Minutes of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council AGM held on 5th November 2024 at Earlsferry Town Hall
Present: Angela Anderson, Carol Birrell, Kirsty Barclay, Grizelda Cowan, Cath McIntosh, Alison Christian and Nicky Nicholson.
Apologies None
Minutes from 2023 AGM proposed by Carol, seconded by Cath
Local Place Plan + Community Action Plan
This has been a productive year. Progress has been made in relation to obtaining a Traffic Review site visit by Fife Council. A meeting with members of Fife Council Transport Team took place in June 2024 in Elie to discuss the transport issues which the Council has been concerned about. These were discussed and an action plan agreed. The actions are included in the Local Place Plan + Community Action Plan which can be viewed on the Community Council’s website. The Local Place Plan has been submitted to Fife Council for validation.
Historic Core of Elie and Earlsferry Villages
Listed buildings and conservation areas are so designated for a reason and here in Northeast Fife, the beauty of seeing centuries of architecture, conjoined higgledy-piggledy with each other, in our narrow wynds is what tourists flock here in their thousands to enjoy.
In keeping with the National Spatial Strategy, we are seeking to protect and enhance our historic environment and safeguard our shared heritage for future generations. The Local Place Plan therefore advises that attention to detail of local architectural styles and natural landscapes requires to be interpretated into designs to reinforce identity. That should include choices of materials and finishes, detailing, landscape design, active frontages and cultural context and the Local Place Plan requests Fife Council planners to take the guidance into consideration when deciding on new planning applications.
Community First Responders
With concerns over the lack in the area of Community First Responders (CFR) who are able to attend critical and life-threatening incidents, a Participation Request was submitted to the Scottish Ambulance Service (SAS) to discuss and negotiate the provision of training in the local area. Community First Responders can provide lifesaving treatment which it is impossible for the Scottish Ambulance Service to provide in any other way due to our location. The quickest ambulance to the East Neuk is 14 minutes but it can take as long as 30 minutes. It is well documented and evidenced that every minute delay leads to a 10% reduction in the chance of survival.
Volunteers in the East Neuk First Responders group who want to take part in the CFR work must undergo SAS training. Over the last 14 years, local training has been provided by the SAS for the East Neuk Community First Responder volunteers and this has been highly successful in equipping the volunteers with the requisite knowledge and skills. However, the SAS training is now being centralised at Newbridge, a 3 hour round trip, which the vast majority of the local volunteers find unfeasible.
The provision of training outwith the area, discriminates against the exact type of diverse group of local volunteers the East Neuk First Responders need to attract for this type of work. The parents of young/school age children, those who are self-employed or have micro businesses, those who work in the care sector/healthcare professionals and others who could be valuable long-term volunteers, find 2 full weekends travelling a 3 hour round trip each day impractical and unworkable.
The response from the SAS was positive and immediate. A meeting has now been arranged between the Scottish Ambulance Service, local Community First Responders, other key stakeholders and a representative of the community council to take forward an Outcome Improvement Process.
Elmwood College
A further Participation Request was also submitted by the Community Council to the Scottish Rural College (SRUC) to discuss the future of Elmwood College which many local students attend. The council wishes to become involved in the decision-making process. The Scottish Rural College has shut down the main building and student accommodation at Elmwood College in Cupar and we believe it is seeking to sell off the land the main building sits on to a housing developer in order to reduce the Scottish Rural College’s overall debt generated by its activities and projects throughout Scotland. Our concerns centre around the quality and level of education to be offered to local students on this reduced footprint. We therefore wish to be involved in discussions and decisions over the SRUC’s proposed surgical cuts and selling of the local assets and land at Elmwood College in Cupar and to look at alternative options. The Scottish Rural College also wished to sell off the Golf Course but fortunately this has now been removed from the market and the staff have been offered their jobs back. After many months of negotiation, a meeting is now being arranged to discuss with the Scottish Rural College, an Outcome Improvement Process for Elmwood College.
