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Minute of General Meeting of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council held on 1st December 2020 via Zoom


Present:  Shelagh Mackay, Grizelda Cowan, Angela Anderson, Angus Meldrum, Sandy Bingham, Jim Robertson, Patricia Ritchie and Councillors Linda Holt, Bill Porteous and John Docherty.

Apologies from: Bridget Sneddon, Nicola Hetherington ( joined during meeting)

Members of the public including Graham and Rachel Bucknall


Minutes from November meeting: Some amendments needed and decision was made that revised minutes should be circulated and approved by email. Shelagh to send necessary corrections to Grizelda.


Declarations of interest: Angus expressed interest in proposed development at Ship Inn.


Chairman’s Report

Shelagh was interviewed by a researcher gathering views for the Scottish Government who was wishing to obtain thoughts on Covid from business community. She sought input from others, but none were forthcoming, the views expressed were consequently her own.

Shelagh noted that some premature concern had been expressed over recent parking restrictions in the village, these were to repair a manhole cover and not to paint the village yellow.



Cllr Bill Porteous

Bill highlighted FC’s proposal for rewilding and expressed the hope that public opinion can be sought on this issue. The difficulty seems to be in getting full details of FC’s proposals.


Cllr John Docherty

John also emphasised the need for community opinion on the rewilding proposals.

Re the missing bollard at Toll Green the meeting was informed that the ‘replacement stone’ was not put there by FC so it remains a mystery and we await replacement of broken bollard.

John confirmed that FC has agreed to setting a 20MPH speed limit in St Andrews so optimistic that we might have one in E & E in due course.


Linda Holt

Linda also stressed the importance for public opinion re FC’s rewilding proposals. So far it appears to be more a cost cutting exercise rather than a true rewilding. There is to be a Zoom meeting to be hosted by Colin Sterling and Cllr Ross Vetraino. Linda will report back in the hope that more details will be forthcoming.



It was stressed that our three local councillors cannot express an opinion on any planning issues as they are on the FC planning committee.

Shelagh informed the meeting that FC has asked the CC for thoughts on recent planning applications at Liberty and Grangehill. Meeting expressed no objection to either of the proposals. Shelagh to convey no objection/no support position to FC.

With regard to planning proposals at Ship Inn (20/02300/CAC) several members of the public attended the meeting to ask for clarification from Mr and Mrs Bucknall.

 The main causes for concern were:

  • Parking issues in an already very busy area
  • Access for construction vehicles and plans for maintaining safety during construction
  • Timescale of the building programme
  • Appropriate development in a Conservation Area

 Mr and Mrs Bucknall addressed these points as follows:

Parking – they are investigating the possibility of securing some offsite parking and/or possible use of the Ship Inn shuttle bus.

Construction traffic – it is the Bucknall’s intention that construction would take place during the quieter times, and especially would be avoided during the summer school holidays  A health and safety audit will continue at all times during construction period.

Timescale – no knowledge yet of timescale – will all depend on planning permission being granted.

The decision on whether it is an appropriate development within a conservation area would be up to FC Planning.

Graham also emphasised that, despite wording in the planning notice, there was very little demolition proposed. He also promised to take a photo showing proposed height of proposed building and share with whoever would like. He emphasised that the bedrooms will not have windows overlooking existing houses. He confirmed that all the new bedrooms would have small terraces outside but that there are no plans for a public beer garden. Any further questions or comments on the planning application can be made directly to Mr or Mrs Bucknall via the Ship Inn tel: 01333 330246 or email info@shipinn.scot.  

It was noted that on the FC eplanning portal no letters in support or objection to any planning proposals are available to view until after the expiry date for comments. The meeting believed this to be a cost cutting exercise and not democratic. Our councillors are urged to act in order to reverse this decision.

Angela reported question from public concerning a householder prosing to erect a concrete post in the dunes outside Sandhurst. Meeting felt that we are unable to comment on this until we have more information.

Re planning application for large garden shed at rear (beach side) of Edenwood 53 High Street Earlsferry20/01882/FULL status is still ‘Awaiting Decision’ from FC Planning.



CC has received a request from member of the pubic asking that CC should take over the lease of Nairn Park. It was decided by a majority that this is not appropriate for the CC as it cannot take on a lease which would be longer than the term of the current CC and would thus expire within a year.



Attempts are still being made to determine who owns Toll Green. It has been suggested that it is a ‘Common Good Asset’ but is not on the list of assets. Investigation is on going.



Cllr Linda Holt has requested details of all past flooding issues for a FC consultation. Shelagh to dig them out and forward to Linda

Following work done by Scottish Power in Park Place the footpath just north of the school still needs to be made good. SP have agreed that this will be done soon.



A member of the public expressed concern over installation of cattle grids on the path past the boathouse in Elie Estate. It was confirmed that these are replacements of old cattle grids which had fallen into disuse.  As it is not part of the Core Path the owner does not have to justify these changes. 


Nicola attended a Zoom meeting on 2nd Dec for Connecting the East Neuk through a multi-use path.  The current project looks at a path from Earlsferry to Anstruther.  Pathway to be at least 2.5m wide, tarmaced and multiuse from walkers, cyclists, buggies, scooters and horses.  Key issues raised included safety through villages in particular Pittenweem, how to encourage people to use it, funding and governance.



Shelagh to meet with Grizelda to discuss setting up a CC Facebook discussion group in addition to existing CC Facebook page



Next meeting 14th December – Angela will report at next CC meeting.



As ever information on the ENF, including the minutes of the most recent meetings can now be found on CC Website - http://www.elieandearlsferrycc.org/index.asp?pageid=715063

It was agreed that collaboration with other groups is necessary to avoid duplication.



Police Report

Speed Watch – on going slowly

Police received nine calls in total last month including 999 calls, missing persons and road traffic accidents. Total of two crimes were reported and some reports of anti-social behaviour.


Earlsferry Town Hall

Trisha gave the meeting the good news that the ETH Board has just received confirmation from the Scottish Land Fund that they have been awarded a grant of £42,500 to fund the purchase price of the building, together with a couple of other items of expenditure.  This means that Earlsferry Town Hall can now pass back into community ownership. The Board is extremely grateful to the Scottish Land Fund.

Progress so far is as follows:

  • New website is now up and running www.earlsferrytownhall.org.uk
  • Fiona Davis and Alan Borthwick have joined as directors. Fiona held a very senior position with RBS and Alan is the recently retired chairman of BTO Solicitors. We are already benefiting from their considerable experience and expertise.
  • ETHL now has charitable status (SC050546) 

The Board is now in the midst of negotiating the missives with Fife Council. The acquisition needs to be completed by 31 March 2021. Projected cost of refurbishing the hall  now comes to £1.25m.


Date of next meeting Tuesday 5th January 2021 via Zoom. As usual this will be a public meeting and members of the public will be invited to join.




Minute of AGM of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council held on 3rd November 2020 via Zoom

Present:  Shelagh Mackay, Grizelda Cowan, Angus Meldrum, Sandy Bingham, Bridget Sneddon, Nicola Hetherinton, Angela Anderson, and Councillors Bill Porteous and John Docherty.

Apologies from: Jim Robertson, Patricia Ritchie and Cllr Linda Holt,

Minutes from August meeting: Proposed by Nicola, seconded by Sandy

Chairman’s Report

Shelagh expressed her relief that everything appears to be a bit quieter this month. She also wished to thank Cally Halpin and her girls, Holly and Maggie for all their hard work in clearing rubbish at West Bay.

All other points will be covered in the meeting.

Declarations of interest: No new declarations of interest


Cllr Bill Porteous

Bill informed meeting that he and Cllr Linda Holt are working with Alan McLean from FC re ‘Spaces for People’ and acknowledged that Elie has been working very effectively with the public and local businesses to provide safe spaces for shoppers to use the local shops.

Cllr John Docherty

John will lay wreath at the War memorial on behalf of Fife Council on Sunday 15th November.

John reported that discussions re Traffic Management at FC are ongoing and that a 20MPH speed limit within the village is still being considered.  He is encouraged by the fact that Scottish Borders have introduced one.


Discussion took place re the little huts which have been errected on Toll Green for use of patrons of the Buffet. It was noted that the landlord has complied with all necessary regulations and laws and we learned that it was their intention that, when they are removed, that they should be donated to the village. The CC applauded their ingenuity and wished them success in these difficult times.

It is still unknown as to who actually owns Toll Green – Cllr John Docherty suggested that Scottish Natural Heritage might be able to help to discover present owner of Toll Green.


Alan Provan has supplied a wreath to be laid by Shelagh on behalf of the Community Council. Neil Grieve has agreed to raise the flag on Toll Green


It was noted that there have been several complaints about the smell coming from the new takeaway shop in Rankeillor Street and also a number of items lying on the pavement outside. There appears to be no outside provision for rubbish collection as rubbish from the shop has been found in various locations throughout the village,  in the bins at Catchpenny Lodges and in a local skip. A representative from Fife Council is investigating and the general public are encouraged to keep a look out and report any further problems.


The Christmas tree with lights will be put up on Toll Green and the local shops will support the annual Advent Windows.

No decision yet on whether carols on the Green will go ahead.


The broken bollards at Chapel Green have been removed and replaced – with a stone. Cllr John Docherty to investigate.

Following work done by Scottish Power in Park Place the footpath just north of the school needs to be made good. SP have agreed that this will be done soon.


CC has been informed that, in order to be considered as a Statuary Consultee, that someone need to apply automatically within seven days of every application being submitted. Cllr Bill Porteous expressed opinion that he felt that was a very heavy handed approach. Cllr John Docherty suggested that Wendy McGregor might be able to help with advice on how to proceed – 03451 555555, 442178.

No decision has been made by FC Planning re large garden ‘shed’ by the beach in Earlsferry. It is understood that respective planning permission has been sought.

With regard to major development at Wadeslea it was noted that a further document relating to transportation has been added to the planning application https://planning.fife.gov.uk/online/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=documents&keyVal=PJMTTBHFIXI00

After careful study Sandy has made the following comments – all of which have been forwarded to FC Planning Officer:

1.1 …...FIFEPlan indicates that the site is suitable for around 55 residential units within the lifetime of the plan……. 

On top of the 55 units the developer plans additional 40 residential units within the retirement home, care home and business units.

1.4 …….to connect to Wadeslea at the south of the development. 

The new development should not be connected via vehicular access to Wadeslea at all, any connection would increase traffic in an already busy narrow residential road, with a dangerous junction to main road. Wadeslea is a cul-de-sac and not connected to the rest of the village, connecting to the new development would only increase traffic at the main road junction. If there is a new road to Ruby Bay, the present access road should be closed to vehicles.

1.5……. does not favour access via Wadeslea to ensure there is no intensification of traffic at the Wadeslea /A917 junction.

