG to do so. A vote was taken with 4 in favour and 1 abstaining so duly passed. It was explained that the 1st part of the Charette will be a comprehensive questionnaire which will be made available to the whole community. Professional consultants will be employed. Member of the public Trisha Ritchie added that 1st stage would be carried out by E&EAG with the aim to form a body representing all aspects of the community.



Chair of Elie and Earlsferry Action Group

Nairn Park

It was confirmed that this has been withdrawn from the proposed building plans. Mr Nairn is in negotiation with FC over possibility of FC taking it back and managing it as before. An alternative suggestion was made that another body might take it on and see to grass cutting etc. Possible other uses for Nairn Park are to be investigated.



Cllr John Docherty agreed to remind Police Community Sergeant that speed cameras have been already requested on entrances to Elie and monitoring strips on road to gauge speed of cars entering village.

Members of the public, Alistair Brown and Bill Milroy to form an Action speed Group to operate with police gathering information.

It was noted that FC have promised double yellow lines outside Ship Inn.

Lynda requested that lines be put outside Earlsferry Town Hall to make parking at an angle rather than parallel to pavement.


Cllr John Docherty

Railings at Hyde Park

Following previous request to FC that the rusted and broken railings should be replaced with some urgency. Grizelda showed meeting pictures of severely damaged railings making them unsafe. Bill Porteous agreed to chase up. It was also noted that wall at Arch Bald Park was damaged – Bill to request that FC see to this too.


Cllr Bill Porteous

Questions from Public:

Sewage down Golf Club Lane – apparently this has been caused by build up of fat in drains for Elie Golf House Club – member of the public Ian Dalgleish (ex Golf House Club Captain) said he would make enquiries. Meanwhile Scottish Water is dealing with problem.

Why does Elie not have bins emptied on a Sunday?  Cllr Bill Porteous said he would, once again, request this as St Andrews has bins emptied on Sundays.

Concern over some using public bins for household rubbish, particularly at weekend. It was accepted that it is often difficult for holiday makers who leave before a bin collection to dispose of their rubbish. It was suggested the Ship Inn’s rubbish collection service might be used. Steve pointed out that doing this might just encourage FC not address the problem.






Cllr Bill Porteous

East Neuk and Landward Community Forum

Next meeting to be on 7th June. This is to be an open meeting with all info available on FC website. Bill Porteous stressed that views of local community can have an effect on decisions made by FC, giving FC’s decision to consider the 2nd home issue when looking at future planning application for new builds. Jim Robertson to report back to CC on meeting.






Jim Robertson



Councillors’ Report

Cllr John Docherty acknowledged that FC is aware of concerns re parking in the village and has requested that FC official should come and see the problems and consider long term issues. FC would be glad to receive solutions suggested by general public.

Clr John Docherty informed meeting that Fife has 44,000 grit bins. New policy from September 2018 - all housing developers will have to install grit bins on their estates. If other community grit bins are to be scheduled for removal FC will affix yellow stickers on them to allow members of the community to appeal against their removal.

CllrBill Porteous wished to inform meeting about FC Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/FifeCouncil/

Bill Porteous informed meeting that FC has £65k to spend on upgrading un-adopted roads throughout fife and invited those who use one to request reparation by FC.



Environmental Action Group - Steve Blaney thanked all members of community who came to help with planting of bulbs at Toll Green. As a result of all the hard work village has 24 hanging baskets and tubs in the High Street and on Toll Green. Steve thanked Appletons for donation of paint to paint railings at bus shelter, to Graham and Angela Johnston who painted the railings at Toll Green and to Ian and Kath who painted the boat planters.

RBS Piggies are back in shops and pubs and have so far have raised £75.

Beach project – the ivy on the dunes at the Elie end has been removed and students from Elmwood are to plant marron grass. 2nd stage is planned to remove all ivy at Earlsferry end.

VIPER  - Steve and Elizabeth Riches met to discuss co-ordinating with other communities. ‘Emergency hubs’ in Elie have been nominated as the Sailing Club and the Church and Earlsferry Town Halls.



It was agreed that, although the CC usually enjoys a ‘summer recess’, this summer we would continue with our monthly meetings in view of various village activities including the proposed Charette and possible movements with the Elie Estate Development Plan.