Ruby Bay
Parking at Ruby Bay has continued to be an issue. However, Fife Coast and Countryside Trust (FCCT) has now, following discussions with local stakeholders, decided to extend the upper carpark at Ruby Bay and tarmac the surface, enabling designated parking bays to be laid out. This will ensure that vehicles such as motorhomes can park a safe distance apart.
The toilet facilities are to be moved onto Fife Council land. The lower carpark is no longer to be used and managed by FCCT for parking. Responsibility for the area, which was previously designated the lower carpark, will now revert back to the local landowner.
Elie Parish Church
It has now been confirmed by Fife Presbytery that the Church of Scotland will be disposing of Elie Parish Church building. As the church is a historic B listed building in the heart of the village, members of the community have set up a steering group, the Elie Community Church Group. The aim of the group is to investigate whether it is feasible for the community to take ownership of the church. Whilst various community led business structures and funding streams are being explored, the Community Council has offered the church steering group £600 in support of their efforts.
Woodside Playpark
New equipment is to be installed at Woodside Playpark with green space left at the top of the park for playing and picnics. Funding is being made available from the Common Good Fund and from the Scottish Government.
King’s Portrait
A copy of the King’s portrait has been obtained by the Council and offered to Earlsferry Townhall to display.
Elie and Earlsferry Action Group
Thanks should be expressed to the Elie and Earlsferry Action Group (usually shortened to the EAG) for all the work its members have put in.
Examples of achievements include:
Toll Green
· Fencing and posts around the Toll Green have been repaired and painted white, which looks really good and has lifted the entire area.
· New wheelchair accessible gates have been installed at the main centre access points and painted white to match the fencing.
· The paving slabs connecting the centre gates have been re-laid and levelled-off to improve accessibility and reduce trip hazards.
· The wooden gate access next to the bus shelter has been repaired.
· The fencing along the west end of TG (next to the ‘phone box) has been replaced and edging added to retain soil and stone chips.
· Tree pruning has started and FC are doing in 2 phases to comply with seasonal window.
· Replacement visitor information boards installed, one covering Elie the other Earlsferry along with a pair of signs commemorating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
Other areas
· Lights installed at the War Memorial (tinted poppy red for Remembrance period).
· Replacement gates installed at EPS/substation access lane to 9-hole golf course.
· Replacement railings installed at Hyde Park.
· Replacement of Victorian lamps at Elie Church gates following storm damage.
· Repair/refurb of Victorian Water Pump – aspiration for full restoration.
· Name signs for Archbald & Hyde Parks purchased and installed.
· New community noticeboard procured and erected on Elie High Street.
· Anti dog-fouling notices placed in key areas.
· New picnic tables installed on Toll Green, Woodside Playpark and Archbald Park, including some suitable for wheelchair users.
· Paving slabs laid under all picnic tables and planters to reduce erosion.
Infrastructure repairs spreadsheet
A spreadsheet containing information on required repairs to broken or missing road signs, damaged pavements etc. has been created and is regularly updated. Fife Council is notified of all new repairs required and any old repairs which have not yet been dealt with and which we feel require to be urgently addressed. These include the damaged steps at Boat Wynd and the broken panes of glass/acrylic at the bus stop by the entrance to Elie House driveway.
New members
We welcomed two new members who have been co-opted on to the Community Council, Nicky Nicholson and Alison Christian.
Treasurer’s Report
Last Bank Statement 27.06.2024 - balance £14,261.85
Breakdown: Play Park fund = £10975.17
Council = £3286.68
We have given £600 to Elie Church Fund Leaving £2686.68 on 29.09.2024
Angela Anderson
Chair: Elie & Earlsferry Community Council
Minutes of Meeting of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council held on 5th November 2024, Earlsferry Town Hall
Present: Angela Anderson, Carol Birrell, Kirsty Barclay, Grizelda Cowan, Cath McIntosh, Alison Christian and Nicky Nicholson.
Apologies None
August minutes: Proposed by Kirsty and seconded by George
New declarations of interest: None
Questions from Public
The meeting welcomed Jane Frazer who had two questions:
1.Could we have bio bins in Elie as in other villages? Angela agreed to request from FC.