Already accepted there should be no extra traffic on Wadeslea.

1.7 ……. (assuming 55 dwelling houses) will generate 41 am vehicle trips( two-way) and 49 pm vehicle Trips (two way)….

Does this include delivery vans to the 55 residential units? In the present living conditions, the increase of internet ordering has also increased number of delivery vehicles. Although it could be argued than some people may be working from home, this cannot be guaranteed and with the limited public transport the use of private vehicles is still essential. These figure appear very low.

……..retirement flats, care home and business units could generate and additional 13 am and pm vehicle trips. (two way). 

Extremely low figure, considering the unknown quantity of the business units, which could include the vehicles from staff, customers and delivery vehicles of varying sizes. There is no reason why the 40 retirement flats (aged 55 and above) are not generating as many as a residential unit, they are basically the same. The care home would also generate vehicle activity such as staff, cleaners, visitors, doctors, nurses and larger vehicles such as laundry vans, food delivery and ambulances.

There would also be an increase in bin lorry activity. 

All these vehicles would be travelling through the village of Elie. There would additionally be a huge number of extras vehicles travelling through Elie from the expected new 86 unit housing estate at St Monans. To access Wadeslea and St Monans from the Leven all traffic would travel through the village.

The A917 is a very narrow road on the approach to Shell Bay, with dangerous bends and a single lane bridge. Increasing the number of vehicles travelling this road could be the cause of accidents. Presently during holidays/weekends the visiting traffic is constant, without the extra traffic from the two large developments in Elie/Earlsferry and the large development at St Monans.

It was also noted that the report made no reference to the current year’s traffic and in summary the meeting believed it to be a very weak report.


It was noted that number of visitors to our Facebook site has increased and it was agreed that we should encourage the public to visit our page - https://www.facebook.com/ElieEarlsferry


There is £4470 in our bank account split between EAG and CC


Information on the ENF, including the minutes of the most recent meetings can now be found on CC Website - http://www.elieandearlsferrycc.org/index.asp?pageid=715063


Update from Graham Meacher MBE:

The hanging baskets, which have lasted incredibly well, are due to be removed this week. They were put up at the beginning of July and were still in bloom until last week. The cost of purchasing, deploying, watering and recovery the 26 hanging baskets around the village for the season was £1,100. 

We are still seeking a suitable short-term storage space for three long benches so work can start on refurbishment.

Autumn clean-up is being done on a rolling basis by individuals/couples (as we did for Spring clean) and any assistance appreciated. Volunteers please contact me for tasking.

The photographic display in the TG bus shelter is being renewed by the History Society/EAG.

The lighting on the War Memorial has once again been tinted red for Remembrance period (1-14 Nov).

A request was received from a member of the public via the CC to cut back the shrubbery obscuring the glass panel on the bus shelter. This was actioned the next day by one of the EAG team.


On Monday 2 November, Patricia Ritchie represented the E&ECC at a meeting with Alex Nairn, Alastair Dickson, and Sarah Johnston, an access officer with Fife Council. Alex was accompanied by 2 people who worked on the estate. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the access rights on the path through Elie Estate that runs past the boat house. Alex has recently put up a notice stating that access is by permission only but Alastair believes the path is a right of way. 

The meeting discussed the history of the use of the path and during discussion one of the people who works on the estate stated that from 1991 until 2002, he locked the gate across the path (leading past the boat house) every night. Sarah expressed the view that this meant that access to that part of the path was not freely available to the public at all times and that this could cast doubt on whether it was in fact a right of way. 

The meeting ended with Sarah agreeing to research the implications of the gate being locked on a daily basis, Alastair advised that he is collecting letters from people who have used the path over the past 20 years and whether the path was blocked by a locked gate or they were challenged by any estate workers.

If anyone would like to comment on this, could they please get in touch with the E&ECC.


It was acknowledged that the Chair of E&ECC is usually a trustee of this Trust and Shelagh has been approached to become a trustee. She has decided that there are others who are more familiar with those who can benefit from the Trust and will not become a Trustee.


It was agreed that Angus, Bridget, Nicola and Shelagh should look into ways of auctioning some of the recommendations from the Charette and that this should be reported on at all future meetings.


The Coastal Group with members to include Bill Porteous and Robbie Blyth is set to continue discussions on how to address and solve problem of seaweed build up.


Meeting was informed that SUSTRANS has agreed to fund 100% cost of feasibility study for establishing a cycle path and 70% of cost for implementation thereof. More information on this can be found in East Neuk Forum notes - http://www.elieandearlsferrycc.org/index.asp?pageid=715063


Date of next meeting Tuesday 1st December via Zoom. As usual this will be a public meeting and members of the public will be invited to join.


Minute of AGM of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council held on 6 October 2020


Present:  Sandy Bingham, Jim Robertson, Patricia Ritchie, Angela Anderson, Angus Meldrum, Shelagh Mackay, Nicola Hetherington, Bridget Sneddon and Councillors Linda Holt, Bill Porteous and John Docherty.


Apologies Grizelda Cowan


Welcome to new Members

Shelagh welcomed Nicola and Bridget to their first meeting and thanked them for agreeing to join, she hoped that they would enjoy their time on the Council.


Declarations of Interest

An email had been circulated asked members to provide details of relevant memberships of local organisations to enable Declarations of Interest to be updated. Shelagh to clarify with Jim Robertson his current memberships. List to be updated as required, but as a minimum reviewed annually.

No new declarations were made relevant to the current meeting.


Minutes from September meeting:

Minutes proposed by Trish, seconded by Jim


Chairman’s Report

It has been a busy month and I have been contacted on a wide range of topics, I have tried to help where possible.

Everyday is a school day and I become more & more aware of what I don’t know, but even more surprising is that people I have contacted don’t know either! I think there is a project for someone to record more information centrally.

Members of the public/ CC members have contacted me on a range of topics including:

A full bin on a Sunday

Bins at Ruby Bay

The installation of a memorial bench

A perceived or real health hazard around Toll Green- this led to me trying to establish who owns/ is responsible for Toll Green

Suggested sewerage solutions for both villages

A history lesson on the Loch run

A neighbour planning dispute

An unauthorised building, subject to retrospective planning

Flower competition & awards- Mackenzie Trophy- a hand written note was written to the CC thanking us for the reward- very nice!

Library reopening

Annual Firework Display- sadly this has been cancelled due to restrictions re Covid

Remembrance Day

Tents & Campervans

Traffic-speed monitors

Nairn Park

Development proposals- booklet produced by EE



Cllr Bill Porteous

Bill had identified an opportunity to assist with signage replacement, Shelagh had suggested that Admiralty Lane and the exit from Wadeslea should be prioritised.


Cllr Linda Holt

Linda updated the meeting on the proposed integrated traffic plan for Elie & Earlsferry- FC Traffic Convener has proposed an onsite walk about to include members of CC, Elie Estates and Elected Councillors. This is imminent, details awaited. The need for a coordinated village wide approach is urgent.


Cllr John Docherty

John continues to question Fife Council re repairing and replacing signage around the villages.



The flag pole has been repaired and will be flying the flag on Remembrance Day. A concern about a Health & Safety issue in relation to the birds that had been nesting and their droppings has been raised by a number of people. Fife Council have been approached about pollarding the trees, EAG, also has this item listed, but no-one seems to know who is legally responsible for Toll Green. FC have denied all responsibility.  A Land Search has been instructed and a number of local organisations contacted to try to establish responsibility and thereby liability for this issue. TBC



The issue of access to the Ruby Bay Carpark , campervans and tents was discussed Cllr Holt advised that FCCT were responsible for implementing the changes discussed previously- to reduce camper van parking to 5-8 spaces and the operation of the barrier which was installed earlier this year. It was hoped to implement the plan by next season. The issue with the barrier involves access by Emergency Vehicles. Shelagh to follow up with FCCT and Roger Honeyman,



Shelagh thanked all involved with organising the tidying of Ruby Bay recyclying point.



It is important that lessons were learnt from this year’s influx of day trippers and the facilities which they require to encourage them to visit our villages and to show respect for the natural beauty of the area. As other East Neuk villages will have experienced similar issues to was agreed that East Neuk Community Forum encourage sharing of information through Jim Robertson, Chair and CC member.



Shelagh thanked Cllr Porteous for contacting Scottish Water about the issues within the villages. It appears that SW are aware of the potential developments within the villages and they do have a cost centre which has specific funds to deal with major developments. Views were expressed that the existing issues within the villages have still not be adequately dealt with by SW. The villages have  combined sewers where water and sewage mix. SW have a pipe which runs from Chapel Green to Ferry Road which may have some blockages with a knock on effect on the pumping system at School Wynd. It was acknowledged that no untreated sewage should go into the Forth, but it appears that this does happen.

Cllr Porteous advised SW recognise that the current systems are not fit for purpose. Cllr Docherty advised that the bore size of pipes has changed over time and this has caused issues with pressure through the pipes.

Loch Run- Angela has been in discussion with FC about the route and responsibility for the Loch Run. She suggested that as there are no records of the current state of the pipe work, a camera should be fed through the run to establish its current state and capacity. It has been suggested that owners of properties above the Loch Run have responsibility for the maintenance of the Loch Run beneath their properties.. Shelagh advised that that was outwith the remit of the CC and up to individual owners to establish their respective obligations via their tittle deeds. This will be difficult until an accurate map of the current path can be established.

Angela also advised that the sink hole in Baird Place appeared to have been formed at the junction of SW pipes. She also advised that the drain at Boat Wynd ?? just before the steps was sinking.



Thanks were expressed to Grizelda for updating the infrastructure repair project list. The following updates were noted:

Sewage overflow pipe- a repair was carried out, but as the tide wasn’t fully out at the time, the end of the pipe, which is in need of repair was not repaired or even inspected.

Nicola advised that a recent repair outside the substation next to the school had been very poorly finished. Nicola to send pictures to Shelagh for onward transmission to FC.



As previously discussed, a policy which clarifies when the CC will comment on Planning proposals and when it will not, was reiterated. In essence:

The CC will not comment as a matter of course, we will object if a proposal is believed to be out of place, inappropriate to its surroundings, not in keeping with the villages, if the structure is of historic importance or if there is a majority view that the proposal is likely to have a negative impact.

No decision was taken as to when or if the CC would lodge a letter of support TBC


It was noted that a beach hut at 53 Earlsferry High Street has been erected without planning permission and it is understood that retrospective planning permission has been sought. It was agreed by majority that Shelagh would write to FC Planning objecting to the structure on the basis of size, structure, location and likely precedent.



In dealing with the extra challenges which Covid presented, Shelagh felt that the CC had not followed through on all the hard work which Mark and others had put in to bring the Charette into a plan. Shelagh proposed a small group be charged with revisiting the plan and seeing how we could move things forward in line with the Charette.