Five members of the community have expressed interest in joining the CC. It was agreed that they should put themselves forward for election in the autumn. All details will be available in local press.

Date of next meeting Monday 2nd July, venue to be decided





Minute of Meeting of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council held in Elie Sailing Club on Monday 7th May 2018.

Present: J. Robertson (Chairman) S. Blaney Vice Chair, A. Meldrum G. Johnston, S. Bingham, L. Rennie, G. Cowan, and Councillors Porteous and Holt and Constable Lee Robb and 9 members of the public.

Apologies: were received from Councillor Docherty

Minutes of the previous meeting were approved by Steve Blaney and Carol Birrell.

Matters arising:

Speeding cars in village

Alastair Brown and Bill Milroy residents of Park Place spoke to the speed of cars coming into and going out of the village. It was explained that the CC had made strenuous efforts over the piece to try to get something done but each approach has been rejected.  The speed check system which had been installed had been positioned in the wrong place so that vehicles emerging slowly from Woodside were clocked as travelling at under 5 mph thereby substantially reducing the average speed below 20 mph.  The council could not understand why there were 20 mph limits in many other small burghs around Fife and equipped with speed ramps such as at Largoward and Colinsburgh.  It was explained that we had tried to get a raised crossing at the new puffin crossing but we were told that they could not do so within 25 yards of junction. Further we were promised a year ago to have double yellow lines outside the Ship and we were still waiting.  Bill Milroy endorsed the view that there was excessive speeding on that road we should get some calming measures and we need it on both entries to the village.  Half way along Park Place was the best place to site any such equipment.  We were advised that because there had been a serious accident in Lundin Links Fife Council decided to introduce drastic speeding control measures.  The reason for Kilconquhar’s  20mph was also questioned. The Fife Councillors were invited to convey to Fife Council the very strong feeling of the meeting and make representations accordingly.  They agreed to take this up.  Speed watch was of interest to at least two and Lee said he would get in touch with the speedwatch community policeman.  The other suggestion was to narrow Park Place by parking cars on the road rather than on the pavement.

The Secretary mentioned the chaotic parking and thus traffic situation especially at busy weekends.  The possibility of permanent residents being given parking permits was mentioned but generally thought unlikely. Councillor Porteous indicated that he was speaking to the Fife Council officials about this generally in the East Neuk but he would recommend that details were given in relation to these issues.

Crime reports

Lee Robb mentioned that there had been no crime reported and the lighthouse graffiti had not been attended to.  The secretary was asked to write again to ‘FCCT” and Forth Ports.  The table and chairs had been reported as stolen but there had been no response.  The formal complaint had been made and will be resent.

Elie Estates Development

The secretary reported that the CC had been invited to attend a private meeting on 17th May prior to the Public Consultation. The CC members had agreed to attend such a meeting. Mr. Nairn advised that he, personally, was not developing the estate but would be looking for developer to take it on. He explained that the meeting suggested should be seen as a preview meeting rather than a private one and an opportunity for members of the CC to express  thoughts on new plans.

Discussion then revolved around the presence of a care home, retirement housing and the recreation site known as Nairn Park Football Pitch.  Angus Meldrum expressed concern that, as Fife Council had not renewed the lease of the football pitch, it had now become part of the 30 year development plan.  Alex Nairn wished it to be made it clear that FC had chosen not to renew the lease and that it had not requested this. In the original plan 5.4 acres had been allocated to the development and that, by now including the football pitch, it has now been increased to 8.6 acres. Angus pointed out that by relocating the pitch into the 30 year plan area and developing the pitch now increases the development land. 

Sandy Bingham was Mr Nairn if someone else could take over the lease - there was no specific commitment from him but he appeared not to be against this proposal.  He was also asked about the terms of the lease – he said he did not know.  Sandy Bingham stated that had received assurances from him that there had been no intention to build on that field.

A lively discussion ensued in which it was agreed that the village on the whole may want some development but feel there is too much proposed too quickly and Angus Meldrum pointed out that there had been little or no consultation within the village. Angus Meldrum wanted to keep all development  at the level of what suits the infrastructure of the village.

