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Minutes of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council AGM and meeting held on 6th December at Earlsferry Town Hall


Present:  Angela Anderson, Angus Meldrum, Grizelda Cowan, Kirsty Barclay, Sandy Bingham, Carol Birrell and Cllr Alycia Hayes


Apologies from: Nicola Hetherington, Patricia Ritchie, Cllr Sean Dillon and Cllr Fiona Corps


No new declarations of interest.


November minutes – proposed by Carol, seconded by Angela


Councillors’ Update

Cllr Alycia Hayes informed the meeting that the new councillors are getting to grips with all their specific areas and that there is a NE Fife meeting scheduled soon.

She highlighted the numerous hoax calls which have been prevalent in the area and urged everyone to be very wary. She reminded the meeting that Fife schools will be closed this coming Thursday due to strike action.


Questions from the Public

Not for the first time we have received a request from a member of the public that some measures be put in place to reduce speeding through the village.

Nicola has already been in touch with Stagecoach in an attempt to persuade bus drivers to slow down. Alycia agreed to take forward to FC the real concern in the village about speeding.


Toll Green Huts

The huts have been offered for sale. Carol to ask Derek from Buffet for an update. *


Proposal by Active Travel

The meeting agreed unanimously to reject all suggestions put forward by Active Travel:

  • Close Admirality Lane to all vehicles
  • Close The Terrace to all vehicles with the exception of those belonging to local residents
  • Widen the pavement west of Rankeillor Street


Replacement Gates by School

The meeting was delighted to note that shiny new gates have been installed north of the school giving access to 9-hole golf course. Although the pedestrian gate is open it appears that the larger one giving vehicles access has been padlocked and concern was expressed that the residents whose houses on Park Place have vehicle access to the back of their houses were to be denied this. Alycia agreed to look into this. **


Annual Ship Inn Fireworks Display

It was agreed that this year’s display had been a great success with record number of visitors and congratulations and thanks were expressed to Graham Bucknall for all his and his team’s hard work. He is looking into forming a more formal group to look into ways in which this event can continue safely. The CC agreed that they will be a happy to publicise all related information.


Dog Fouling Posters

Posters designed by the children at Elie Primary School have been produced and the meeting expressed its thanks to them all for their imaginative efforts. Sandy agreed to laminate and put them up at Archbald Park, Hyde Park and Toll Green.


Locality Plans

Angela agreed to complete FC’s survey and return to FC.



Discussions led by Bridget with FC are on-going.


Beach Group

A request has been made to FCCT to remove the broken fence at the bottom of Telford Wynd and the old life belt further along the dunes. ***


Toll Green Ownership

It looks like FC are prepared to take responsibility for Toll Green. There are on-going discussions about the reparation of the flagpole and pollarding/pruning of the trees and the removal of the dead ones.


Next meeting Tuesday 10th January 2023, 7.30pm, Earlsferry Town Hall.  As usual this will be a public meeting and members of the public are invited to join.


* It is believed that buyers for all the huts have been found and that they should be removed shortly.


** the padlock and sign have been removed and both gates are now open. It remains a mystery as to why it was ever locked.


*** Both have been removed


Minutes of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council AGM and meeting held on 1st November at Earlsferry Town Hall


  Angela Anderson, Grizelda Cowan, Angus Meldrum, Patricia Ritchie, and Carol Birrell


Apologies from: Nicola Hetherington, Sandy Bingham, Kirsty Barclay and Fiona Corps


2020 AGM minutes proposed by Grizelda, seconded by Trisha


Report from Chair from Angela Anderson

This has been a year of change.  Change in personnel. Shelagh Mackay has chaired the council for a few years, remitted office and our former Chairman of many years Jim Robertson died.  We also lost through the democratic process, the services of Linda Holt, Bill Porteous and John Docherty who for so long had championed our causes and done their best to squeeze action and sometimes money out of Fife Council.  They will all be missed but, in their place, we welcome the new East Neuk and Landward councillors and hope that they will be able to have as much influence with Fife council as their predecessors.  We have gained in respect that we have co-opted Kirsty Barclay and Carol Birrell both very knowledgeable local residents.  They will retain their co-opted places until the next elections which are in October 2023.

If the people have changed, the same cannot be said for the topics and subjects we have again and again and again had to address.  The perennial returnees of Campervans at Ruby Bay, overflowing recycling BINS at peak times, Toll Green, irresponsible parking, rusty gates and traffic signs being the staple of our diet along with sewage problems at different sites in the villages and the build- up of excess seaweed on the beach. 

Also, no progress has been made on the Traffic Review to be provided by Fife Council. We are still waiting on a Traffic Review site visit which was promised over 2 years ago!!  Things change on these topics from extremely slowly, to almost dead stop and it is not for want of effort on behalf of the councillors and the members of the community council but it has always been thus. 