Thanks to Grizelda again the website has been updated, Shelagh advised that there were some changes she would like to make before linking to our increasing popular Facebook page.



Full update on all Beach Group activities in 2020 can be found on CC website - http://www.elieandearlsferrycc.org/index.asp?pageid=673295



Report from Graham Meacher:


  • As we were unable to hold a coffee morning this year (which raised over £500 last year) I set up a Facebook Fundraiser, along with a Crowdfunding on JustGiving, which between them have raised over £1,000 (most of this was from second-home owners, who have been very generous).
  • The collecting box at the newsagents, along with ad-hoc personal donations from folk in the village, has brought in £140.

Hanging Baskets

  • Karen and Sue at East Neuk Perennials have again done a splendid job for this year and the baskets have remained looking great throughout the season. They will be coming down during the next fortnight. Karen has given notice that they are ceasing this side of their business so a new source of supply will need to be found for next year, if the village wants hanging baskets.

 Fife Council

  • Grass cutting has restarted, albeit limited and restricted in some areas like Chapel Green.
  • Four very rusty posts were replaced recently at the junction of Ferry Road/High St and we now have nice new shiny galvanised replacements, along with some new signage of a smaller size more in keeping with a Conservation Area. The large direction sign on the gable end has also been removed. Not sure if this is the result of me contacting the Council some time ago about this, or someone else, but either way it is progress!
  • I am still chasing the Council regarding repairing the wall in Hyde Park and replacing other rusty poles/removing obsolete ones. 

Toll Green

  • The pollarding/thinning of the trees on TG has stalled once again (it had been hoped to get this work done between Aug-Dec.). FC refuse to do it and to bring in a private contractor will cost around £4k. The ownership of TG cannot seemed to be confirmed.  
  • Due to lockdown, little progress has been made with the plan to create a feature around the fountain on Toll Green as part of our general improvement plan. The Sports Club has given their blessing for their three Victorian benches to be relocated. John Forrest has kindly agreed to replace the wood and a contractor has been identified to undertake the sandblasting of the cast iron metalwork. We are looking for a suitable temporary space to store/work on these large benches so if anyone can help please get in touch with GM.
  • The EAG plans to dedicate one of these benches in memory of Callum McIntosh and use it to create ‘Callum’s Corner’ at the Fountain. The detail has yet to be finalised, but Cath and Ian are both very supportive and had plans for a memorial bench in any case. I think it would be a fitting tribute to a highly regarded member of our community and a young life lost way too soon.  

Autumn Tidy-up

  • The EAG will soon be undertaking the annual Autumn tidy-up and replanting for winter. If anyone would like to help with this please contact GM.



None received not covered above.



Bill advised that he had attended a meeting with Willie Rennie & Wendy Chamberlain to discuss the inadequate approach by FC to making the Flu vaccine available.

Earlsferry Town Hall: Trisha advised that FC have received Court approval to dispose to Earlsferry Town Hall, Scottish Land Fund have been approached to provide funding with an offer being required to being made to FC to purchase the Hall by 1 January. Huge well done to all involved.

Remberance Day: Unclear as to what will be possible on the day, but John will lay a wreath on behalf of FC in Elie.

Library Reopening: Nicola to investigate what is required to enable the library in Earlsferry to reopen via Fife Cultural Trust.

Date of next meeting Tuesday 3 November via Zoom. As usual this will be a public meeting and members of the public will be invited to join.





Minute of AGM of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council held on 1st September 2020


Present:  Grizelda Cowan, Sandy Bingham, Jim Robertson, Patricia Ritchie, Angela Anderson, Shelagh Mackay and Councillors Linda Holt, Bill Porteous and John Docherty.


Cllr John Docherty chaired AGM at which Shelagh Mackay was formally declared Chair of E&ECC, position of secretary still vacant, minute secretary: Grizelda Cowan


Chairman’s Report

Sadly for some, though perhaps not for all, this will be my last report from the Chair. As I explained at the last meeting I am having to move from the village as my family and I need to relocate for work. It has been a great honour and privilege to have held the Chair these past two years, something I could not have done without the support of so many people. There are a number of people and groups that I'd like to thank. Firstly, to my fellow members of the Community Council for all their patience and support over these past two years. I'd also like to thank our elected Councillors for their commitment in attending every month to listen to and work with us on a huge range of issues. To groups such as the EAG whose voluntary work does so much to beautify the village and Earlsferry Town Hall Limited who have done incredible work towards saving an historic part of our heritage that can be used by the Community. Lastly to the community itself, the people of our village who make it the incredible place that it is,thank you.

2020 has proved a particularly challenging year for Elie as it has for all of the country. How people here responded to this challenge is a great testament to the strength of our community. From individuals volunteering to help their neighbours to our local businesses stepping up to deliver, look after people in isolation and helping us all keep stocked up. Although it has been a difficult time it also saw people come together to support one another and reminded us how lucky we are to live in such a special place.

Thanks to the Charrette we now have a Local Place Plan for Elie & Earlsferry that should help ensure the interests of the community are taken into consideration for future developments while helping us get the necessary funding for a range of projects in our village. I'm glad to be able to depart with the positive news that the grant for the first phase of a cycle path from Earlsferry to Anstruther has now been secured. 

I think there will be a number of challenges for the community going forward; the outstanding issues surrounding the major development, safeguarding Nairn Park as a green space, ensuring proper facilities are put in place to help manage camper vans and camping at Ruby Bay and upgrading our sewage system that is already over capacity. There will also be the issue of the increased demand on the local infrastructure and services by the increased number of visitors as more people chose to holiday within the UK. While this will help our local economy, much work will need to be done to ensure the infrastructure, services and facilities are in place to support greater numbers in the village. In the wake of lockdown, more people are able to work remotely and our village may see more permanent residents as people find it is now possible to live and work here. This is something we welcome and we encourage any new arrivals to get involved in the community.

Treasurer’s Report

Funds held in Elie Community Council Account as of 31st March 2020 are held for the following groups:

Community Council                        £1826.48

Environmental group          £3225.45

Beach group funds             £1424.08

Charette funds                     -£133.60 minus

Total funds                          £6342.41


Regular monthly meeting followed on with same attendees as AGM plus member of the public, Alex Nairn


Declarations of interest: No new declarations of interest


Minutes from August meeting: Shelagh confirmed that as she is now Chair of E&ECC she would be leaving the Elie & Earlsferry Action Group.

Minutes proposed by Trish, seconded by Shelagh.


Alex Nairn requested that some inaccuracies in the July minutes be corrected. The meeting agreed that the July minutes were a true representation of discussions. Alex Nairn advised that he did not believe that the report of flooding at the Toft was in anyway connected with the Loch Run, he also confirmed that the Loch Run has no connection with the villages’ sewage system.

Cllr Bill Porteous emphasised that, at times of heavy rain the overflow from sewage drains can end up mixing with regular rain drains. Yet again it was agreed that Scottish Water be consulted. Cllr Bill Porteous to arrange a meeting with representatives from SW to look at all the points of flooding throughout the village with the hope of these being addressed.



Cllr Bill Porteous

Bill expressed his thanks to all those in our villages who have helped during these past months including Alex Nairn who made available Nairn Park for emergency parking. The meeting expressed their thanks to Bill for all his work in alleviating the traffic problem and getting traffic wardens back into the villages.


Cllr Linda Holt

Linda drew meeting’s attention to Fife Council’s rewilding proposals which consist mainly of cessation of spraying and grass cutting in specified areas. Linda to email proposals to CC members with details of whom to write to if there are any concerns.


Cllr John Docherty

John continues to question Fife Council as to why the recycling centres in Fife are open for only three days a week and why it is possible only to book a slot via the internet.



Following departure of Mark Dickson there is a vacancy on E&ECC. Nicola Hetherington was proposed by Angus Meldrum, seconded by Trisha. It was also agreed to co-opt Bridget Sneddon, proposed by Grizelda Cowan, seconded by Angus Meldrum. Nicola and Bridget both accepted the roles and have joined E&ECC.



It was noted with concern that there a had been a ‘hit and run’ incident in the village just after 11am on 30th August in which a ten year old child was knocked off her bike just outside the old Royal Bank of Scotland building. The vehicle, thought to be black, did not stop. Police are trying to trace the driver using the CCTV cameras at the ATM; if anyone has any information about the incident the police would like to hear. The child sustained a knee injury, mild concussion and was severely shaken. The meeting sent her their good wishes for a full and speedy recovery.

Cllr Linda Holt agreed that a holistic approach is urgently needed to address the whole problem of traffic in the village and intends to set up a group to include representatives from Fife Council, Fife Coast and Countryside Trust, the Police. Shelagh Mackay to represent E&ECC.

John Docherty informed meeting that new ‘waiting restrictions’ were to be introduced in the village at Liberty and Bank Street in an attempt to ease congestion during busy times.



It was noted with concern that the two recycling centres in the village have become overflowing during the summer months and the CC requested that we have more frequent collections during the busy periods in future. Shelagh has already contacted Ross Vetraino, Convener - Environment, Protective Services & Community Safety Committee Fife Council, requesting urgent action.



It was noted that the sign from Ruby Bay carpark still needs to be replaced and the sign at Telford Wynd has been rotated. Cllr John Docherty to attend to these. *



A letter was sent to regarding the changes to access routes to proposed houses at the telephone exchange. (reference; 20/00794/FULL) Unfortunately a reply was received form FC stating that it was too late to submit objections despite fact that these new proposals had been recently amended. The plan for three houses has been approved.

It was noted that a beach hut at 53 Earlsferry High Street has been erected without planning permission and it is understood that retrospective planning permission has been sought.



Beach cleanup planned for 20th September. Already enough volunteers.



It was noted that part of the flagpole on Toll Green is broken. EA Group to try to find out who is responsible for flagpole. Jim to investigate. **



Angus reported that he had received a complaint about speeding traffic in the village and update was requested by the Chair as it would have been very helpful to have had speed monitoring over the summer months. ***


Date of next meeting Tuesday 6th October via Zoom. As usual this will be a public meeting and members of the public will be invited to join.


* following meeting it became apparent that there are many other outstanding repairs needing attention and a list has been drawn up in the hope that they can all be attended to.

** It has transpired the flagpole was erected by the erstwhile Improvements Society and is understood that The CC has taken on all their still existing projects. Angus Meldrum has facilitated repairs and we hope to have flag pole fixed in time for Remembrance Day,

*** subsequently two volunteers have withdrawn from participating, progress is being made by other volunteers to receive training asap.




Minute of Meeting of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council held on 4th August via Google Meet

Present:  Mark Dickson, (Chair). Grizelda Cowan, Sandy Bingham, Jim Robertson, Patricia Ritchie, Angela Anderson, Shelagh Mackay and Councillors Bill Porteous and John Docherty. Plus one member of the public.