Alex Nairn said he was proposing mid market affordable housing and it would be managed by Elie Estate.  He said he would be happy to consider some form of community housing trust to raise the funds to buy the houses and run the housing. Lynda Rennie asked, if we had a charrette, would he consider delay planning until we had the results.  He said that he would like to find out more before he could give a response but he could see merit in that.

The secretary pointed out that a questionnaire had been drawn up and it was suggested that it be passed round the community.  Carol Birrell supported this and a vote was proposed. A show of 3 hands in favour mean that the motion failed. 

Alex Nairn said that the CC would be shown a copy of the plan prior to the next consultation event and the CC would provide a list of questions to be included in Elie Estates questionnaire.

He also agreed that the Community Council could have sight of all completed questionnaires.

He indicated that there would be a reduction in the size of the care home and movements of the retirement flats. Stewart Allison asked that any further questionnaire should not propose that this is ghost village and that the Elie Estates are rescuing the village.  It was therefore left that we would get more information prior to meeting on 17th May. It was decided to discuss the possibility of Charrette and Heather from the Community Council in Crail addressed the meeting on the progress of the one at Crail.  



Elizabeth Riches addressed the meeting on the emergency provisions which were under consideration .  There were four points of information required from CC:

1. A map of the area and main locations where there are potential problems

2. Two contacts who would be willing to give their details if there was an emergency, 

3. List of people who have resources which could be used to help.

4. Identification of a suitable refuge for emergencies. 

The Vice Chairman advised that we had already taken steps to establish provisions locally and he volunteered to exchange our information with this initiative. 



Grizelda Cowan had prepared a short leaflet to hand out to campervans owners.  On Sunday morning there were twenty campervans taking up most of car park.  The secretary explained that he had written to Fife Council on this subject.


CC Membership

Tthe secretary reminded the council that there was an election in October and we need to know who is going to want to stand.



There were divided opinions on the merits of calling another public meeting and it was decided that there would not be one for the time being.



Councillor Porteous raised the question of the total lack of bins being emptied during the holiday season throughout the East Neuk.  We should be writing to press asking them to attend to these overflowing bins.  Holidays, and not just Fife bank holidays are important times to keep the place clean and tidy.

Next meeting to be 4th June at sailing Club, 7.30



April 2018

 Minute of Meeting of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council held in Earlsferry Town Hall at 6 pm on Monday 9th April  2018

Present: J. Robertson (Chairman) G. Johnston ,  S. Bingham, L. Rennie, G. Cowan, and Councillors Porteous and Holt

Apologies: were received from. S. Blaney, A. Meldrum, and Councillor Docherty

The business of the meeting was somewhat truncated by the imminent debate on the second homes and development issues but there were six members of the public who anticipated the evening’s later debate.

Minutes of the previous meeting. Will be dealt with at next one.

 Matters arising from the Minutes:

a/  Second Homes Debate: The secretary outlined the suggested format for this evening’s meeting.

 Questions from the public

The secretary advised that he had received two representations from the public about the speed of cars going up park place.  It was agreed that the main focus of the May meeting would be road traffic matters and that the police be invited.  The removal of the climbing frame at Woodside was noted and Councillor Porteous was able to advise that he had been told that in due course when funds permit it would be replaced but we were advised not to hold our breath for too long.

The recent again rescue from the chain walk was discussed and the question as to whether the Community Council should publish a leaflet about the safety aspect was considered by the council but it was felt that this was a matter which Fife Council should respond to and Councillor Holt said she would look at this.

It was advised that the recent vandalism at the graveyard had been reported to the police but as yet the secretary had not had an acknowledgement about the loss of the table and chairs belonging to the community.  He was instructed to chase up the inquiry and also to advise Fife council that since the loss was on their watch they should be responsible for the losses.

The secretary advised that he had received notification of a claim from a gentleman who had tripped over one of the planters.  He had passed it to Fife Council with the comment that he thought that had happened when the lighting was being replaced and thus the street was in darkness.

He explained that he had discovered that the proponents of the phone mast had appealed to the Scottish government and he had been advised of the reporter’s designation. He had then written an email setting out the council’s views about this but had received a response that he had been too late.