Angus Meldrum and Grizelda have done a sterling job as Treasurer and minutes secretary respectively, and we owe them our thanks.  A permanent secretary would be a tremendous help to provide continuity but unfortunately there is as yet none in place.  Perhaps the new council next year will have a willing and enthusiastic volunteer.

We should also pay tribute to Robbie Blyth of FCCT who was also ready at the drop of anyone’s hat to come along and bring us up to date with the various projects he has been committed to.  He produced guidance on Peak Period Operating Procedures covering Ruby Bay carpark management which included the introduction of a Motorhome Parking Charge scheme; Elie harbour carpark management; enforcement procedures; management of coastal litter; recycling facilities; public toilet provision and wild camping.

Future plans include:

  • Construction of new toilet block.
  • Separate recycling bins
  • Drinking water points
  • Safe bases for use of disposable BBQs.
  • The removal of invasive flora
  • External showers to be installed
  • The issuing of invoices to all unauthorised parking


Long may that continue.  In the meantime we carry on calmly…….sic transit gloria…..as they say!!

It was suggested at the meeting that thanks should be expressed to the Elie and Earlsferry Action Group (usually shortened to the EAG) for all the work its members have put in.


It was also noted that the PPP applications for the developments at the Grange and at Wadeslea were still ‘Awaiting decision’ by FC planning department.


Treasurer’s Report

CC funds stand at total £12,279.55, £3,168.60 comprising CC general fund and £9,110.95 in funds raised by Neil Grieve toward a new playpark.

Thanks were expressed to our auditor, John Fingland and it was noted that, as he will be retiring and leaving the village, we will need to find another auditor for next year.



Minutes of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council meeting held on 1st November at Earlsferry Town Hall


Present:  Angela Anderson, Grizelda Cowan, Angus Meldrum, Patricia Ritchie, and Carol Birrell


Apologies from: Nicola Hetherington, Sandy Bingham, Kirsty Barclay and Fiona Corps


No new declarations of interest.


October minutes – two changes were requested –

  • The words ‘The CC would like to demand for a 20MPH speed limit to be introduced’ should be changed to ‘The CC would like to strongly request for a 20MPH speed limit to be introduced.’
  • The statement that Alex Nairn had offered Nairn Park for parking on 5th November Bonfire Night was incorrect. He had offered another field close to the main road but concerns were that this might be too muddy for use on 5th.

With these amendments noted the October minutes were proposed by Angela and seconded by Trisha.


Matters Arising

Dog fouling and signage – Archbald Park

The children at Elie Primary School have designed some signs which Kirsty will bring to next meeting.


Temporary road closure

This will take place on 8 and 9 November 2022 between 9.30-3.30pm to allow BT works to be carried out: Elie High St at junction with School Wynd down to properties 2&4 School Wynd.

Also closure of the A917 Upper Largo to Dumbarnie, from east access to Upper Largo to Dumbarnie Links Golf Course. The alternative route for vehicular traffic is via Upper Largo, Main Street & St Andrews Road;A915; B941; B942 and A917.

Access for emergency services and pedestrians will be maintained.


Monday 14/11/22 at 07.00hrs to Friday 23/12/22 at 18.00hrs, or until earlier completion of the works.


Concern was voiced by the CC members of the extensive duration of full closure of the A917 Upper Largo to Dumbarnie road.


Action: the councillors are to be contacted with a request for our concerns to be raised with Fife Council.


Closure and locking of gates by school.

These are to be investigated by Fiona Corps.  FC owns the land, but it is a Right of Way. That access from Park Place onto the Golf course is used multiple times every day by golfers accessing the golf course and by walkers.  In addition, the houses on Park Place whose back gardens back on to the golf course have the right of vehicular access to their properties due to the cart-way which used to lead to the old blacksmiths, which is now Garland's Yard.   

Action: a request for the gates to remain unlocked due to the path being in regular use by residents and also historically being a Right of Way, is to be intimated to the councillors and passed on by them to Fife Council.

Church of Scotland closures.

These include: St Monans, Pittenweem, Crail, Elie and Carnbee are to be sold, let or otherwise disposed of within the next 5 years. ENFPS had written to the Church of Scotland’s HQ back in July complaining at the lack of engagement with local communities over its earlier proposals. In response, Fife Presbytery has now set up a Historic Churches Working Group to remedy this situation. The Working Group’s remit is to consult with congregations and communities on options for the preservation and future use of historic church buildings including as assets for the church’s mission, and to report back to the Presbytery within 12 months.

The Working Group has already started on a series of consultation meetings for the churches affected, with the Pittenweem meeting held on 13 October. This was attended by members of the congregation plus a representative from the community council and from ENFPS – these had met earlier and agreed in principle to the setting up a community trust aimed at taking on ownership of the church building for community use.  