Apologies: Cllr Linda Holt, Angus Meldrum

Declarations of interest: No new declarations of interest

Minutes from July meeting: Corrections requested by Trisha as follows:

The Community Asset Transfer application has been approved and terms and conditions. Have been negotiated with Fife Council. Providing Court approval and funding are obtained, a formal offer to be submitted by 31st December,

Minutes with amendments proposed by Angela, seconded by Trisha.


Mark expressed his thanks to fellow councillors for their support in our aim to make our community a better place as he stands down from the Community Council and his position as Chair. Thanks were also expressed to the Elie and Earlsferry Action Group and to the Earlsferry Town Hall Steering Group for all their work. He acknowledged that the past few months have been particularly challenging and that that it is a huge testament to Elie, its community and our local businesses as to how we have all worked together. The meeting expressed their thanks to Mark for all his work during his time as Chair and wished him good luck. Cllr Jon Docherty also expressed his thanks to Mark on behalf of Fife Council.


Cllr Linda Holt unable to attend the meeting sent an update as follows:

  • I wrote to Michael Bruce at the RNLI to ask for a zoom meeting for Chain Walk stakeholders and am waiting for a reply.
  • I spoke to and wrote to Janice Laird about the contaminated sewage risk at Glovers Wynd, attaching Angela's articles (thank you). She is passing it on to the person who deals with such issues on Fife Council and I have asked if there is any procedure that communities who have such worries can follow within the Council. I also sent a copy of the email to the case officer for the Grange & Wadeslea planning applications. I also reported the problem to Scottish Water and have a case reference number CAS-1239203-J3NOJ
  • I've asked Robbie Blythe for another beach group meeting, which he's happy to do, and am waiting to hear a confirmed date after I suggested a Tuesday morning on zoom.
  • The permanent campervan arrangements for Ruby Bay were delayed in being implemented because of the lockdown. Now the problem is that the contractors are having supply issues with the equipment that was due to be installed. Robbie is hopeful it will be done in September with the new regime in place for the October holiday.
  • I've reported the broken stanchions again, bollards going to St Monans and the sign down on the main road. I don't know what has been done but I have also complained about the awful potholes everywhere (worst I've seen them) and been told that everything is behind schedule because of a Covid backlog. It is proving difficult to get officers responsible to answer my emails on specific road issues.
  • A big thank you to Alex Nairn for helping out with temporary parking space at Ruby Bay. Fife Council have recognised that they are responsible for traffic enforcement and committed to meeting police, FCCT & councillors to find long term solutions. I think the CC should appoint a rep (Sandy?) to come along to this meeting too. As ever, wheels grind too slowly.

Cllr John Docherty

Has questioned Fife Council as to why it has taken so long to open all the recycling centres in Fife, why they are open for only three days a week and why it is possible only to book a slot via the internet.

John also reported that, after a recent meeting with Fife Coast Area Commander that a further police officer would be appointed to the East Neuk.


Shelagh Mackay (Vice Chair) was proposed by Jim Roberson, seconded by Grizelda Cowan. Shelagh accepted the position and has been duly appointed.

Position of Vice Chair – Angela Anderson was proposed by Grizelda Cowan, seconded by Sandy Bingham and duly appointed.


It was acknowledged that there had been severe problems over the busy period. John Docherty assured meeting that traffic warden would be back in place very shortly. *

With regard to parking at Ruby Bay car park a meeting has been scheduled but, like everything else, has been held up due to Covid 19

The CC made a special request to Robbie Blyth of FC&CT to open toilets at Ruby Bay and harbour. Cllr John Docherty explained that the holdup had been due to necessary safety procedures taking place.


The meeting expressed concern with relation to changes to access routes to proposed houses at the telephone exchange. (reference; 20/00794/FULL) In order to provide a clear exit it appears that the village sign and the ornamental boat/planter will have to be moved. The meeting felt that there was still considerable danger posed on the exit to the main road. Sandy to write to planning department highlighting our concerns. **


Because Earlsferry Town Hall is a Common Good Asset, Fife Council needs to obtain Court approval to sell it. A Public Notice is on display at the hall requesting any representations about the proposed Community Asset Transfer of the hall to Earlsferry Town Hall Limited (ETHL) to be sent to Fife Council by 20th August. As directors of Earlsferry Town Hall Limited, both Shelagh and Trisha declared an interest in this matter. It was agreed by the other members of the Community Council that Angela would send a representation letter to FC confirming the Community Council's support for the acquisition of the hall by ETHL.


Planned beach cleanup at end of August on West Bay requires insurance to be able to go ahead. Mark was able to reassure meeting that this can easily be obtained by registering event with Fife Council and it would then be covered by CC insurance.


All planting has been successfully accomplished – now needs to be maintained. Thanks to group for all their hard work.

Ongoing discussions as to whether trees should or should not be pollarded to discourage nesting rooks. EAG to come up with some proposals for consideration by CC.


Shelagh confirmed that she will step down from membership of the group. Shelagh to speak to David Smith, Chair of E&EAG, with regard to SEPA’s decision to withdraw its objection in planning application for development by Elie Estate Trust.

AGM and Future of E&ECC

It was agreed that an AGM should be held soon and is hoped that  a ‘real’ one may be possible in the near future. Cllr John Docherty offered to chair. Watch this space for more information on this.

Shelagh expressed the desire that the CC should try to attract some new and possibly younger members so as to represent the village with more accuracy.


It is recognised that these are an ongoing problems. Angela to write to fife Council in an attempt to discover who is responsible for the Loch Run. Apparently SEPA have stated that the Loch Run will have to be investigated. More information is needed. ***


Alex Nairn has email CC to ask for consideration of possible uses for Nairn Park. To be discussed at next meeting.

Date of next meeting Tuesday 1st September via Zoom. We hope that his will be a public meeting and members of the public will be invited to join.

* Traffic wardens were deployed in Fife on 6th August and Elie and Earlsferry were one of the first communities to welcome them back.

** letter was duly sent but reply from FC as follows: As the application is now in the Committee process, the period for submitting representations is closed and your comments cannot be taken into account in determining the application.

*** since then CC has received email from Alex Nairn pointing out some discrepancies in accuracy in July minutes regarding possible sewage problems and detail concerning the Loch Run. These will all be discussed at next meeting.









In relation to assisting communities and high streets across Fife, can we have it confirmed in what means Fife Council is supporting our businesses.


The Scottish Government announced a package of support for small businesses on 18th March including a Business Support Fund to access grants, to be administered by local authorities. This formed part of a package of measures to support businesses, including access to Business Support Fund grants, loan financing through Coronavirus Business Interruption Loans (CBILS), third sector reliefs and supplier reliefs, and for retail, hospitality and leisure businesses, 100% rates relief for the financial year 2020/2 and a general 1.6% rates relief for all non-domestic properties. During reporting period April to June 2020 to Scottish Government, 5,244 businesses had applied to the Business Support Fund, with 4,758 applications approved, representing a total awards value of some £53.2 million, equating to a an encouraging 91% conversion rate.

Additional support schemes launched on 30th April, including a hardship relief fund for self-employed businesspeople, a Bed and Breakfast business Hardship Grant, delivered through Business Gateway Fife, saw a further 509 grants awarded.  Two national schemes for pivotal businesses and the hospitality, leisure and tourism sector, administered by Scottish Enterprise, created 135 higher level funding awards to SME’s across Fife. 

The Council’s Environmental Health (Food and Workplace Safety) and Trading Standards teams have continued to provide regulatory guidance for social distancing in workplaces as well as advice to retail/food and drink businesses currently looking to provide outdoor services. Many manufacturing businesses have continued to operate throughout lockdown as part of their diversification to support the COVID response and received positive support from Fife Council.

Working closely with Fife Council services, Skills Development Scotland, Partnership Action for Continuing Employment (PACE) continues to provide local support for businesses facing substantial redundancies (over 25 staff). Ongoing employee redeployment opportunities and business premise asset disposal expertise is being led by Fife Council in a bid to support the Fife economy.

Following on from the “Love Fife Later” tourism campaign, a subsequent “Love Fife Again” campaign was launched on 16th July as tourism businesses started to re-open. This is in line with the national VisitScotland marketing messages through the various phases of restart and recovery. A page on the Welcome to Fife website (open for business in Fife) has been set up to share information on attractions and places to eat and drink that have now opened, or planned dates to open. Through the business-to-business Fife Tourism Partnership website and social media channels we are promoting the “We’re Good to Go” scheme to tourism businesses. This is a UK-wide industry standard and consumer mark confirming that businesses have put the necessary processes in place and are adhering to official Government and sectoral guidance. As at 20th July some 252 tourism businesses in Fife had signed up to the scheme. VisitScotland’s Visitor Charter to help businesses enjoy Scotland responsibly is also being promoted via our Local Tourist Associations. Working with Digital Scotland we are running a series of free webinars for tourism businesses.

Specifically in preparation for the re-opening of Fife’s town centres, a short life multi-service working group was established to take forward actions to assist town centre business activity to restart safely following the lifting of lockdown restrictions. Activities included a town centre business survey to inform actions to be taken; examination of space requirements in town centres and installation of temporary measures where required in restricting parking for instance in areas where queues would be forming outside business; installation of physical distancing signage; and provision of advice and guidance for town centre businesses via a dedicated page on Fife Direct. The Council supported a number of town centre organisations submitting funding applications to the Scotland’s Towns Partnership Town Centres and BIDs Recovery and Resilience fund as well as submitting a Fife-wide application. Funding was awarded to Visit East Neuk; the Kirkcaldy Love Our Lang Toun/ShopAppy Digital Market Place Coalfields Regeneration Trust (Kincardine; Cowdenbeath and a Fife Council led scheme covering key towns, the latter will be used to fund physical distancing signage, Buy Local Fife Campaign, portable decks/canopies/gazebos, street marshals and a small business grant scheme for PPE and sanitiser stations etc, which will be administered by Business Gateway Fife.

Planning and Licencing officers have reviewed the process for temporary relaxations of applications for outside space to support businesses to trade safely.

Fife Council and Business Gateway Fife are continuing to deliver repurposed digital services to businesses, promoting a range of local support services for key sectors.  Such as access to specialist expertise to assist with online ecommerce trading to the tourism and food and drink sector.  Online “surgery expertise” has been set up to assist local businesses review their HR needs, financial position, supply chain opportunities, as well as access to growth advisers to support their business sustain. In order to assist many businesses adapt to these changes, Fife Council has implemented additional local financial support to businesses through repurposed European Funding delivered by Business Gateway Fife.