The secretary observed that the sign at Cadgers Wynd had at long last been put up and he thanked those who had agitated enough for it.

On the subject of the goal posts it was noted that the land on which the football pitch was situated had apparently been handed back to Elie Estates and despite indications to the contrary it seemed on the outline plans to be the subject of buildings rather than recreation.


Chairmans Report  Postponed to next meeting.

 Councillors Reports – Councillor Porteous advised that the Fife Fire brigade was re-inventing itself  as a more flexible rescue service.   He also advised that there were moves a foot to reduce the number of administrators relating to the education department but it was not clear how this might or might not impact the school.

Projects - postponed

Secretary report – done

Treasurers – none


AOCB  included in above.


In order of most recent

Minute of Meeting of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council held in Elie Sailing Club at 7.30 pm on Monday 5th March  2018

Present: J. Robertson (Chairman) G. Johnston ,  S. Bingham, G. Dickson, L. Rennie, G. Cowan, and Councillors Docherty and Holt

Apologies: were received from. S. Blaney, A. Meldrum, C. Birrell and Councillor Porteous

At the outset of the meeting Graeme Dickson intimated that as a result of a potential conflict of interest he would regretfully have to resign from the Council.  The Chairman expressed regret at this decision and thanked him for all his work whilst a member.

Minutes of the previous meeting. The minutes were accepted proposed by G. Cowan (as she came through the door)  and seconded by S. Bingham

Matters arising from the Minutes:

a/  Second Homes Debate: Lynda Rennie read a note she had received relative to the article in the Herald. The thrust of the note was that the infrastructure of the village was stretched already in the summer and it was difficult to see how this could be stretched even further with the advent of so many new homes whether they were full time residents on not.  There was another plan involving sponsoring young families with children but the writer was not sure how this operated or was funded.  There was a real danger that an increase in any homes and consequently residents or visitors will damage the village.  We need better understanding and needs to be addressed. Discussion then ensued. There was a possibility of a plebiscite that could be sought on the opinion of the community as to whether new homes should have a rider that they should not be sold other than to full time residents. There is a planning application on the table which will increase the permanent population in the villages.  Is that going to make much difference to the village?   It was thought that the infrastructure would have to be expanded and that it would be addressed by the planners and we would need addressing water pressure and sewage issues.  It was accepted that these were matters which would have to be addressed and not ones which need concern the community.    The chairman wondered if we were hypothesising.  We could as consultees could seek to have a part in the planners’ decisions.    Councillor Holt indicated that the second homes problem was part of the manifesto of the coalition between labour and SNP in the council and whilst it was on the to do list it was very low down and unlikely to be taken up by the council.  It was felt that these matters could be raised at the public meeting.    They were looking at doing things with Rates and the officers said they were doing that.  It was thought that one or two senior official should be invited to the meeting.   Councillor Holt undertook to find some officials to identify officers who might know about this.   It was agreed after discussion that the Secretary would prepare a presentation of what he thought the position to be which would be looked at by the council prior to the meeting. The secretary referred to various newspapers articles about the second homes debate including the St Ives plebiscite which directed the planners not to allow planning applications for new houses other than with a requirement that they contain a prohibition on being sold as second or holiday homes. Any plebiscite would need to be run through Fife Council. It was thought that the developers were going to get planning permission anyway and that any objection is unlikely to stop it but the community could try to impose conditions on the application.   At the public meeting the secretary will give a background briefing about the situation and put forward certain possibilities.   It was agreed that the flyer which the secretary prepared subject to variations school be delivered to as many houses in the villages as possible. We wanted the three councillors to be present and some officials from the council.   White boards or flip charts will be needed writing up things as we go along.    How do we record what was going on - we could say in advance that we were recording the things.  Or a video camera recording the proceedings and we have a record of it.  There will a council meeting at 6 pm. on that day.

Earlsferry town hall Lynda Rennie gave an update - 60 attended the presentation and the consultant is presently collating the sheets and what people had thought. Insurance cover is being researched and it had a workshop that Graham Meacher took in the Pav. The strength and balance class is starting March.  The table and chairs – Fife Council are clear that they had not moved them but the secretary had reported to the police and if here was an insurance claim we would be to get Fife Council to do it. Councillor Docherty had managed to get the team manager involved  and that was being investigated.