ENFPS will be continuing to assist Pittenweem in taking these proposals forward and will be contacting the other communities affected by these closures to offer similar assistance.

The Fife Events Development Fund

This has been secured from the UK Government’s Shared Prosperity Fund, will be used to support eligible, new and existing events taking place in Fife which are anticipated to benefit the local community and attract higher levels of footfall.


This fund will be delivered by Fife Council's Town Centres Development Team - events in any area of Fife with clear community benefits which will attract high levels of footfall will be considered, however, events taking place in town centres will be prioritised.

  • Event organisers hosting events taking place between Friday the 25th of November 2022 and Friday the 31st of March 2023 may be eligible for support. The deadline for applications is Friday the 18th of November 2022
  • Eligible events may be entitled to funding awards from £200 - £10,000.
  • Events may include, however, are not limited to, fayres, galas, music concerts, food and drink events, cultural and sporting events, festive celebrations and funfairs

Toll Green Hall update

  • Provisional opening mid-November
  • Focus is supporting small community groups such as tea and coffee mornings, talks and working alongside Earlsferry town hall
  • Elie Fayre Day will look at the hall for their Christmas events
  • In the summer we will look to commercialise with exhibits etc.
  • The CC will be invited to the launch party once a date is known
  • The hall will be available to book online
  • Neil Grieve will be operating as a janitor /booking manager but not event planner


Fireworks Display

There will be no police presence. Two police officers will be on duty and dedicated to Operation Moonbeam which will cover the North East Fife area and therefore they will not be in a position to dedicate themselves to points in Elie. They will assist with Police Slow signage.

Further requests for those interested in volunteering, to get in touch with the Ship Inn have been placed on the CC social media outlets.  

It was noted and hoped that, as parking in the field by the main road which was offered by Alex Nairn, would probably be too muddy for cars, arrangements could be made with Alex Nairn to allow use of Nairn Park as a one-off.

Action: Grizelda to ask Graham Bucknell for information to be put on CC and E&E Chat Facebooks.


Remembrance Sunday

A flyer with information on the Remembrance Day wreath laying ceremony has been posted throughout the villages and sent to those involved with organising it and those laying a wreath on the day.


Environmental Action Group Update 

The Environmental Action group has provided a comprehensive report on all its activities which include refurbishment and painting of the railings on Toll Green and the provision of new information boards. The full report on their numerous activities, can be found here http://www.elieandearlsferrycc.org/index.asp?pageid=689057 

Concern was voiced by the EAG over the continued presence of the log cabins on Toll Green and the damage being caused by them to the grass. The cabins were placed on Toll Green during the height of the pandemic to support social distancing.

Action: The council agreed to contact the Station Buffet bar and request the removal of the cabins and repair of the damage to the grass on Toll Green.


Earlsferry Town-hall update

Full information on past events which have included lectures, keep fit classes, a concert and exhibitions and future events which include the Conversations on the Coast Festival and a special hosted evening with a cappella group The Other Guys to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the Hall can be found here:



Social Media

Our CC Facebook -  https://www.facebook.com/ElieEarlsferry welcomes our few faithful followers and Elie and Earlsferry Chat - https://www.facebook.com/groups/390596588820883  is also a popular forum for information sharing and  village discussions .


Treasurer’s Update

See AGM minutes.



Toll Green Ownership

Trisha met with a FC representative to discuss the future of the trees on Toll Green. He agreed to prepare a report on the state of the trees and identify those which are diseased and should be removed. He will also advise on pros and cons of pollarding v pruning and recommend a site for a memorial tree for Jim Robertson. Thanks have been expressed to Alex Nairn for his offer of an oak tree but, unfortunately, it was considered that this would be unsuitable.

Neil Grieve is investigating solutions to repairing the flagpole.

Carol informed the meeting that the History Society have discovered in the Archive room some records concerning the amalgamation of Town Councils in the early 70s. On page 2 of North East Fife Working Party No 6. - Parks and Recreational Facilities, Halls, Baths, Community Centres and Burial Grounds. Elie and Earlsferry - Woodside Park, Toll Green, East Links, Harbour Area and Granary.  Although this document isn't dated it appears from other documents that all submissions had to be in by September 1973. It is now clear the Fife Council does own and, therefore, is responsible for the upkeep of Toll Green. Thanks must go to the History Society for this very welcome news.


Bridget is looking into possible funding options for a new play park and is planning to form a sub-group under the CC according to Clause 10 in the Constitution.


Lack of local councillors at meeting

It was noted, with regret, that none of our local councillors had been able to attend either the AGM or this month’s meeting. It was agreed that we should ask them if there is another evening that would better suit their timetables



Next meeting Tuesday 6th December, 7.30pm, Earlsferry Town Hall.  As usual this will be a public meeting and members of the public are invited to join.