Fife businesses have continued to adapt to diversify and provide support to local and national supply chain in response to COVID. Designing new Screening and Protection products for Tourism, Retail and Hospitality sectors and continued PPE Equipment into Schools, NHS and manufacturing businesses.  Activity is being captured through a fortnightly e-zine version of Fife Business Matters.

Aligned to a Fife Economic Strategy refresh, Fife Council is working closely with local and national key stakeholders to support the development of an economic recovery plan that takes cognisance of the need for new ways of working to support economic recovery and the challenges ahead.  Furthermore, Fife Council is actively engaged alongside local authority economic networks to ensure Fife is feeding in and dovetailed with recommendations arising from the Scottish Government’s Advisory Group on Economic Recovery.


Why is Pittenweem Recycling Centre being opened only three days a week?


Provost, the short answer is that Pittenweem Recycling is only open three days per week because those opening hours, while meeting the demand for the Service at Pittenweem, has enabled the re-opening of the Recycling Centre at Cupar, thus making the most efficient use of the available staff resource, which is currently at a premium.  Indeed Provost, you may be able to agree with me that maximising the available staff resource has been key to the Council having been able to continue so many of its essential services during the current pandemic.

The Booking System, which is now employed at the Council’s Recycling Centres has proved to be invaluable.  Not only is it enabling traffic management and contributing to ‘social distancing’, it is providing valuable data about the use that is made of the Centres. 

Looking at the bookings made between 24th – 30th June inclusive, it can be seen, of the three Centres in North East Fife, that only 36% were taken up at Ladybank, 35% at St Andrews and 29% at Pittenweem, which, at Pittenweem, represents an uptake of only 60 bookings out of the 208, which were available daily.  It was clear, therefore, that the opening days at Pittenweem could be reduced from five to three, while still meeting the demand for the Service and that the staff, which service Pittenweem, could be used to re-open the Recycling Centre at Cupar two days per week. 

Since 23rd July, the Centre at Pittenweem has been open on Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays and the Centre at Cupar on Thursdays and Sundays.  Since then, the uptake of bookings at Pittenweem has been consistently below 60% with some days less than 40%.  For example, as of 4.30 yesterday, the bookings at Pittenweem for tomorrow were 40% and for Saturday 18%. 

The bookings for Cupar, on the other hand, over the four days that it has been open so far, were 100%, 96%, 100% and 98%.  As of 4.30 yesterday, the bookings were 92% for today and 59% for Sunday – and that 59% will increase before Sunday.  Such a heavily booked situation cannot be allowed to continue and accordingly the Booking System is being adjusted, so as to double the capacity of the Centre.  If doing so, however, doesn’t accommodate the demand at Cupar comfortably, then other arrangements, which will do so, will have to be made.

Finally Provost, it has been suggested to me, by one Elected Member, that the opening times at Pittenweem should be adjusted so as to accommodate its use, free of charge, by the commercial sector.  I had to remind that Member that the deposit of commercial waste is only allowed, on a chargeable basis, at the Recycling Centres at Ladybank and Dunfermline and that before the Council improved it’s policing of the use that was being made of its Recycling Centres, their unauthorised and, sometimes, illegal use by the commercial sector was costing the Council Tax payers in Fife in excess of £1.5 million per annum.

I will keep the Elected Members for ward 20 updated on the developing situation.

Supplementary Question “What provision is there for those people, who cannot make a Booking, because they do not have access to the Internet?”

Provost, it is true, that those, who do not have access to the Internet, for whatever reason, cannot directly book a slot.  In my part of the world, however, all of those who are so temporarily disadvantaged, have family, friends, neighbours or a local Councillor, who will book a slot for them.  I cannot imagine that the situation in the East Neuk or any other part of Fife is any different.  As soon as the Local Offices and the Call Centre are operating as normal, I will be looking to them to facilitate bookings. 


Can the Council's policy on re-wilding be clarified?


Provost, the short answer to the question is that the Council has not yet defined a policy in relation to grassland management of which re-wilding will be but one element.  That said, had the Coronavirus not intervened, I am confident that the Strategic Committee would have agreed a policy by this time.


In the absence of a Policy, the Grounds Maintenance Service, in common with every other Council Service, has borne in mind the Council’s declared commitments relative to Climate Change and the Environment in general, as stated in the agreed Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan, the Plan4Fife, the Fife Local Biodiversity Action Plan and, not least of all the Programme for Administration.

Accordingly, in these most challenging times, Officers give close attention to the options for the management and maintenance of green open spaces, which would contribute towards the Council’s green commitments.  When I say ‘challenging’, Provost, I mean challenging not only in terms of the Coronavirus, but challenging also in terms of the preservation of the planet.  As a consequence, the rewilding of land is seen as an option which the Council has and which will contribute towards the Council’s sustainability ambitions as well as maximising the effectiveness of the available resources.

Since the Second World War, the UK has lost 97% of its flower-rich grassland, with a resultant decline of around two thirds of pollinating insects. Fife, which must be the most heavily cultivated region in Scotland, has perhaps suffered most in that regard and the re-wilding of urban green space is seen as an opportunity to address these declines, while at the same time, by way of local consultation, raising awareness in communities throughout Fife, as well as bringing colour and life to green spaces for the enjoyment of both people and wildlife.

In the meantime absence of a defined Council strategy, Officers identified areas, which are thought to be suitable for re-wilding have been left uncut during the current growing seasoon, with the intention of giving local communities the opportunity to see what re-wilding would look like thereby enabling them to comment on the basis of first-hand experience.

Preliminary consultation about the areas for re-wilding, which have been seen as suitable by Officers, has already taken place with some Local Members by way of Ward Meetings and that consultation is now being extended via the Elected Members across all 22 Wards.  It is hoped that the Elected Members will, in turn, effect consultation with all interested parties with a view to each local situation being considered by the relevant Area Committee.



When will the Cowdenbeath Recycling Centre be re-opened?


Provost, the short answer to the Question is that the Cowdenbeath Recycling Centre will reopen as soon as it is safe to do so.  That said, I think that it would be useful to review the reasons why it is currently closed. 

Currently, it is the case that the parameters of ‘social distancing’ and traffic management cannot be satisfied and Officers are looking at the potential to re-arrange the site internally so that 'social distancing' can be achieved and traffic will not have to queue on Cuddyhouse Road.  Relative to the latter, it was suggested that the concrete areas, which are situated on both sides of the entrance gate, could be used to queue vehicles, but on-site inspections by Officers and the Police concluded that that would not produce a safe outcome, which is why the potential for re-arranging the site, so that traffic can queue internally, is being looked at.  

The acute danger which is presented by traffic queuing on Cuddyhouse Road has been all too evident in the past.  Happily, however, the Booking System, which is now in place across all of the Reycling Centres, has been a huge success in terms of traffic management, as well as providing a better service to the users and providing valuable data about the use that is made of the Recycling Centres, thus enabling the most efficient utilisation of the available staff resource, which is at a premium during the current pandemic. 

The problem at Cowdenbeath, even with the Booking System employed, would be that several vehicles are likely to turn up at the same time, which means that some traffic has to wait on the carriageway, while the details of the Booking are checked.  Up until now, in order to minimise the potential for vehicles having to queue on the carriageway, a height restriction barrier has not been installed so that vehicles can drive straight in.  In my view, Provost, the absence of such a barrier is why the Centre being more heavily used by vans than any of the other 10 Centres in Fife.  It is also my view that that is why the recycling rate of the Cowdenbeath Centre is less than 50% against recycling rates of between 70% and 80% in all of the other Centres, which leads to my belief that most of those vans are depositing commercial waste at a cost of over £120 per tonne to the Council Tax payers in Fife.  As I have aleady said today, prior to the Council improving the policing of the use being made of the Recycling Centres, that their illegal use by the commercial sector, as well as manifesting the failure of the Council to observe its statutory Duty of Care, was costing Council tax payers in Fife over £1.5 million per annum.  The potential for such illegal use cannot be allowed to continue, so a height restricting barrier must be installed.  But neither can the situation be endured whereby traffic has to queue on the carriageway.

As I have also said, one Local Member has suggested that the concrete areas on both sides of the entrance gates might be capable of being used to queue traffic and that has been looked but, unfortunately, hasn’t offered a solution.  Accordingly, I would welcome any other suggestions that might occur to anyone on the basis of local knowledge.

Another Local Member mounted a Petition, which I am told has over 1,000 signatures, calling for the Centre to be re-opened and has suggested that I put some store in such a large number of signatories.  In response, because I am concerned that those, who have signed the Petition may have been led to believe that it would in some way change the circumstances, which currently prevent the Centre from being re-opened, I have asked that the Petitioners be reminded that the Centre has not been re-opened, because the parameters of 'social distancing' and traffic management cannot be satisfied and that all of the Petitions in the world, no matter how many signatures they may boast, will not change those parameters.  I am at a loss to know what would lead anyone to believe that a Petition will change the physical circumstances, which militate against the safety of the Community. From my perspective, it would have been better if the energy associated in mounting the Petition had been used to support the Officers by helping the Community understand the difficulties with which they are having to contend in the course of seeking solutions.

The good news is that the Lochgelly Recycling Centre, which is only 3.4 miles from the Cowdenbeath Recycling Centre, is easily accessible to those who may use the Cowdenbeath Centre, is currently open seven days per week.

Finally Provost, I want to say that officers would be pleased to meet the Local Members on-site and explain the difficulties first hand and what is being done to try to overcome them and I will ask that a meeting be organised accordingly. 



Given the recent ‘Black Lives Matters’ demonstrations and the increase in awareness of matters relating to racism, prejudice, discrimination, intolerance and hate, can the Council Leaders advise if the Council will undertake a review of any landmarks, street names or statues in Fife that implicitly celebrate slavery, with a view to clarifying their history and advise any actions the Council may wish to consider as a result of such an audit?


In response to concerns raised in other parts of the Scotland and the UK associated with the Black Lives Matters campaign, Fife Council is currently undertaking a review of monuments across Fife and will respond to any concerns raised about the origins, history and funding of individual landmarks, street names or statues in Fife.

A specific concern was raised in relation to the Whyte-Melville fountain in St Andrews. The fountain forms part of St Andrews Common Good and no relationship was found between funding of the fountain which was raised by public subscription and the slave trade. Cllr Liston has responded to the concern raised by a constituent and local members briefed. No other specific concerns have been raised.



To what extent, through its Protective Services, is the Council helping to reduce the transmission of the Coronavirus in Fife?


To enable the Council to comply with its enforcement duties in terms of Regulations 3 and 4 of the Health Protection (Coronavirus) (Restrictions) (Scotland) Regulations 2020, 51 members of staff were authorised in terms of the legislation and, where necessary, have been working alongside the Health and Safety Executive and Police Scotland in enforcing restrictions on business operations during the phased route map for Scotland.