2.Could we have more Christmas street decorations as in other towns/villages? It was explained that it would be unlikely that FC would be prepared to fund.
The Christmas Tree and lights will be put up on Toll Green by Fayre Day Committee as usual and Angela agreed to request that the rest of the trees be pollarded before then.
Thanks were expressed by Lawarence Parry with regard to objections the CC had submitted to FC regarding his planning application for extension to his house at Wadeslea. He explained that they all made sense and had helped to revise a more acceptable plan to which there has been no opposition. A happy outcome for all!
New Co-opted members of E&ECC
The meeting welcomed newly co-opted members Nicky Nicholson and Alison Christian.
Elmwood College
Update can be read in the AGM minutes.
Problems facing East Fife Community First Responders
Update can be read in the AGM minutes.
Toll Green Flagpole
The meeting welcomed Neil Grieve who updated us on the poor state of the flagpole. Due to its state of disrepair, it can no longer be in operation. Angela to contact FC to ask for it to be lowered and for a decision to be made as to its future.
Local Place Plan
It has been noted that planners are no longer adhering to their own rules when approving planning applications within the villages. The CC is particularly concerned about plans approved for Seaforth, Links Place 24/01731/FULL
It is understood the FC is to meet to discuss all criticisms but that this will not be an open meeting. Angela agreed to write, once again, to FC Planning Department to request explanations.
Particular concern was again expressed about the state of the access to the beach at Boat Wynd. Despite repeated requests, this has not been attended to and is now very dangerous.
There is a build up of contaminated sand at the Toft. Angela agreed to contact Robbie Blyth of FCCT requesting its removal.
The CC is delighted to note that, at long last, FC Roads Department have put white lines at the bottom of School Wynd to encourage drivers to take care when turning right or left.
Following our request we are also glad to see signs before the narrow bridge close to the entrance to the Holiday Park warning drivers to be ‘aware of on coming traffic in the middle of the road’.
Treasurer’s report
Full details can be read in AGM minutes. Cath informed the meeting that FC grant of £488.39 has been received.
Play Park
Installation of new play park is scheduled by April 2025. We wait in anticipation.
Elie Parish Church- via email from Church Group
In September we held the Doors Open day and had around 110 people visit the church on the day. The open day gave people the opportunity to see how the church space could be repurposed and to ask questions. We received lots of positive comments and feedback from those who came along to the open day. Based on this we moved ahead with plans to form a Community Benefit Society (CBS) which would allow us to progress with a feasibility study and apply for funding to help support the feasibility study. We are working with The Plunkett Foundation who are supporting us in setting up the CBS and have a further meeting with them later this month to progress this. We have also been learning from other groups who have been through similar acquisitions and recently attended a meeting held by the National Churches Trust - Building Sustainable Futures for Scottish Churches which was held at Paisley Abbey on 1 November where case studies were shared. The group is currently working to obtain quotes for the necessary tasks required for the feasibility study which include an independent valuation, a condition survey by a building surveyor, a high level business plan and an architect to support with proposed plans.
We have kept the Church of Scotland updated on the progress and made them aware that the community would be interested in taking ownership of the church when it is disposed of.
Our next working group meeting is on 22 November. We are always looking to add to our skill set in our working group so if you have any skills you think may be helpful or are passionate about helping keep the church space for the community then please reach out to us on eliekirkCE@outlook.com
Episcopal Church
The new minister, Revd David Gordon at St Michael’s Church, is looking for new activities that could take place in the Church. Jane Frazer suggested we forward to him details of the Veterans Chaplaincy for Scotland.
Remembrance Sunday
Lighting for the War Memorial is in place, Steve Blaney will be providing the music, the Craft Club has created a wonderful poppy display and ministers from both village churches will be attending.
Gateway Signs
Having received an estimate of £1800 to replace the gateway signs into the village Carol informed the meeting that she has asked James Dewar if he could repaint the two signs for a more acceptable cost.