Minutes of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council meeting held on 4th October at Earlsferry Town Hall


Present:  Grizelda Cowan, Angela Anderson, Patricia Ritchie, Nicola Hetherington, Sandy Bingham, Kirsty Barclay and Carol Birrell


Apologies from: Angus Meldrum, Cllr Sean Dillon, Cllr Fiona Corps and Cllr Alycia Hayes.


No new declarations of interest.


July minutes - proposed by Trisha, seconded by Angela.


New Members

Two new members were welcomed on the E&ECC. Kirsty Barclay and Carol Birrell have been co-opted to join for the duration of the CC until elections in 2023. (The minute sec was tempted to say ‘a wonderful blend of the old and the new’ but decided that might cause offence!)


Matters Arising


Dog fouling and signage – Archbald Park

Some dog owners are using this area to allow dogs to foul on the grass, on plant containers and adjoining gravelled areas. With the use of this space by young children this has become a health hazard. Some owners don’t pick up either, even with a Fife Council bin very close by. During the summer months many visitors flock to Elie & Earlsferry to enjoy the harbour activities and beach. While most dog owners respect these areas there are others who allow dogs to run off lead irresponsibly throughout both villages especially on the beach and dunes, at Chapel Green and Ruby Bay.

As with Archbald Park there is also a problem within the Toll Green next to the toddlers’ play space - dog owners having just arrived in the village in a car let their dogs out to foul these areas. This is also a health hazard.

It was decided that dogs should not be banned from these areas but that more signs should be put in place requesting dog owners to be more vigilant. Nicola and Kirsty agreed to speak to PTA of Elie Primary School asking if children could design some signs which we can print, laminate and put in place.


Antisocial behaviour

The Scottish Government’s Community Safety Network issued an invitation to all CCs which Grizelda circulated to all members. They were planning to host a Team call for about 60-75 mins or so sometime in October to hear from community councils about their experience, views and suggestions - essentially discuss ASB, what it means to you and what you think are the best solutions to the problem.

They attached:  a background discussion paper including three main questions they will be asking sector partners and communities. A questions/answers template and privacy assurance notice will be provided in advance of the proposed meeting call. Whether or not people can attend the proposed meeting call (participation welcome) there will be additional opportunity to send comments post-meeting. There may be scope for a physical meeting, but this could impact attendance should people be attempting to travel from remote distances.

It was agreed at meeting that our main concerns re anti-social behaviour in the village are mainly concentrated on summer beach parties. While it is accepted that these are traditional and have been enjoyed by youngsters for generations there is concern about the mess they frequently leave behind. It was agreed that we should ask for some occasional police presence on the beach and that the revellers should be reminded that they must not leave litter and, in particular, glass bottles.


Toll Green

Fife Council has undertaken to paint the railings. They have also commenced work on repairing the bollards.

Flagpole – EEAG is researching the options which could include replacement of the flagpole and will then be in talks with Fife Council regarding the Flagpole.

It was agreed that several of the trees on Toll Green need some urgent attention. At least two are diseased and should be removed. The old age question regarding the pollarding of the trees was once again raised. Trisha agreed to contact FC to ask if a survey could be carried out on the trees and if FC has a tree surgeon who might be able to undertake any necessary work


Fireworks display

The council has been contacted by the Ship Inn with a request for support for the Fireworks display to be held on 5th November 2022.

The Ship Inn which has appropriate insurance cover and a blueprint for the event could proceed to sponsor the event, recruit volunteers and arrange all the other appropriate cover.

Alex Nairn has offered use of the field on the left coming into Elie from St Monans. If the ground is too muddy for cars Nairn Park will be made available as an alternative

FCCT has indicated the toilets at the harbour will be open and staffed and two members of FCCT staff will be available to help manage the car park from 5-9pm.

Professionals will this year be lighting the fireworks reducing insurance costs and personal liability for anyone involved.

The meeting agreed to support the event and Angela is to contact the Bucknalls and advise them that the CC will be happy to promote it on our Facebook site indicating that the Ship Inn is seeking volunteers to assist at the Fireworks Display and for those interested to contact the Ship Inn.  The CC will leave it up to the Ship Inn to contact and liaise with Alex Nairn over parking facilities and FCCT over parking attendants.  Angela will approach the councillors to see if they could arrange for a police presence.


Sosabowski Walk

Consulate General of the Republic of Poland based in in Edinburgh has been working closely with local partners, including the Fife Coast and Countryside Trust and the Fife Council, on finding ways to bring back the local history into the attention of the local and the Polish community in Scotland and internationally. There was an invitation to an event, which is part of a wider program of events with focus on General S. Sosabowski and his links with Fife.

On the 25th September they organized a trial walk along a proposed Sosabowski Way, which would take people, mostly along already established costal and other paths, and highlight places linked with gen. Sosabowski and his brigade.