The enforcement approach, hitherto, has been based on the “4 E’s”: Engagement, Explanation, Encouragement, and, as a last resort, Enforcement.  Where necessary, Prohibition Notices have been issued to any business that failed to comply on a voluntary basis with the legal restrictions, which have been placed on the operation of that business.

As of Monday 3rd August, 609 complaints/enquiries had been received via the dedicated COVID mailbox. 456, have been investigate directly and 153 were referred to Police Scotland or the Health and Safety Executive.  In addition, 2,286 proactive interventions were made to support businesses to be COVID ready and to provide reassurance to both employees and the public that risks in relation to the transmission of the virus were being managed.

Because Protective Services staff are appropriately trained and qualified, support is also being provided to the NHS Fife Test and Protect programme by way of assisting the NHS Public Health team with more complex contact tracing cases.

The Council has a presence, in the form of a member of staff of Protective Services, on the Expert Panel which was set up by the Society of Chief Officers of both Environmental Health and Trading Standards in Scotland.  This panel provides expert advice and guidance to both Local Authority Officers and to the Scottish Government on the regulation of businesses on COVID related issues. 

Protective Services has also been providing regular advice to businesses and the public through social media - 34 posts to date.

In preparation for the re-opening of Fife’s town centres, a short life multi-service working group was established to take forward actions to assist town centre business activity to restart safely following the lifting of lockdown restrictions. This group also links to the SUSTRANS Spaces for People Funding to deliver active travel projects in these areas. 

Finally, Provost, because of the training, qualification and experience of Protective Services staff in the control of communicable diseases and other Public Health functions, I would submit that local authorities are indeed well placed to contribute towards reducing the transmission of the Coronavirus throughout Scotland.  That said, however, I want to stress that the work done by the public sector to reduce transmission of the virus is not enough.  The Scottish Government has made it clear through its daily briefings that everyone, including businesses and members of the public at large, have a part to play in helping to suppress the spread of  Covid19 and the spike in the Grampian area this week serves to remind us of that.  We must all abide by the current restrictions and follow the guidance in line with the Route Map.  Most importantly, everyone must follow FACTS (wear a face covering in shops and on public transport and indoors when close contact may occur, avoid busy/crowded places, clean hands and surfaces regularly, keep 2m apart and self-isolate if symptoms develop or if contacted by Test and Protect).  In addition I would urge both businesses and the public to ensure that contact details are taken when visiting relevant premises thereby assisting the Test and Protect programme.        



In the event of a future spike in COVID-19 and the possible closing of schools, can the Administration confirm that all pupils in Fife will have access to online learning and connectivity?


Yes.  Around 1000 devices have already been issued to children and young people who were identified by school leaders and their teams as having limited or no access to on-line learning due to lack of access to devices or connectivity to the internet following the allocation of funding from the Scottish Government in July for additional devices and connectivity solutions.

Supplementary Question

Can you guarantee children will have access to other methods of learning if online is not appropriate?


Yes, schools will work with families to meet their needs.



How many childminders are now registered as partner providers for the delivery of early learning and childcare in Fife?


96 childminders are now registered as partner providers for the delivery of early learning and childcare in Fife.

Supplementary Question

Will there be a further opportunity for childminders to register as a partner provider?


Yes there will be a new application process opening shortly.


Following Tuesday’s SQA results can the Administration explain the impact of the appeal process on teaching staff in Fife schools? 


From the school closures we did know that there would be an appeal process, and knew that we could have an increased amount, therefore we:

  • Produced a Quality Assurance process for estimates given to all Secondary schools in April, staff were asked to ensure that they had the required evidence for any estimate given by them, knowing that an appeals process would be in place in August. 
  • Asked all Secondary Head teacher in July to ask teachers to continue to collect/gather evidence again for appeals, this was especially the case for the last week of term, when no pupils were in school.
  • Produced an appeal policy to further support staff, which outlines that schools:
  • must have the permission of the young person to appeal
  • must have evidence to support their estimate
  • can only request an appeal if the grade a candidate receives on 4 August is lower than the estimated grade that was made by the school
  • The candidate understands that the review may lead to a lower grade
  • The SQA grade awarded is lower than the estimated grade *SQA are not accepting appeals for bands within a grade

We expect some time should be used by schools on the 2 up and coming in-service days on 10 and 11 August to allow for this to be finalised.

Supplementary Question

Can you enlighten members as to the number of adjusted figures in Fife?  How many there are and the impact this will have on teacher time?


Appeal numbers unknown until the deadline passes.  Vast majority of grades were not adjusted and more detail will be provided once analysed.


Minute of Meeting of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council held on 7th July 2020 via Zoom


Present:  Mark Dickson, (Chair) Sandy Bingham, Angus Meldrum, Jim Robertson, Angela Anderson, Shelagh Mackay (Chair), Patricia Ritchie, Grizelda Cowan and Councillors Linda Holt and John Docherty

Apologies: Cllrs Bill Porteous


Declarations of interest: No new declarations of interest


March minutes - proposed by Angela, seconded by Trisha.



The Community Council extends a warm welcome to visitors back to Elie and hopes that everyone will comply with current guidelines.

Thanks were expressed to Fife Council for helping to keep Elie High Street open by blocking off part of the road to allow for safe social distancing queuing, and to all the businesses for managing to open their doors. It was noted that face coverings will be obligatory from Friday.

Thanks also to all volunteers during the earlier period of pandemic and to our resident pipers, Hamish and Felix.

Fife Cycle Path is now entering Phase 1 – grant has been awarded to conduct consultation with landowners and costing of the project. It is understood that the Path from Crail to Anstruther is also going ahead and that Anstruther to Kilrenny Path is already established.

Mark informed meeting that he is to move to Glasgow and will therefore be standing down from CC. It was noted that a new Chair will have to be elected.



Cllr Linda Holt informed meeting that the public toilets will be opening within next two weeks. Meeting expressed disappointment that this is taking so long as main holiday period is now upon us.

Those managed by FC&CT will open on Friday subject to water quality inspection.

There are still on-going discussions re Chain Walk. Proposed meeting with Michael Bruce of RNLI had to be postponed due to ‘lockdown’. Linda to copy original email to all CC members with the aim to hold a stakeholders’ meeting ASAP. Meanwhile Robbie Blyth has suggested installing a people counter.

Cllr John Docherty updated meeting on Community Policing plans. At a meeting with Fife Divisional Commander it was requested that we have an extra community policeman in East Neuk. We are supposed to have two but at present there is only one.

Following concern about brown water coming out of household taps, including a report from some residents that their taps had actually been blocked by debris, John explained that due to lack of rainfall earlier in the Spring the sediment was now coming through the pipes and assured us all that this poses no danger to health. Scottish Water has taken a sample for analysis. CC has requested sight of results.

Following flooding at Glovers Wynd, Ferry Road and at the Loch Run the meeting expressed serious concern that our system is already over capacity and recognised that flooding with raw sewage is even more dangerous than usual due to the Covid pandemic. John Docherty to follow up with Scottish Water.

It was felt that Fife Council appears to be turning a blind eye to this serious problem and that it is ignoring the impact on the situation in light of recent planning applications. Angela to forward to Linda several articles stressing the dangers of sewage and Covid 19 and Linda to try to liaise with relevant councillors at Fife Council. The Loch Run, in particular, is crucial for proposed developments at Wadeslea and the Grange as it cannot cope with existing problems. It was noted that the table re flooding produced by developer is inaccurate. Angus to email Ross Spiers who is responsible for flooding issues at Fife Council.



Transfer application has been approved and trustees are now negotiating terms and conditions. Formal offer to be submitted by 31st December.



Concern was expressed that camper vans are now arriving once again at the car park and efforts are to be made with FC&CT to set up a management plan. Linda to contact Robbie Blyth to check on progress.*



A walk through has been planned with representatives from Fife Council (Cllr John Docherty), Elie Estate Trust and Community Council (Trisha Ritchie) and a member of the public.



Change of parking lines at Earlsferry Town Hall – nothing changed.

Damage to overflow pipe on to beach – still not repaired.

Bollard at Chapel Green – still awaiting repair.

Sign into Elie from St Monans – still not replaced.

Wadeslea sign replaced but only to car park and not to main road thus causing confusion.

Cllr Linda Holt to chase all up with some urgency. Thank you Linda!



Only concern is that of water and drainage issues relating to the major development plan.

Noted that comments/objections to all planning applications are no longer shown on FC eplanning website.



All planting has been successfully accomplished – now needs to be maintained. Thanks to group for all their hard work.



The extended house at St Andrews hospital has now reverted to:

Saturdays – 8pm – 10pm

Sundays – 9pm – 9pm

Weekdays – 7pm – 10pm

The group has requested data pre and during pandemic.



Friends of Nairn Park Group has proposed that a 15 year lease be agreed. CC supports the Group’s proposal that the space at Nairn Park should be should be available for community use in general.


Date of next meeting Tuesday 4th August via Zoom. We hope that his will be a public meeting and members of the public will be invited to join.


* Since the meeting the carpark became not only a camper van park but also a camping site with as many as 24 tents parked in the park itself. Thanks to Robbie Blyth who did his best to sort out the problem by making the disabled toilet available to all campers and giving them notice to quit. Since then FC signs have been erected stating no overnight camping efforts are being made to control the situation effectively.



Minute of Meeting of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council held on 2nd June 2020 via Zoom


Present:  Shelagh Mackay (Chair), Patricia Ritchie, Sandy Bingham, Angela Anderson, Angus Meldrum, Grizelda Cowan and Councillor Linda Holt


Apologies: Mark Dickson, Cllrs John Docherty and Bill Porteous


Declarations of interest: No new declarations of interest


March minutes - proposed by Trisha, seconded by Angus.



Linda Holt reported that Pittenweem Recycling Centre is expected to open within next two weeks with a booking system. *

Because FC was unable to do anything about the build up of sand outside Ship Inn Donald Thomson agreed to shift it and the cost of this was covered by The Harbour Trust. A more permanent solution is needed – discussions to be held within Beach Group.



It has been recognised that there are definitely more visitors arriving week by week but, so far, the beach has been pretty quiet so not yet a major issue. Linda to ask FC&CT if toilets can be opened.

Thanks were expressed to the PTA which has been the biggest contributor in village to the Covid 19 volunteer programme.

A request has been made to FC for traffic regulations on road outside shops so that when they open, safe queuing with social distancing can take place. Cllr Bill Porteous to make enquiries.



It was noted that SEPA has withdrawn their objection in connection with flood risks at major development at Wadeslea. For updates on this application go to: https://planning.fife.gov.uk/online/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=documents&keyVal=PJMTTBHFIXI00

There is further correspondence from Scottish Water on the application for building on land north of Grange Road. For updates go to: https://planning.fife.gov.uk/online/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=documents&keyVal=PJMTT9HFIXF00

Community Council understands that the E&E Action Group is looking into developments.