Out of Hours Group, St Andrews Hospital
Following all the efforts of the group and the recent survey which has received more than 750 responses it looks as if the proposals to cut this service might be abandoned. Watch this space and, meanwhile, to complete this very simple survey go to - https://forms.gle/shxN2bPSQYGVFV1k9 -
Next meeting Tuesday 3rd December at 7.30, Earlsferry Town Hall.
Minutes of Meeting of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council held on 3rd September 2024, Earlsferry Town Hall
Present: Angela Anderson, Kirsty Barclay, Grizelda Cowan, Cath McIntosh, Carol Birrell, George Cowan and Cllr Alycia Hayes.
No apologies.
August minutes: Proposed by Carol Birrell and seconded by Cath McIntosh
New declarations of interest: None
Questions from Public
We have received an email from a regular visitor describing the chaos caused by congestion on the road from The Toft to the Harbour. Grizelda to reply explaining that we are aware of the problems and have repeatedly requested the removal of sand from the road and the re-instigation of double yellow lines, both actions would result in a wider road with no parked cars. We await action from FC Transportation Services. The CC is also to suggest to the Harbour Trust that they put up a sign at the top of Stenton Row advising ‘No Parking for Campervans’. Kirsty to action.
Councillors’ reports;
Cllr Alycia Hayes advised the meeting that FC has a change of policy regarding graveyards and will possibly be revoking some ’layer’ purchases.
New Co-opted members of E&ECC
Following a request inviting local residents to join the E&ECC we were delighted to receive offers from Nicky Nicholson and Alison Christian. We hope to be able to welcome them both at our next meeting.
Problems facing East Fife Community First Responders
A Participation Request and supporting paper ‘Keep it Local for better Health’ was submitted by Angela Johnston on behalf of Elie & Earlsferry Community Council to the Scottish Ambulance Service (SAS) and East Neuk First Responders Organisation on 8th August 2024. The proposal seeks to increase the number of Community First Responders available to provide care in the East Neuk of Fife, with training provided within the local community. Following this good progress is being made to find a way of providing local training for volunteers. The first meeting with key local participants and the SAS to discuss the Outcome Improvement Process is to take place at Anstruther on Thursday 24th October.
Elmwood College
The Elie and Earlsferry Community Council Participation Request group intends to liaise with the SRUC over a suitable date, time and content for the proposed workshop regarding Elmwood College. The workshop will form part of the Outcome Improvement Process for Elmwood College.
Ruby Bay Car Park
FC&CC has agreed that parking will be monitored more regularly and rigorously and that parking notices will be issued when necessary.
Planning Issues
Alistair Graham has agreed to check all new planning applications and advise the CC whenever he feels there is cause for concern.
FC has confirmed that the E&ECC is a Statutory Consultee for application on Glovers Wynd Ref 24/01944/FULL.
The E&ECC has submitted objections to both applications for Glovers Wynd and Seaforth, Links Place 24/01731/FULL
Grizelda’s spreadsheet of necessary repairs throughout both villages gets longer by the day. It was agreed that the most urgent ones should be prioritised and once again reported on the FC on-line system.
Concern was expressed about the safety of the junction at Balchristie where there had been a bad accident earlier in the week. It was agreed that Cllr Alycia Hayes should speak with the CC of Kilconquhar and Colinsburgh who might want to discuss with FC ways in which this junction could be made safer.
Pollarding of Trees on Toll Green
Following a request that FC should inform us of a proposed date to action this we were assured by Cllr Alycia Hayes that the work will be carried out by the end of the year. It was noted that the work done earlier in the year has been much appreciated and has made the whole area much more enjoyable.
King’s Portrait
Is now on display in Earlsferry Town Hall.
Church Group Update
We look forward to hearing results from the Open Day held at the Church on Saturday 7th September.
Anyone wishing to be involved with the group should email keith.dewhurst@nlb.org.uk
Treasurer’s report
The CC accounts have been signed off by Jack Perry and thanks were expressed accordingly. Cath informed the meeting that our bank balance stands at £14,261.85 of which £10,975.17 belongs to play park.
Common Good Fund
It was agreed that Angela should submit a Freedom of Information Request in order to discover details of the funds belonging to our area.