The proposed path takes people from Elie Bay to Leven via Kincraig Point and Largo House. The first draft of the route is subject to approvals following local consultations, of which the 25th September is meant to be the first step in the whole process.

As part of the program on Sunday, the 25th September, they organized a lecture by the great-grandson of the Polish General S. Sosabowski, whose links with Fife, they are highlighting.

This included an invitation to a lecture at 3.30pm on the 25th September. There was also a reception at the Upper Largo Hotel prior to the lecture at 2.30pm.


Local Place Plan

Bridget is still looking into plans for new playpark.

Trisha agreed to look into other suggestions that came out of the Going Forth Charette


Use of Sailing Club as venue for CC meetings

A request has come in from the Sailing Club inviting the CC to use its venue for future CC meetings. The meeting expressed thanks to the Sailing Club for their offer but it was agreed that we should continue to use ETH. It was also agreed that we would welcome update of progress and plans for Toll Green Hall and that we might consider meeting there occasionally.


General village Infrastructure

It was noted the rusty gate by school leading to the nine-hole golf course is still in need of replacement. We believe Cllr Alycia Hayes is still on to it!

The meeting was happy to note that Ferry Road is open again.

The sink hole at Boat wynd is still there although Carol reported that it has been partly filled by builders at Katherine Bank.

Concern has been expressed regarding the builders’ work sites at Chapel Green outside Katherine Bank and at Chapel Green House building site. Public areas are being used to store building materials and there has been some damage caused to posts etc at Chapel Green. The builders have given assurance that all will be made good after building has been completed and we are confident that they will be true to their word.



Nothing of concern was noted.


Police report

It was noted that no Police report has been received this month. Angela to check with Shelagh how to contact local police and invite a representative to attend future meetings.


Beach Group

An excellent article in The Courier on the dangers of coastal erosion was published on 26th September

It was noted that, in order to access the Olgivie House, a portion of the dunes at Earlsferry has had to be removed. The house owners have assured us that all will be made good after completion and that the dunes will be repaired.


Social Media

Our CC Facebook -  https://www.facebook.com/ElieEarlsferry welcomes our few faithful followers and Elie and Earlsferry Chat - https://www.facebook.com/groups/390596588820883  is also a popular forum for information sharing and  village discussions .


Treasurer’s Update

Angus has circulated the CC Accounts Report for year ending 31st March 2022. These will be made available to the public at our AGM on 1st November.


Update from Elie & Earlsferry Action Group

It was agreed that the E&EAG would give the CC regular updates on their activities.


Traffic Report

It was re-emphasised that the three resounding repeated requests were for a 20MPH speed limit throughout the whole village, the need for improvement to make safer the access from Wadeslea to the High Street and request for increased signage throughout the village. The CC would like to demand for a 20MPH speed limit to be introduced and, once again we request that the long-awaited Traffic Management Plan be implemented by Fife Council. (Looking back on minutes from October 2021 exactly the same request was made. It is hoped that our local councillors can speed this up with some urgency.)



Remembrance Sunday

Following a vote it was agreed that the CC would hold a short Remembrance Day Service at the War Memorial on Friday 11th November as there is to be no church service on Remembrance Sunday13th. *


Memorial for past CC member and Chairman, Jim Robertson

It was agreed that the CC should purchase a tree and plaque in memory of Jim Robertson and  that the E&EAG should be asked to plant this on Toll Green


The members of the CC expressed their thanks to past Chair, Shelagh Mackay, for all her work and dedication to the interests of the village over the past three years and will be marking this with a gift to show our appreciation.



Next meeting Tuesday 1st November, 7.30pm AGM followed by a regular CC meeting – Earlsferry Town Hall.  As usual this will be a public meeting and members of the public are invited to join.



* Since the meeting this decision has been reversed. It has now been decided to hold a wreath laying ceremony on Remembrance Sunday, 13th November along with the rest of the country. More information will be available in due course.


* Since the meeting this decision has been reversed. It has now been decided to hold a wreath laying ceremony on Remembrance Sunday, 13th November, along with the rest of the country. More information will be available in due course.


Minutes of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council meeting held on 12th September at Earlsferry Town Hall


Present:  Shelagh Mackay, Grizelda Cowan, Angela Anderson, Angus Meldrum, Patricia Ritchie, Nicola Hetherington, Sandy Bingham and Cllrs Fiona Corps and Cllr Alycia Hayes.

We also welcomed Robbie Blyth from FCCT and Kirsty Barclay


Apologies from: Cllr Sean Dillon

No new declarations of interest. Angela informed meeting that she requested to be included as a core participant in a group assessing the Government’s handling of the pandemic.


July minutes - proposed by Trisha, seconded by Angela.


Chair’s Report

Summer activities- as the last CC meeting was on 5th July there are a number of issues to highlight. Not in any particular order:

The villages have been quieter than during the last two summers, some businesses have told me trading has been similar to 2019. This drop in visitors has meant I have received fewer complaints about bins and traffic which has been welcome.