It is understood that solicitor, Alaistair Dickson is looking into the legalities concerning the blocking off of this path to general public. Anyone wishing more information on this campaign should contact Alaistair directly.



The group, Friends of Nairn Park will be holding a Zoom meeting shortly to discuss lease of the Park and the way forward.



It was agreed that dog fouling is a continuing problem although the situation has improved since a number of bins that were ‘closed’ and now ‘open’. Plan is still to situate a number of dog poo bag dispensers round the village but in present conditions these are difficult to obtain.

FC&CT has agreed to collect piles of rubbish that has been collected at West Bay and beside Cocklemill Burn.



Concern was expressed with regard to two recent accidents on the Chain Walk but Angus pointed out that frequently the Chain Walk is identified as the location of an accident when this is not the case. It was agreed that there is a need to alert public to the potential dangers of the Chain Walk and we are looking into ways of communicating with walkers by informing them of tide times etc. Cllr Linda Holt to liaise with FC&CT and RLNI. **


Date of next meeting 7th July via Zoom. We hope that his will be a public meeting and members of the public will be invited to join.


* Pittenweem Recycling Centre is now open – to book your slot go to https://selfservice-fife.servicebuilder.co.uk/renderform.aspx?t=1&k=095C78B060236F21F2EAE2A93900EA822C9825AF


** Tide timetable will soon be on the Elie What’s On app



Minute of Meeting of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council held on 3rd May 2020 via Zoom

Present:  Mark Dickson (Chair), Jim Robertson, Angela Anderson, Patricia Ritchie, Angus Meldrum, Sandy Bingham, Shelagh Mackay and Grizelda Cowan.

Apologies: Councillors Linda Holt, John Docherty and Cllr Bill Porteous

Declarations of interest: No new declarations of interest

March minutes - proposed by Mark, seconded by Angela.


This is a trial Zoom meeting and the aim is to keep it short!

Thanks were expressed to:


All individuals and groups who have responded to requests for help during the pandemic, Local businesses who are adopting new methods of delivery,

All those who have followed advice and not visited Elie during lockdown.

Acceptance that there is public concern over possible influx of visitors over the next few weeks during the traditional holiday period and there are reports of some residents coming and going during the lockdown period. Decision was made to put a notice on E&ECC website and Facebook – Mark to do wording and Grizelda will post.

Mark gave us an update on the situation re volunteers from CC. The original understanding was that CC volunteers were to be coordinated by ENCEPT but we have been informed that this is to be done by CC. In fact the community has received more offers of help than has been needed.


The NE Fife Out of Hours group has been actively working towards promoting the adoption in Scotland of the Test, Trace & Isolate (TTI) approach. Following its wish to support such an approach, the Group put out a call for volunteers to assist with contact tracing, and the response from bodies such as St. Andrews University, ENCEPT (East Neuk Emergency Planning Team), First responders, several community councils and individuals has been overwhelmingly positive. The Group has written to the Deputy CMO and the FHSCP offering its services.

The Out of Hours service at St. Andrews Community Hospital, has been extended again and is now open 6pm -12midnight and all weekend from 8am to 12 midnight. All the services have been rearranged due to COVID-19.  St Andrews is regarded as a Green zone and so patients are seen after careful phone triage, if it is considered essential that they be seen.  All patients with anything that could be coronavirus related are triaged by a hub in Glenrothes and if they need to be seen they are directed to a Red zone at the Victoria Hospital, Kirkcaldy. The Overnight service is however being operated from Dunfermline with a potential requirement for patients that need to be seen to travel there.  While this is clearly a deterioration in the service for NE Fife patients, it is a temporary one related to Covid 19.


CC has received request from local businesses that when shops are able to re-open that the public should adhere to queuing systems and that there might be a need to ask for a Traffic Order to ensure social distancing and safety of chidren when parking.


Awaiting feedback from Fife Councillors – see previous minutes

SEPA is still looking into the broken overflow sewage pipe. Angus informed meeting Scottish Water did send a truck to investigate about a month ago and he will chase up for their findings.

Request for a replacement lifebuoy on dunes on Elie Beach. Mark will ask Robbie Blyth of FC&C trust


Deadline for comments on the planning application for houses to be built on plot of land to east of telephone exchange, Park Place is 11th June - https://planning.fife.gov.uk/online/applicationDetails.do?keyVal=Q80HV8HFJNM00&activeTab=summary


Angus requested approval of decision to appoint previous auditor to prepare annual report. CC agreed.


The fencing at Earlsferry is now finished and two beachfront home owners have requested help to plant marram grass in November


Every task has been allocated and plans are afoot to plant throughout the village this coming Thursday. The group has been granted £250 Local Community Grant.

Application for funding has been submitted for refurbishment of water fountain and bandstand


The grass has been mowed by local residents in an attempt to keep area tidy. Discussions re lease of park are ongoing with Football Pitch Group.


It was reported that there has been concern expressed by several locals that the footpath in Elie Estate which runs past the boathouse looks as if it is in danger of being fenced off. Angela to re-discuss this matter with Fife Access Officer.

It was agreed that this Zoom meeting had been a success and was agreed that we should pay the monthly sum of £11.99 in order to extend possible length.

Date of next meeting 7.30pm 2nd June via Zoom. This will be a public meeting and members of the public will be invited to join.


Minute of Meeting of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council held on 3rd March 2020 in Elie Sailing Club

Present:  Mark Dickson (Chair), Angela Anderson, Patricia Ritchie, Angus Meldrum, Sandy Bingham, Grizelda Cowan.

Councillors Linda Holt, and John Docherty.

Apologies: Shelagh Mackay and Cllr Bill Porteous

Declarations of interest: Mark and Grizelda both stated a personal interest into the proposed development at the Grange site and Sandy in connection with her planning application.

Police report: No Police report this month

February minutes - proposed by Trisha, seconded by Angela.


Congratulations to 19th Hole for winning  Scotland Business Award Best Eatery 2020

Proposed Beach Clean at West Bay 29th March organised by Neil Grieve at Appletons.

Gate to Dumbarnie Golf Course from track along old railway line is no longer locked and is accessible to walkers – please shut behind you!

COMCL, now a registered limited company, held a very successful workshop. Projects discussed included:

Toll Green improvements – to be undertaken by Environmental Group

Golf Museum – History Society

Campervan trial at Ruby Bay car park to start 1st April

An application for Cycle Path from Pittenweem to Lower Largo has been submitted to SUSTRANS for funds for consultation process and feasibility study.

E&ECC supports Earlsferry Town Hall’s application for Community Transfer, to be summitted this week

East Neuk Forum to meet on 19th March – a new form of ENCAP is expected.


Cllr John Docherty Kingsbarns Beach Car Park wishes to emulate our plans for overnight campervan parking

Cllr Linda Holt has been attending consultation re off shore wind farms. More info to follow.


It was agreed that new suggestion forms for public to submit requests, ideas, comments etc should be designed and given to Newsagents for distribution – Grizelda to action. Following numerous request to help with problem of dog fouling in and around the village it was agreed that CC should purchase dog poo bag dispensers which would be situated at Ruby Bay Car Park, Chapel Green and Toll Green – Mark to action.

Re path in Elie Estate past old boathouse – Mark to request that CC should be informed if/when the plan is to block off this route completely. It is hoped that public would continue to be able to use the route for time being.

Re overflow sewer pipe on beach – SEPA is chasing up Scottish Water as urgent repairs are necessary.

Mark confirmed that access to the beach at the Toft cannot be completely blocked off. A gate could be installed but this could not be locked.


There is still a need to address problem of parking bays outside Earlsferry Town Hall – there appears to be an extra unnecessary disabled bay.

We are awaiting results of review of play parks from newly appointed FC manager.

The CC is awaiting feedback from police re theft of furniture from Earlsferry Town Hall.

Bollard at Chapel Green still awaiting repair.

The lights on road to Toft are now working fine.

Flooding at bottom of Castwell Wynd and Glovers Wynd has been reported to FC.

Part of the wall at Doom/Dome Park at Chapel Green has collapsed. A safety barrier has been erected – Mark to find out if this is responsibility of FC or FC&C Trust.

The Slow Down sign at eastern approach to village is not working. It is believed that this has already been reported to fife Council by Graham Johnston.

Street sign at Wadeslea is broken and lying on pavement – Mark to re-report. Cllr Linda Holt to investigate it poses a danger.


Nothing of concern reported


The fencing at Earlsferry is now finished and most of the marram grass planted.

The local farmers have turned down the offer of seaweed due to the plastic within it. An alternative suggestion is to collect and put in dumps at Elie Estate. Robbie Blyth is investigating funding for the management of seaweed removal.

The Harbour Trust has raised concerns over safety of toilets at harbour – request made to FC to make them safe. Build up of sand outside Ship Inn – Cllr Linda Holt to report to Sarah Wilson at FC.


Pollarding of trees on Toll Green cannot go ahead as FC does not own Toll Green and is therefore not responsible. However, as one tree is actually dangerous FC is to be asked to fell. Cllr Linda Holt to ask Brian Taylor to action.


The Out of Hours (OOH) group has requested data from the Fife Health and Social Care Partnership (FHSCP)which will enable full consideration of the performance of the service. The FHSCP has advised this data may be available following a review of the data by the Clinical Governance committee at their next meeting.

 It was noted that feedback on the service can be provided via the Care Opinion website. It is anonymous. It is an ideal way to give praise where it is due but it also provides the opportunity for patients and carers to give really honest feedback and provide a true reflection of the care which they have received. People can choose what they want to say. We have been advised that NHS managers and staff do actively respond to the feedback.  It is an important way of introducing changes to a service where it needs to be improved.  

The role of the First Responders was described by Gillian Duncan who coordinates the service in the local area. She advised that First Responders (FR) is a voluntary and highly trained organisation which responds to emergency care in the community.  They fill a gap in services in life threatening situations.  They work in partnership with the Scottish Ambulance Service (SAS).  FR personnel are willing to train in additional situations and with new equipment but do not diagnose. The Out of Hours group felt they could add a valuable contribution to the Out of Hours service and will write to the FHSCP and advise of this.

 The OOH group has been meeting with government advisers to review the National Guidance on Community Involvement and put forward a number of recommendations. A user friendly version will be made available for the public and Community Groups.  It is hoped these may be available some time in the summer.


East Neuk Literary Festival to be held at Kellie Castle 10th – 11th October. Cllr Linda Holt to give Trish info on possible funding for event.

Date of next meeting, 7th April Sailing Club 7.30pm.


Minute of Meeting of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council held on 4th February 2020 in Elie Sailing Club

Present:  Mark Dickson (Chair), Angela Anderson, Patricia Ritchie, Shelagh Mackay, Angus Meldrum, Sandy Bingham, Grizelda Cowan.