Window Box trophy
It was agreed that the Environmental Action Group should take over the running of this village competition.
Next meeting Tuesday 8th October at 7.30, Earlsferry Town Hall.
Minutes of Meeting of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council held on 6th August, Earlsferry Town Hall
Present: Angela Anderson, Kirsty Barclay, Grizelda Cowan, Cath McIntosh, Carol Birrell, George Cowan and Cllr Fiona Corps.
Also in attendance: Jeremy Harris (CEO) Fife Coast & Countryside Trust (FCCT), Robbie Blythe (FCCT), Alex Nairn (Elie Estates), Gillian Duncan (Community First Responders)
June Minutes: Proposed by Cath McIntosh and seconded by George Cowan
New declarations of interest: None
Ruby Bay Car Park
The meeting welcomed Robbie Blyth and Jeremy Harris from FCCT and Alex Nairn representing Elie Estate.
Robbie explained that there are plans to extend the upper car park and tarmacadam the whole area with clearly marked parking bays for both cars and campers. He acknowledged the difficulty FCCT has had in policing the parking of camper vans as they can arrive and leave at any time of the day and night. He informed us that several warning notices have been issued to vehicles infringing the regulations and that, in future, invoices will be given. FCCT is reluctant to bring in a third party to enforce the parking regulations and we were assured that FCCT will continue to police as much as they can. They will also endeavour to control inappropriate camping. It was agreed that parking on the seaside opposite the lower car park would be designated for blue badge holders only. It has been decided that FCCT will have no authority over the lower car park which is situated on land belonging to Elie Estate and Alex Nairn suggested that provision might be made for alternative facilities e.g. retail, food sales etc.
The meeting thanked Robbie, Jeremy and Alex for their input.
Coastal Path
It was acknowledged that, due to the bad storms late last year, there are two significantly damaged areas on the Coastal Path, one beside the Lady’s Tower and one beside Ardross and that, despite the erection of signs directing walkers to divert to the road, most are still walking round the coast. It was agreed that the beaches below are only impassable when there are very high tides; it was suggested that signage be put in place warning walkers who wish to take a route via the beaches should avoid these areas when tide is particularly high. Sadly, at present there is no funding to make reparations to the path.
Problems facing East Fife Responders
The meeting welcomed Fiona Corps and Gillian Duncan from East Neuk First Responders who updated the meeting on the problems they are facing regarding the lack of local training and the problem this is causing in terms of recruitment of new members. We leant just how valuable their service is and were appalled to hear how volunteer numbers have dropped considerably due to the lack of local training provision. It was agreed that the CC should submit a Participation Request to the Ambulance Service. Angela to action.
Local Place Plan
The final version has been sent out to all local councillors and community councils for approval and will be posted on our CC website once it is been formally approved. Meanwhile a draft version is available here - https://www.elieandearlsferrycc.org/index.asp?pageid=684694
As ever the CC welcomes any comments from both local residents and visitors.
King’s Portrait
Has been delivered and will be offered to Earlsferry Town Hall for display. Grizelda to action.
Church Group Update – provided by email
The ECG met in June to finalise the plans for the initial community engagement outreach and again in July to discuss the feedback received.
In July we posted the initial questionnaire through doors in Elie and Earlsferry and also posted on the Elie chat FB group to invite the local community to respond to a questionnaire asking for opinions on the future of Elie Church building. We also attended Elie Fayre Day to discuss people’s ideas and answer questions.
We were delighted to receive 171 responses. Of those, 3 did not want the church to be kept for the community, and 10 weren't too sure but the rest wanted to keep the building for the community.
The majority of positive responses said that they would like to have a cafe within the building, with many also wanting the church to be available for weddings and funerals. There was also interest in the space being used for exhibitions, music events and to share information on the history of the area.
On the basis of these results, the ECG are now collating information on the cost of buying the church and feasibility of taking this on as a community asset. We are also exploring which business model would best suit. We are hoping to be able to use the support from Plunkett to help with these initial steps.