There have been a number of other matters in the villages which I have been contacted about- speed bumps, antisocial behaviour & the tragic number of dead birds on the shoreline among them.

As ever, Robbie Blyth has dealt with issues at Ruby Bay, & beyond, trying to educate visitors about the new charging scheme and being the first point of contact on a number of issues which don’t even fall within his remit. We are as always very thankful to have Robbie on hand.

There have been responses to FOI requests from Scottish Water & SEPA, thanks to Cllr Fiona Corps for her help asking FC for an update on the sewerage & water management. A member of the public approached me with information, but hasn’t responded to an email I sent, maybe worth following up.

The current position with the development plans, as I understand, is that building can’t start until a signed section 75 is in place and that can’t happen until water/sewerage issues are resolved. The current ‘offer’ from Scottish Water, would effectively be a status quo at best in terms of ability of the systems to deal with increased capacity, but that is my view and I am not an expert.

The issue of the ownership of Toll Green has again surfaced re repairs to the damaged bollards, repairing the fence, the flagpole and pollarding the trees. The flagpole is broken & was to be taken down for six months - in line with equipment being used to remove boats, this is now not going ahead.

It is currently a bit of a mess re appearance and ownership. I understand Graham Meacher has been in contact with Fife Council but have no detailed information.

I have been in correspondence with Bridget re the play park, I am very embarrassed that the money raised last year hasn’t been used. The possibility of a subcommittee of the CC to assist in applying for grant funding, may be a way forward. Bridget has just confirmed that the group would like to progress in this way, if agreed.

Archibald Park has had ‘No Dog’ signs attached to planters at the entrance, no authority or consultation that I am aware of, Facebook comments appear to support my view that dogs are welcome there.

Alan Provan has kindly offered to get a Remembrance Day wreath, an offer I have accepted.

The marquees which were ordered in conjunction with Elie Fayre Day Group are due to arrive today, there cost will be met by the grant EECC applied for and Fayre Day Funds. To enable delivery, I paid for them & will recover the funds in due course.


Sightings of rats at the harbour slipway, behind the sailing club have been circulated on social media. This is disturbing, not sure if Harbour Trust or Sailing club will deal with the issue or not, but they are both aware of the sightings.

Local Plan- I have made no progress.

Noise from generator at Ruby Bay- Angela helpfully sent details of how to record noise levels, not sure if this was progressed or not.

Following the walk around with the spaces for people group also referred to as Active Travel Intervention, my comments were passed on to FC Network Management section, no further comments have been received.

I have received a suggestion that the CC might consider offering a ‘soup kitchen’, I am not sure how that would work, given current food hygiene, Health & Safety etc suggestions & volunteers welcome.

Fife Council Asset Register still shows the whereabouts of the Chain of Office as unknown despite having been told where it is currently located.


Shelagh also informed the meeting officially that from today she will be standing down as Chair, Angela, as Vice Chair has agreed to take over as Acting Chair until the next council election.


Councillors’ Updates

Cllrs Fiona Corps and Alycia Hayes updated meeting on Fife Council’s progress in bringing into action the Scottish Government’s legislation on Short Term Lets and informed meeting that information can be found on FC’s website - https://www.fife.gov.uk/kb/docs/articles/housing/private-rented-sector/short-term-lets . A report will be available from 22nd September and applications for the required licence will be able to be made from 1st October.


Report from Robbie Blyth

Robbie summarised the various problems we had experienced at Ruby Bay car park over the last two years which included inappropriate camping and parking, lack of toilet provision and profusion of motorhomes. He was able to reassure the meeting that the situation had much improved this year due in a large part to actions of FCCT which included:

  • Repair of the septic tank
  • More frequent emptying of litter bins
  • Controlled overnight parking by installation of ticket machine.

Robbie pointed out that this year the plan had been largely ‘educational’ and that no parking invoices had been issued and that most campervan owners had been happy to pay the £10 fee.

He acknowledged that there is still a problem re general parking and the noise from the generator and was able to assure the meeting that these will be addressed. Once again it was stressed that we desperately need Fife Council’s long-time promised a Transport Management Plan.

Under Fife Outdoor Tourism Infrastructure Program future plans include:

  • Construction of new toilet block.
  • Separate recycling bins
  • Drinking water points
  • Safe bases for use of disposable BBQs.
  • The removal of invasive flora
  • External showers to be installed
  • The issuing of invoices to all unauthorised parking

Consideration was given to increasing the number of designated parking bays for camper vans and if a chemical toilet disposal provision should be installed. The meeting agreed that no further designated bays should be provided and that chemical toilet disposal provision is not practical due to the fact the toilets are served by a septic tank. 


General village Infrastructure

It was noted the rusty gate by school leading to the nine-hole golf course is still in need of replacement. Cllr Alycia is on to it!