Councillors Linda Holt, Bill Porteous and John Docherty.

Apologies: Jim Robertson

Declarations of interest: Mark and Grizelda both stated a personal interest into the proposed development at the Grange site and Sandy and Shelagh in connection with their planning applications.

Police report: Police reported no crimes recorded. Four people have applied to participate in the Speedwatch program. Trying to get a ‘Pop up Bob’ but one is injured at moment. Plan to target lorries and busses which appear to be regular speed offenders. The sensor on the speed light appears to be defective – should turn red when limit is exceeded – this will be attended to.

January minutes - proposed by Shelagh, seconded by Trisha.


Funding of up to £10k is available from SNH for coastal improvements – closing date is end of February. For more information go to https://www.nature.scot/professional-advice/land-and-sea-management/managing-access-and-recreation/increasing-participation/snh-and-year-coasts-and-waters-2020-ycw2020-0

BT has indicated their intention to remove red phone box from beside Toll Green. CC agreed that it should be adopted and put to community use as, for example, a place for siting a defibrillator, book exchange. Any other suggestions are welcome.

COMCOL – meeting/workshop will take place on 8th February.

Mark and Angus met with representatives from Fife Planning Department to discuss application for major development. FC is aware of the decision by SEPA to withdraw their objection with regard to overflow, drainage for proposed houses. Angus noted a perceived contradiction in this decision. Planning department will look into our concerns concerning existing over flow problems including problems with broken waste water pipe on beach below School Wynd. Mark to list all our all our concerns,. Scottish Water are still investigating possibility of improving whole system but nothing confirmed yet.

Meeting was reminded of training opportunities for CC members 20th/27th February at Fife House. Applications should be made on line.


Cllr John Docherty reported that FC has agreed to reinstate disabled ramp to beach at the end of the gardens at The Toft.

Cllr Linda Holt informed CC that a meeting is planned to decide which roads and pathways in Fife need attention. They have no record of broken pavements and as there are several in Elie and Earlsferry this will be attended to. The meeting identified Ferry Road as in particular need of repair/upgrading.

Cllr Bill Porteous reported a delay in decision re siting of new O2/Vodafone mast as  there is now more concentration of providing 5G in cities.

Consultation on Freedom Camping has received positive feedback and intention is to start pilot scheme in April.

Bill met with representative from SUSTRANS and FC to conduct feasibility study for implementation of cycle path form Elie to St Monans.


It has been noted that fences are being erected in Elie Estate which appear to be blocking off the popular track which goes beside the loch and straight past the boathouse and that signs for core path directs walkers ‘inland’. It was decided that Mark should email Alex Nairn to ask for clarification.

It has been noted that gates along the old railway line towards new Dumbarnie Golf Course are either locked or signed ‘No Entry’. It was felt that as construction has now finished the right of way to the Coastal Path should not be restricted. Bill Porteous has emailed Dumbarnie Golf Course to request that access be reinstated.

With regard to broken sewage pipe on beach below School Wynd Angus has contacted Fife Council requesting urgent repairs. General concern was expressed about the frequency of this emergency system being in action with raw sewage being emptied into the sea and, at very low tides, on to the beach. Angus to contact Scottish Water and SEPA with our concerns.

With regard to the problem of dog mess in village an email has been sent to the main two letting agents requesting that they ask all dog owning tenants to be extra vigilant.  Elie Select has replied with assurances that they will continue to urge their dog owning tenants to be responsible.  CC is to consider the possibility of siting dog poo bag dispensers round the village.

Sally Brown from Easter Grangemuir Farm requested permission to sell strawberries on Toll Green. It was decided that we ask for more information with regard to her request before commenting. But it was generally felt that there might be serious health risk in selling uncovered food on the Green and that local shops would be opposed to the plan. Grizelda to action.


It was noted with pleasure that some street signs have been painted. Others still need attention.

There is still a need to address problem of parking bays outside Earlsferry Town Hall – there appears to be an extra unnecessary disabled bay.

There are now double yellow lines outside Ship Inn as requested but there is still confusion as to how far along these should extend and with regard to the problem of painting yellow line on the road when it is covered in sand.

The bollards at Chapel Green and the bollards and sign outside Elie House are still broken.

Street lights on road down to Toft appear to work only occasionally. This has already been reported and it is expected that it will be attended to with some urgency.

Flooding at bottom of Castwell Wynd has been reported to FC.


Nothing of concern reported


Payment of £497 has come through.

Cllr Linda Holt informed meeting of a fund set up with cash to be divided between floral groups and suggested that we should check to see if E & E are on list of proposed recipients. *


A claim has been made to the Common Good Fund for cost of the fencing. Local resident Bob Duff has agreed to pay for the difference in cost if there is a shortfall.

A request has been made that seaweed should be removed from Harbour Beach twice a year in April and November. There are on-going discussions as where best to put it. Local farmers will be contacted to see if it can be spread on fields and a suggestion was made that moving it to a low tide point in the hope that it would wash out to sea.

As part of the Road Traffic Management Plan speed restriction signs were proposed along The Toft along with speed bump markings and possibly a pedestrian crossing. Also planned are three defined routes to Harbour Beach to include a disability ramp. Other suggestions made include reducing the front line of the dunes and the creation of tunnels under the causeway.

Date of next meeting Tuesday 3rd March, Sailing Club 7.30pm.


* Since meeting it has been confirmed that E & E are not on FC’s list of recipients for a floral grant but that there is still time to apply for this.


Minute of Meeting of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council held on 7th January 2020 in Elie Sailing Club


Present:  Mark Dickson (Chair), Angela Anderson, Patricia Ritchie, Shelagh Mackay, Angus Meldrum, Sandy Bingham, Grizelda Cowan.

Councillors Linda Holt, Bill Porteous and John Docherty.

From Fife Coast and Countryside Trust: Robbie Blyth and Jeremy Harris

Apologies: Jim Robertson


Presentation from Robbie Blyth

Robbie presented the consultation draft document, Freedom Camping which addresses issues concerning campervan parking at Ruby Bay Car Park. It is hoped that this report will stimulate national interest and debate and that Fife will take a leading role throughout Scotland in finding ways to manage this national challenge. Robbie stressed that the aim is not to make money but to find a satisfactory way of controlling the motorhomes :  


Freedom Camping - Options Paper on Motorhome Use in Fife - Consultation Draft

In response to pressing concerns expressed by community groups in Fife and in consultation with Fife Council, Fife Coast & Countryside Trust (FCCT) have compiled an options paper to consider pressures arising from the increase of Motorhome users across Fife. The draft paper highlights challenges, opportunities, and risks with potential options for the future. We would be pleased to have your views and ideas on any of its contents by January 31st, 2020: https://d1ssu070pg2v9i.cloudfront.net/pex/fcct/2020/01/07105859/Freedom-Camping-Options-Paper-on-Motorhome-Use-in-Fife.pdf

Comments can be fed back to:

Email: ask.us@fifecountryside.co.uk  (please add Motorhome Consultation to the subject)
Telephone: 01592 656080
Address: FCCT (Motorhome Consultation) Hotpot Wynd, Dysart, Fife, KY12TQ


For anyone wishing to see a hard copy of the document copies can be read at Elie Library.

CC expressed thanks to Robbie for the production of such a thorough and comprehensive document and expressed a wish that all residents take time to read it and report back with any comments/suggestions.


Declarations of interest: Mark and Grizelda both stated a personal interest into the proposed development at the Grange site and Sandy Bingham and Shelagh in connection with their planning applications.


Police report: police reported having received 9 calls but no crimes reported.


November minutes proposed by Trisha, seconded by Sandy



Mark noted that the village enjoyed a very busy Christmas and New Year period. Well done and thanks were expressed to Fayre Day Group for Advent Windows, Carols on the Green, Santa’s Grotto and fabulous decorations and Christmas tree on Toll Green

Earlsferry Town Hall also had a busy season with well attended concert and film shows.

COMCOL will be holding a seminar and workshop on 8th February, at which suggested projects will be discussed, including: future of Toll Green, including Toll Green Hall, possible golf museum & heritage trail and proposed improvements to harbour area.

Opportunity for a representative to give an update on Earlsferry Town Hall

There is a training opportunity for CC members on 20th February – an email has been circulated to all members.



The perennial problem of dog mess throughout village came up again. It was noted that there are 2 new poo bins on the golf course on the track down to West Bay. It is presumed that these have been installed by the Golf Club and, although it was thought to be a good idea concern was expressed that they were not emptied during the Christmas period. We agreed to keep an eye on them in the hope that this was a one-off problem. Cllr John Docherty reminded the meeting that all reports of dog fouling should be made to Safer Communities with a picture of the offending dog – not its owner – as evidence – call 01592 583642 or on line - https://online.fifedirect.org.uk/formFinder/index.cfm?fuseaction=form.Question&Form_id=18A15B38-FC50-6796-20ED271BC3114407. A fine of £80 can be imposed.

It was noted by Angus that the number of dogs in the village significantly increases during the busy holiday periods and suggested that we might impose a levy of £20 on all visiting dogs but this was considered impractical. It was decided that we should write a letter to all known letting agencies asking them to ask their tenants with dogs to behave responsibly. Grizelda to action.

It was also noted that several of the bins in the villages were overflowing during the Christmas period. These were emptied after a request was made to Fife Council. If anyone notices an overflowing bin they can call 01592 5500 22 Ext 4 and it will be seen to with some urgency

It was reported that that village entrance sign opposite the entrance to Elie House is damaged and a request was made to FC that it be re-installed and that the 20MPH sign be moved approx. 20m closer to the village.



It was noted that a decision has been made by FC that, from 6th January, all comments on line re planning applications will not be available for public view till closing date of application. There is some puzzlement as to reasons for this decision. Cllr Linda Holt is to look into and report back at next meeting.



Fencing at Earlsferry end of the dunes was to start today 7th January but high winds has made it necessary to postpone till Thursday 9th. Elmwood students to take some marram grass form the harbour area and replant by Castwell Wynd, Earlsferry.

A claim will be made to the Common Good Fund for cost of the fencing.

At a meeting held on 10th December a request was made that seaweed be removed – there are on-going discussions re where to put it. SNH to be contacted to discover where they used to put it in the past. Angela to action.

Angus met with Andrew Ovenstone after meeting to discuss dunes and passage to harbour beach opposite Andrew’s house. It was agreed that he should be invited to next CC meeting to discuss all issues concerning dunes and passage. The passage is not recorded as a right of way. Angela will progress application for it to be considered as such – to contact Sarah Johnson of FC.

Cllr Jon Docherty to investigate establishing/reinstating disabled access to Harbour Beach



Date of next meeting Tuesday 4th February, Sailing Club 7.30pm.


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