Camper vans – the secretary advised that he had written to the chief Executive. In S. Blaney’s absence it was continued.  Dumping of the chemical loos in the current toilets.  FCCT had been alerted to this and were going to put up a sign.

VIPER the chairman reflected on the spell of weather showed the need for some better organisation.  The rallying round by the community had been excellent but it needed better co ordination and management. The feeling was that there was more the council could and should have done. It was agreed to  ask the VIPER people to firm up the agenda and work out a more practical solution.

Goalposts seem to have been lost

Yofrogs application to open fish and chip van at ruby bay.  The secretary had written to the committee in general terms worried about over provision etc. and there had been a croaking  exchange with yofrog which along with the secretary’s letter had been inconclusive.

Earlsferry Toilets still no response from Fife Council about the encroachment in the garden area. The secretary mentioned that the toilet block at the harbour were in a very bad state of repair and there was an argument going on with Fife Council and Harbour Trust.  He spoke to David Patullo and suggested that CARAT or other likewise funding might enable the harbour to buy and run it.

Questions from the public Shona had emailed about three things – bins that have seagull proof flaps. She wanted to reinstate the fountain for drinking water this was thought to be impossible standing current drinking water rules. And of the question of plastic strays which she was persuading villagers to refuse to accept.    Beach clean was another possibility to organise a beach clean. The Post Office is travelling now but only for an hour a week which may not be enough but we will see.  G Cowan asked about management of facebook page - we were not replying to visitor’s posts.   We agreed that we would be  more diligent. Grizelda was asked to monitor the facebook page.  Secretary would send the website page to Grizelda for her thoughts. The piece of ground at Earlsneuk - trees have all been removed and this is a conservation area and should have had permission to remove these trees. The council have a tree officer and Councillor Docherty indicated he would find out what the tree man’s name was.


Chairmans Report He had nothing to report but would fix the agm of East Neuk forum.

Councillors Reports – Fife Council budget had made available some money to fix unadopted roads which are in a poor state.

Projects - silence

Secretary report – cough

Treasurers – non

Planning Fife council have decided that Elie Estates do not need an environmental assessment and the PANS had been granted subject to increased consultation and we are trying to find out what it means. 15th March 230 – 730 and 19th April were the scheduled consultations by Elie Estates.

AOCB There being, for once, none the chairman speedily brought down his chopper at 1 hour 34 minutes and 30 secs.  A whoop of joy went up.

Minute of Meeting of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council held in Elie Sailing Club at 7.30 pm on Monday 5th February 2018

Present: J. Robertson (Chairman) C. Birrell G. Johnston ,  S. Bingham, G. Dickson, and Councillors Docherty and Porteous – Constable Lee Robb

Apologies: were received from L. Rennie. S. Blaney, G. Cowan, A. Meldrum, and Councillor Holt

Minutes of the previous meeting. The Secretary moved an   amendment to the minute in the last paragraph there of the word “Bonk” should be “Bang” as if it made much difference.  That amendment having been approved the minutes were accepted proposed by C. Birrell and seconded by S. Bingham

The Chairman welcomed Lee Robb a new community policemen for the area and expressed gratitude for his attendance.

Matters arising from the Minutes:

a/  Second Homes  The secretary had sent to the members various intimations from Fife Council and explained that the rates position was now clarified.  Fife Council had proposed to remove the 10% deduction for second homes in 2018/2019. We had also been uncertain about incorporation of businesses for letting the property and claiming deduction on business rates.  The Scottish Government is addressing that issue and it is possible that there will be amending legislation.   C Birrell had actually done a survey of the properties in the villages and so far as she had been able to ascertain from diligent enquiries   had reached the conclusion that in Elie there were 607 residential units with 224 of them with full time residents.  This is 31%.  In Earlsferry there were 225 houses with 40 permanently occupied making a rate of 17%.  G. Dickson had made inquiries and found out that there were 86 commercial premises in Elie of which 39 are classified as self catering which presumably meant that they were let out properties and in Earlsferry there were 33 commercial premises of which 29 were classified as self catering. Elie Estates have started the planning process and has fixed two meetings 15th March and 19th April and it is suggested that we have a public meeting between the two.  The Secretary was volunteered to prepare the paper for discussion at the public meeting.   Alex Nairn had emailed the secretary and inter alia had shown a concern about the suggestion that the public meeting might seek to have the planners impose a condition that the new build properties should be owner occupied.  He explained that with that restriction it would be unlikely that he could get a developer interested in his schemes.  On the other hand if his developments were to increase the residential stock by 88 units as he suggests there would if the same percentage was reflected on them as presently stands be an increase in the permanent population in the villages although nothing like as would have been if they were only owner occupied. He was also talking about retirement housing, a retirement carehome and that will increase the resident population but that ought to increase the amount of business through the shops and increase the  employment possibilities.  It was agreed that there should be a public meeting and that since the next official meeting of the Community Council was likely to be 2nd April which is Easter monday it might be an idea to postpone the normal meeting of the council for 9th April and that use that date also as a public meeting on the whole subject.  It was agreed that it would be in Earlsferry Town Hall.   It was agreed that the council should meet say at 6 pm and the public meeting at 7 or 715.  Discussion would be on rental and second homes and the economic viability of the villages.  It was noted en passant that the school role had fallen to 27 and there was a likelihood that it would reduce again with resulting consolidation of the school.    In the meantime C Birrell pointed out that the old council table and chairs had not yet been found.  These items were common good assets and therefore Fife Council could not dispose of them without the consent. It was likely that it was bought at the time of the amalgamation of the town councils on 1929 or earlier.    Councillor Docherty was asked to investigate and see if he was able to find out. 

Earlsferry town hall Lynda Rennie had sent round a document with  the current position.  It was a comprehensive summation of the current position.    The secretary mentioned that the renewal of the insurance suggested that there might require to be cover for supervising children – he had answered no to that question but it may be that if they are having a kids club and children they would need insurance and to get that there would require to be vetting and disclosure and it was remitted to Lynda to advise whether there was insurance or whether separate insurance was required.  

Camper vans – the secretary advised that he had written to the chief Executive and was awaiting a reply.

Flags – it was advised that we now had our own flag and it was test flown.  Complaints that it looked like a dish cloth were shrugged off on the basis that the complainer probably had never seen a dishcloth in his life.  Most of the comments had been positive and the question is what is our flying regime.  We agreed that it should be flown for Easter week and the week after Easter Monday and the scarecrow weekend. Thereafter  during the summer say from when the schools break up until the end of august except when there is another occasion which requires to be celebrated by flying of union Jack or saltire.

Viper we had received a letter from Scottish Fire and Rescue community asset register which started off appropriately “I hope you are well”..seeking to find out if we had any information to share with their community assets register. It was agreed that this fell neatly within the competence of S. Blaney and the Chairman who were invited to respond that inter alia we were fine thank you.

Goal posts  Councillor Porteous referred to an email that the council could not put up goal posts since they did not have ownership of the site. It was pointed out that they had renegotiated the lease with Elie Estates.   We should continue to chase them about this but that if there was an impasse we would possibly erect them ourselves and ask the community to  fund.

Common good fund – the secretary mentioned that he had checked the common good fund. It would seem that we had an income per annum of slightly over £3000 and that this interest could be accommodated as being available for various things.  We still have money earmarked for the environmental action group.  We should consider the possibility of spending this on a year by year basis.  We have not drawn that money yet although we had received the account for the James Braid memorial signs.  In fact the signs cost 266.11 and we had received donations of 150 leaving a balance of  £110 which should have come from the common good fund but that when the EAG eventually purchase the things they were going to do the secretary would apply for that balance from the common good fund.

Questions from the Public

Police officer Lee Robb then addressed the council and advised on the fairly quiet matters for the locality.

The secretary had received an email from Bill Milroy and he was concerned about traffic coming haring down Park Place and he had advised him relative to the speed monitoring equipment.

The new traffic lights being put in suggested that if they detected someone going too fast they changed to red.  Councillor Porteous would inquire.