We are now planning to have an open doors day in the church (aiming for September.
Anyone wishing to be involved with the group should email keith.dewhurst@nlb.org.uk
It was suggested that an application could be made to the Common Good Fund for the sum of £600 needed for the Plunkett application
Sport Club Update
The new padel courts have drawn a great deal of interest and have become very popular.
The issues surrounding the behaviour of a few individuals have caused some concern and as a result the club has engaged the services of a security company to patrol the club and surrounding area. This has helped enormously.
Elmwood College
A Participation Request has been submitted by Elie and EarlsFerry community Council to the Scottish Rural College. It is seeking to have the voices of the community heard in any and all discussions over the future of Elmwood College. Through an Outcome Improvement process, the Council is seeking to improve the educational outcomes for the students attending the college and seeking viable alternative uses for the site. To date, the SRUC has used a surgical cuts approach to close off the main building to the students with the intention of demolishing it, has transferred the Golf Course to another company and sold off the agricultural land. The Council is currently waiting a date and time to be supplied by the SRUC for the initial joint meeting/workshop, which would allow the Outcome Improvement Process to commence.
Infrastructure Repairs
It was noted, along with the many others already reported, that the following necessary repairs are particularly urgent:
The ‘cage’ at Boat Wynd is positively dangerous.
Sand on the road at the Toft by the dunes just after the Ship Inn must be moved.
The broken sign at the turning place at Chapel Green must be replaced.
The repainting of double yellow lines on following roads – Park Place; Elie High St and the road between Toll Green and Toll Green hall; Earlsferry High Street, the road up to Chapel Green and the turning circle at Chapel Green, Links Road, bottom of Ferry Road, Links Place, the road to Ruby Bay car park; Williamsburgh and Telford Wynd.
War Memorial Wreaths
We have been assured that, in future the wreaths will not be removed by FC and that they will be monitored by Alan Provan as before. Thanks were expressed to Alan for looking after the wreaths every year.
Treasurer’s report
Cath informed the meeting that bank balance stands at £13, 285.95 of which £10,975.17 belongs to play park.
Playpark Update – by email from Bridget Sneddon
We were pleased to get a figure from Alicia Hayes as to how much is in the common good fund as the application had been based on a rough figure we some time ago which was much higher and must have included the assets . On the basis of the proper figures given we are able to amend our application so that we are not seeking to deplete the entire pot.
The excellent news is that our other pending application to the Scottish government fund has been successful and so we have been awarded £50k to add to our total. This will be vouched in a document provided to us shortly and we can add this to our application for the common good fund as evidence . I need to provide up to date signed accounts so I emailed Cath treasurer last week to ask her kindly if she would provide these once again.
I had a great meeting last week with the grant administrator and another with Iain Wilson at Fife council playparks. We still have our original build slot for 24/25 . Our costings look to be in line with all the other playparks being built in North East Fife. Fife council are around six playparks behind with their builds so we don’t have a date but I will let everyone know as soon as we do.
Our application to the common good fund has been amended to £30k this if approved will take us over the line and allow us to be marked as fully funded. It will require to go to area committee. We would be very grateful to have the support of all community council members in our application.
Toll Green
We have requested that FC give us a date for pollarding of remainder of the trees on Toll Green and also put in a request the over large tree in the Church graveyard between church gates and war Memorial be attended to.
Police Report – by email from local community officers,
PC 0333 Robert Wallace and PC 0137 Rob Cook.
East Neuk and Landward Patrol Matrix - Elie/Earlsferry, Main Street, Harbour area, beach area, golf club and surrounding streets
Generally, we try to conduct these during the course of our shifts, both dayshift and backshift.
Community Speedwatch is a voluntary scheme driven by members of the community and is supported by Police Scotland (Fife Division). Essentially, it is a high visibility deterrent which strives to encourage motorists to reduce their speed, thus improving the safety and quality of lives of the local community.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please contact PC Doherty - standrewsCPT@scotland.police.uk .