The meting was happy to learn that Grange Road is, at last, open again.

The sink hole at Boat wynd is still there.

It was acknowledged that the CC has received multiple emails concerning the installation of speed bumps by the dunes in Earlsferry. It was agreed, however, that as this is a civil matter, there is nothing further the CC can do and have advised the house owners that they may have to sort it out among themselves, seeking legal advice if necessary. FC declined to become involved as it is private land and not a recognised right of way.



It was noted that the appeal, planning application PPA-250-2382, Todburn House, Chapel Green, has been dismissed.


Beach Group

At the meeting held in July the following items were discussed:

  • Seaweed management
  • Sand on Harbour Road
  • Disabled access to the beach
  • Provision of a bin at the Toft
  • Sinkholes at Ruby Bay
  • Ruby Bay motor-home traffic management system
  • Wild camping and toilet provision
  • Re-siting of Ruby Bay recycling centre
  • Lifebelts

Full report from the meeting can be found here - http://www.elieandearlsferrycc.org/index.asp?pageid=673295 .


Social Media

Our Facebook site - https://www.facebook.com/ElieEarlsferry reached nearly 2000 watchers last month. Interesting to note that, although 97% of our watchers are from UK with a large proportion of these being very local we do have fans all over the world from United States, Australia, Canada, Belgium, France, Hong Kong, South Africa, Spain and United Arab Emirates.


Treasurer’s Update

Angus is still trying to find someone to verify our last year’s accounts. Trisha agreed to ask someone and report back to Angus.


Traffic Report

Following Shelagh’s public request for comments on any perceived specific traffic problems she received a large number of suggestions and requests from members of the public. The three resounding repeated requests were for a 20MPH speed limit throughout the whole village, the need for improvement to make safer the access from Wadeslea to the High Street and request for increased signage throughout the village. We wait with some impatience for the Traffic Management Plan, long promised by Fife Council. It is understood that a trialling of a 20MPH speed limit is operating in Crail and is hoped that this might eventually be applied to all towns and villages in Fife. The Councillors suggested that there maybe legislation introduced to enforce 20mph in all villages. Further information on the background of our traffic problems and all comments received by the public in response to a request for suggestions can be read in the NEWS section on our CC website -  http://www.elieandearlsferrycc.org/news.asp 



Next meeting Tuesday 4th October, 7.30pm – Earlsferry Town Hall.  As usual this will be a public meeting and members of the public are invited to join.



Minutes of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council meeting held on 3rd July 2022 via Zoom


Present:  Shelagh Mackay, Grizelda Cowan, Angela Anderson, Angus Meldrum, Patricia Ritchie, Nicola Hetherington and Cllrs Fiona Corps and Sean Dillon.

We also welcomed Robbie Blyth from FCCT, Bod Duff and Emma Gilchrist to the meeting


Apologies from: Sandy Bingham and Cllr Alycia Hayes


No new declarations of interest.


June minutes - proposed by Angela, seconded by Trisha.


Chair’s Report

Shelagh has approached interested parties to ask if they would like to join the group coordinating FC’s Local Place Plan. (Please see June’s minutes for details of this initiative.)

Shelagh, Nicola, Crispin Hayes, Sonja Potjewijd and Allan Maclean from FC had a walk round the village in connection with ‘Spaces for People’ initiative and the general traffic issues relative to the aims of Spaces for People initiative. More on this later in minutes.

It is understood that there is a current investigation into ownership of foreshore land in front of the houses from the Breakwater to the harbour. A group of those potentially impacted by the claim has been formed.

Councillors’ Updates

Cllrs Fiona Corps and Sean Dillon are still getting to grips with all local issues and FC committees are being formed. Shelagh to attend a meeting with Councillors to provide background re our specific issues.

Questions from the Public

The CC has received report of speed bumps having been installed at the top of the dunes outside houses in Earlsferry. It was a surprise to see them and the question was asked as to whether consent should have been sought before installing these. Beach Group and FCCT agreed to investigate. * See below

A house owner in School Wynd has asked that consideration should be given to making School Wynd a one-way street. There is not room for two cars to pass without one or both having to drive on the pavement. This is not only dangerous to pedestrians but is causing damage to the pavements. A number of houses exit straight on to the pavement and can be surprised by vehicles on the pavement, FC have advised they are too busy to investigate in the short term - more later.