Chairman’s report

He drew attention to the relative demise of the East Neuk forum which seems to be riding off into the sunset.  Poor turn out at meetings. It has got to the stage at the agm in march there will be a discussion whether it was worthwhile continuing the format or  not.

Councillors report – Councillor Porteous said he had met with the education department of Fife council and expressed the concern about the school – she had explained that there was strong mood to retain St Monans and Elie School and the sharing of headmistresses kept that issue prominent. A mentor for the probationary teacher was important.

Councillor Docherty had been approached about the Flexibus system in some areas not going to get the customers and he wondered if there was any knowledge about this in this area.  There had been nothing more heard relating to the area of ground behind the old toilet – we would inquire. Secretary has written to Chris Moodie

Projects  S.Bingham was invited to look after the two tubs on the circle of ground in Wadeslea.  Not sure if she took them on….but wondered of she could do what she liked with them….apart from a stifled laugh none gave her answer.



Planning: The secretary reported that there had been four applications lodged with the planners relative to the scheme by Elie Estates. Two were requests for exemption from Environmental Impact Studies and the other two were Proposal Application Notices.  The former are expected to be decided that no EIS are required and the latter two are merely a heads up that there is this major planning coming along and the applications set out their proposals for publicity.  There is a bit more detail of the plan for Wadeslea suggesting that in addition to the housing provision there may be car parking, open space and also includes small business units, a care home and community space including retail space. It seems to include the recreation park but this is probably because there would be an environmental impact on that area.  But apparently there are now a lot of corn bunting(s) here now and the chairman suggested we hunted for crested newts.


Email from Jordan Black indicating he had in mind to increase his yofrog van and he had a 1966 Citroen  van converted into a fish and frites van and he was looking to attend also at Ruby Bay.  There was discussion about this and as to whether this might impact on the other businesses in the village.  It was felt that there might be an impact so the secretary was invited to write a letter to the committee and suggest that there might be over provision. The gavel clattered at 1 hour 42 mins and 15 secs.  A trifling 1 minute later than the previous month and before a vote of thanks could be proposed to the chairman.



Minute of Meeting of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council held in Elie Sailing Club at 7.30 pm on Monday 8th January 2018

Present: J. Robertson (Chairman) C. Birrell S. Blaney, G. Johnston ,  S. Bingham, G. Cowan, G. Dickson, L. Rennie. and Councillor Porteous -

At the outset of the meeting the chairman wished it to be recorded the huge debt of gratitude and respect the Community Council and Community had for the late Sandy Sneddon.  He had served the Community Council as Secretary and for many years an office bearer of the Church. The Council sent their condolences to his widow and family.

Apologies: were received from A. Meldrum, Councillor Docherty and Councillor Holt

Minutes of the previous meeting. The Secretary moved an   amendment to the minute relating to Cycle Paths to make it clear that Elizabeth Riches was not a current councillor.  It was suggested that the minute should read “Elizabeth Riches” which was agreed and en passant the Chairman wished it to be recorded that she had received a most well deserved honour in the New Years honours list and the Council were invited to send her congratulations. The  adoption of the minute was proposed by S. Blaney and L. Rennie.

Matters arising from the Minutes:

a/  Cycle Path –The Secretary advised that he had made contact with Duncan Leith who was a keen cyclist and had discussed the suggestion of a cycle pathway.  He was enthusiastic and we agreed he would try to make contact with other interested “pedalistas” and see if they could form a group to progress the matter further. 

b/ Second Homes the secretary outlined his idea for a public meeting for the purpose of discussing the community reaction to second and rental homes.  We should put some propositions to the assembly and then have a debate with politicians and any other speakers.   It was noted that Alex Nairn had sought to have public meetings in March this year about his proposals.   It was the general view that this was a matter for our community, local government, Scottish government and the UK government but that it would be of benefit to ascertain so far as we could the attitude of residents to say the possibility of all new build homes having a restriction on them that they could not be sold as empty second homes or let out to the holiday market.          It was agreed that there should be a community wide debate about this.  Does the village want more houses for holiday houses ? Is there a feeling that something should be done about limiting the number of homes being used as rental or  holiday homes ? We should decide upon say four basic principles which might be controversial and then put them out for discussion and a public meeting.  In order to provide a foundation of the debate we would get authoritative information  as to what the exact positon was in relation to second homes and rented home.  We should make inquiries from Fife council about their policy and the practicalities of second homes.  The secretary was invited to make inquiries to ascertain the exact position and G. Cowan said she would speak to her brother who let out his house and what his situation was.  The council would be presented with a short paper with the full facts as known before the community council. They would report back at the next meeting and a date would be fixed once it is known when Alex Nairn‘s  meetings were and to draw up a set of questions or propositions that could be put to a public meeting. Councillor Porteous indicated that he was going to a meeting in Crail the next day to discuss the future generally of the Burgh.  He would advise of the outcome in due course but wondered if the remit to the community should be wider than simply second/rental homes.