Elie/Earlsferry - 17 calls to the police. 3 crimes recorded
Contact your local community team on our email address:
EAG Update provided by Graham Meacher
· The floral displays around the village are looking really good having come into full bloom and now looking their best. The purchase of more suitable plants to achieve this outcome has proved to be a good decision. The boats, done mainly by Jo Mendum and Keith Dewhurst, are worthy of special praise.
· Toll Green is also looking good and the planters at the bus stop are providing a fantastic display, thanks to Carol Birrell, who also regularly cleans the bus shelter.
· Weeding, litter-picking and general tidying continues to be done by members of the EAG, in particular George Cowan, who is one of our most regular litter-pickers.
· The annual fundraising effort has been started and the GoFundMe campaign is up and the link is: https://gofund.me/3c65cf03 . All donations gratefully received!
We asked Cllr Fiona Corps if a request could be made to replace the ‘Welcome to Elie and Earlsferry’ signs at all three entrances to the villages. It was agreed that signs similar to existing ones would be preferable – to be discussed further.
We have received a request from Boarhills and Dunino CC for our support in their campaign to restrict expansion of Kinkell Braes. While we sympathise with their situation the CC felt that it was not a campaign with which we should be involved.
It was agreed that a request be put on the E&ECC and E&E Chat Facebooks for applications for membership on the CC. At present we have six members and would welcome two more. Please speak to any CC member for more information or email our Chair, Angela - angela_as_anderson@btinternet.com
Next meeting Tuesday 3rd September at 7.30, Earlsferry Town Hall.
Minutes of Meeting of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council held on 4th June, Earlsferry Town Hall
Present: Angela Anderson, Kirsty Barclay, Grizelda Cowan, Cath McIntosh, Carol Birrell, George Cowan and Cllr Alycia Hayes
Apologies. Councillors Fiona Corps and Sean Dillon
New declarations of interest: None
May minutes: proposed by Carol, seconded by Cath
Planning Issues
The meeting welcomed Alistair Graham who highlighted some recurring planning issues. He expressed concern over the following:
- number of extensions that have been approved but for which there is no increased parking provision;
- newly approved planning applications when the sewage provision in our villages is already inadequate;
- the size of proposed dorma windows in at least one extension;
His document, in full, will be made public as soon as it has been submitted to the Planning Department at FC.
Transport Issues
The broken sign at the top of Stenton Row has been once again reported and this has been acknowledged by Fife Council
It is understood that the FC Transport Team will be coming to meet with us on 12th June at which will be discussed the several issues that have been repeatedly highlighted to FC. *
Jim Robertson’s Memorial Bench on Toll Green
The bench is to be formally unveiled on Friday 14th June, followed by tea/coffee in Toll Green Hall. Thanks to Carol for arranging and to Steve Blaney and Graham Johnston for agreeing to say a few words. **
King’s Portrait
An application has been submitted and we expect delivery of the portrait in the near future. Decision on where it is to be displayed is still to be made. ***
Elmwood College
We should know by 6th June if our participation request has been accepted. This date also marks the end of the consultation period.
War Memorial Wreaths
It was noted by a member of the public the wreaths had been removed from the War Memorial. It is understood that this is because they had become a bit tatty and that wreaths were being removed from all other War Memorials in Fife.
Common Good Fund
It is understood that a meeting between various other community councils is taking place this very evening. As a result of the time no one from E&ECC was able to attend but we look forward to hearing the outcome of the meeting. See May’s minutes for more information re concerns over FC’s handling of all the Common Good funds.
Playpark Update
Cath has separated the Playpark Funds from those of the CC amounting to £10,975. More funding applications are in hand and it is expected that a new playpark should be installed by 2025.
It is understood that some local residents have expressed concern over possibility of disturbance once the new equipment is in place. This concern has been passed on to the Play Park Group and it is hoped that effective community policing will address this potential problem.
Beach Group
Refused permission from ad advertising company to erect large banners advertising sun glasses.
Ruby Pay Car park
There appears to have been confusion over who is to benefit from the parking dues. It is understood that Elie Estate is entitled to a share of the takings and it is believed that this oversight is to be rectified.
Police Report
Road Traffic Matters – Road Safety
During course of patrol in the East Neuk, PC’s Wallace and Cook traced a vehicle in the St Monans area being driven without a valid insurance policy. As a result, the driver’s vehicle was seized and they were issued with a £300 fine and had 6 points endorsed on their license.
PC’s Cook and Wallace have also carried out a number of speed checks throughout the month resulting in a total of 16 drivers being warned for excessive speed reminding motorists of the requirement to adhere to the speed limits #reduceyourspeed.
Community Speedwatch
Community Speedwatch is a voluntary scheme driven by members of the community and is supported by Police Scotland (Fife Division) and Fife Community Safety Partnership.
At present we have 14 volunteers across NEF with a further 5 prospective volunteers submitting paperwork or paperwork already processed and with our vetting department.
Public liability insurance is covered by local community councils whereby the scheme has been adopted as being under the remit of each council area. We now have confirmation that Elie & Earlsferry, along with Killrenny, Anstruther & Cellardyke community councils have adopted the scheme under their remit so speedwatch is up and running in these areas.
Contact Information
PC 0333 Robert Wallace and PC 0137 Rob Cook.
Contact your local community team on our email address:
EAG Update provided by Graham Meacher
- More planting has been completed as planned, with involvement from pupils from EPS.
- There are a lot of weeds growing along various streets and pavements. CC requested to seek action from FC.
- Details of the annual floral competition will be announced soon.
- Weeding, litter-picking and general tidying continues to be done by members of the EAG.
- All the poppy wreaths have been removed from the Elie War Memorial by FC (as they have in Lundin Links and probably elsewhere). Is this a new Council policy?
- The annual fundraising effort has been started and the GoFundMe campaign is up – see flyer below. All donations gratefully received!
- Repair/refurb of Victorian Water Pump – no change from last update.
- Top up Tap – No change from last update.
- Telephone Kiosk – No change from last update.
- Picnic Table replacement – No change from last update.
- Trees on Toll Green – Completion of pollarding - date TBA by FC.
Elie Parish Church
Following meeting held in Church on 7th May at which it was confirmed that our church is destined to be ‘sold, let or otherwise disposed of’ it was agreed that questionnaires would be made available throughout the village and at Fayre Day. These will help to ascertain what support there is from the village to find alternative uses for the Church. More information to follow but, meanwhile if anyone is interested in becoming involved in such a venture should initially contact keith.dewhurst@nlb.org.uk
Next meeting Tuesday 6th August at 7.30, Earlsferry Town Hall.
Sustainable Transport and Parking, Community Council Meeting
Elie & Royal Burgh of Earlsferry, Weds 12th June, 14:00 – 15:30hrs
(Elie Pavilion, Golf Club Lane, Elie and Earlsferry, KY9 1AS)
Actions Record
Emma Gilmour, Lead Consultant (Transport Networks) Fife Council
Nigel Hampton, Technician Engineer (Traffic Management) Fife Council
Angela Anderson, Chairperson, Elie & Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council
Kirsty Barclay, Member, Elie & Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council
Caroll Birrell, Member, Elie & Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council
Grizelda Cowan, Member, Elie & Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council
Fiona Corps, Fife Councillor for East Neuk & Landward
Apologies: Andy Paterson (FC Parking), Cllr Sean Dillon, Cllr Alycia Hayes
Item |
Action |
1. |
Designated time restricted parking spaces in front of shops in Elie High Street
Any parking restrictions would require a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) that could still be subject to wider objections and NE Fife Committee approval. Any restrictions would be enforced. |
NH |
2. |
Provision of an accessible pavement in Elie High Street
The earliest this could be approved would be the Area Roads Programme February 2025.
NH |
3. |
Traffic Management Plan – 20mph
NH |
4. |
AOB / close
NH |
** The unveiling of the Jim Robertson Memorial Bench was well attended by family and friends despite the inclement weather. Steve Blaney, Graham Johnston and Jim’s son, Guy, said a few words and we all shared our own memories of our friend, Jim
*** the portrait has arrived safely!