c/ Mast the Secretary reported Fife council had turned down the application for the mast on the Baird course.  He read a letter from the council as to the grounds which seem to be on visual amenity.  He advised that Fife Planning department had made no attempt to consult the community council.   He advised that the promoters had indicated an intention to appeal.  He stated that he did not understand this because the letter from Fife council indicated that “Planning permission was required.”  He therefore assumed that if a planning application was made for the specific proposal it would be dealt with in the normal way in which case we could show our approval.   Councillor Porteous said he would try to find out what the position was and in the meantime the secretary would contact Galliford Try to find out the position.

d/ Earlsferry town hall    The steering group will know after 15th January if funding from three sources, Architectural Heritage, Scottish Land Fund and Fife Council has been granted for the feasibility study and Technical report on the Town Hall.  Regular activities have continued in the hall - Line Dancing and Kids Club.  Short tennis is starting on 12th January.  A coffee morning is planned for a Saturday early in February and the date will be posted in the village and on the facebook page.  This will the opportunity to inform everyone of future plans for the hall.  C. Birrell mentioned that the council meeting table and chairs seems to have disappeared from the town hall and wondered if anyone knew what had happened to them since they were part of the common good.  L.Rennie was asked to try to make contact with fife council to find out what may have happened to these items which belonged to the community.  It was noted that previously fife council had lost the expensive curtains and the town hall weather vane.    

e/ Camper Vans The secretary was instructed to send the draft letter previously circulated to the chief executive.  G. Dickson pointed out that there had been a decision at the last meeting and we were bound by that it was too late to come back from that decision.

f/Flags – the secretary advised that he had ordered the flag and was awaiting a response.

g/VIPER –anyone else who could contribute especially on medical knowledge would be helpful.

h/Goal posts – Councillor Porteous contact has not managed to find them but he knew someone who might find them  - Councillor Porteous was on the case.

Primary School - Councillor Porteous indicated he was meeting the headmistress and was going to raise the concerns at the last meeting.

 Questions from the public

G. Cowan pointed out that there had been a number of messages on facebook which had not been answered.  The secretary confessed he had difficulty in responding to facebook messages.  G. Cowan was worried that any responses she would make would be outwith the policy of the council.  The secretary pointed out that if it was an opinion that was sought rather than a specific uncontroversial answer we would simply reply to them just to give necessary information.

Shona Jones  had made an inquiry about the problems of emerging in Wadeslea beside the surgery – it was agreed that she should contact Councillor Porteous by email.

Chairman’s Report said he had gone home


Councillors Reports – Grit bins – did we have any – scratching heads we will keep eyes open. Bank branch survey had been noted as was the difficulty in wee people using the new cash line or in  a wheel chair is inaccessible. It was shut for a period because of a software glitch……someone asked what that was since it could be pumping out money free >>>>>The East Neuk Directory that S. Blaney produced  would be available on line.

Projects – none

Secretary Report said nothing

Treasurer on piste

Planning deviated to potholes street lights and general moans about the state of a road……….

AOCB The portacabin is thought to be permanent in High Street until Deli re opens.    It was announced by the Chairman that he thought Fife Council were received money for the positioning of this portacabin to compensate the community for the inconvenience…..it was noted that none in the community had benefitted from this in convenience.   Bonk ! (amended to Bang) the gavel came down at 1 hour 41 mins and a handful of seconds…..we are not getting quicker but we only managed 3 minutes more than December = maybe that’s progress ?!



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