Our thanks were extended to Emma Gilchrist and Bob Duff who attended the meeting to help address some of the points that have been recently raised in relation to our on-going sewage problems and the possible impact any future developments may have on our already inadequate system. Following the CC’s Freedom of Information requests to both Scottish Water and SEPA and their replies, Bob addressed the points raised as follows:


  1. Having read the responses and discussed with our advisors it appears the outcome being taken forward by the Developer is that ‘you will be left with the same level of service you have today after the developments are joined to the existing system’. This I would suggest is totally unacceptable and certainly not satisfying the conditions of Planning in Principle
  2. Of course, it is acknowledged by everyone that the existing level of service is substandard. However, Elie beaches have maintained their exemplary standard throughout these problems. This seems to be the ‘justification’ for the current proposal.
  3. Fortunately, SEPA, who have had doubts all along regarding the discharge of effluent and surface water from the development, are involved in the evolution of the proposals as the ultimate consenter. They were only persuaded to remove their objection to the development when the proposed connection to the existing system was proposed. The Condition for the delay to construction until a Growth Project had been defined and a commitment to fund by SW/Developer had been enshrined in a Section 75 Agreement.
  4. Is the intention of SW/Developer to increase capacity really a ‘Growth Project’? It is also unclear how it will be achieved. There are lots of questions raised.

-Where is the existing surface water within the combined system to be redirected and discharged?

-How will the existing septic tank at the harbour be expanded?

-What is the risk to bathing water quality?

  1.   SEPA has rightly queried the technical issues especially the modelling which they have asked to be redone as the data assumptions made were incorrect and the impact bathing water was missing.


 As we know locally at busy times the existing system often overflows sewage into gardens at least 3 locations in the village.

 SEPA has rightly flagged that even with favourable data there is a high risk of creating ‘a visible slick or plume through the tidal cycle’


We should be asking the questions embedded above within an overarching request for

- becoming a consultee

- to have sight of or access to the technical reports, specifically the outcome of the modelling following SEPA intervention.

In addition to these points above, Angela stressed the need for an upgraded sewage system in particular with relation to COVID and its dangers within the sewage system

Trisha highlighted the problem with the quality of our seawater and, again stressed the need for a completely new system to include replacement of pipes, many of which are of differing sizes.

Shelagh agreed to make the request Fife Council that E&ECC could be recognised as a ‘consultee’.


This is an issue which potentially affects the whole of the villages and, should sea water quality be affected, the whole appeal of Elie & Earlsferry as a safe & clean area for swimmers and water sports would be impaired. It was felt that the Elie & Earlsferry Action Group may wish to become active in monitoring the situation and supporting the CC. Shelagh to follow up.


Spaces for people/Traffic review

Following a ‘walk around’ meeting attended by Shelagh, Nicola, Crispin Hayes, Sonja Potjewijd and Allan Maclean from FC in reviewing how to make the Elie more accessible for ‘wheelers’ and pedestrians, several points were raised and suggestions were as follows:


The first problem which requires to be addressed is where cars can go to make the streets clearer for other road users if this problem isn’t addressed everything else is tinkering around the edges. First & foremost a car ‘park and walk’ site needs to be identified, ideally on the north side of Elie. Nairn Park which Elie Estates have kindly made available for parking, will not be made available after this year. An alternative is desperately required.


In looking at other options to improve safety and make the roads more appealing to non-car users, a few options were proposed:


The Terrace - Closure to vehicles at the west junction with Rankeillor Street, access via east junction with Stenton Row, for residents and bin lorries only.

Admirality Lane - closure to vehicles, last 35m between The Toft and Wadeslea, this would require very clear signage at the top of Stenton Row that there is no access to Ruby Bay or Nairn Park.

High Street - It was thought that the suggestions of widening the pavement outside the shops would not prove popular, the north side pavement is already wider than the south side. It is unlikely a café would open there- 2 previous businesses have closed and both are being converted to domestic use this summer alone. The bike parks at Toll Green, the Vennel and north high street are seldom if ever used. A timed parking restriction is well worth considering, this would allow people to access the businesses, but useless without enforcement. There is only 1 permanent resident on that stretch of road, without off street parking, only 1 with off street parking.

Bikes are widely used in the summer season, predominately from Earlsferry to shops and Earlsferry to harbour and, for most of the year, there is not an issue with bike parking. Is further provision required beyond reminding cyclists about the highway code and not travelling the wrong way down one-way streets?

Elie most definitely needs a park and walk scheme, the north side of the village would be preferable, but with only one land owner, not sure how this can be achieved without compulsory purchase scheme.

Other suggestions included:

Paving the west side of the Toft to create a footpath. This would be very attractive, but the loss of car parking again would upset a number of people, unless it is in conjunction with additional parking facilities. It would also potentially make the road too narrow for 2-way traffic.

Removing double yellow lines in middle section of Ferry Road from Earlsferry High Street and Links Road junctions.

At the CC meeting the possibility of having some Residents’ Parking only areas was suggested but it was felt that this would be impractical as it would be impossible monitor/enforce. Timed parking on the High Street eg 2 hours max was also raised.

Trisha expressed concern over the practice of double parking from Stenton Row towards the Toft as a number of vehicles try to turn in the road and this can lead to fractious discussions- ie road rage.

The CC would welcome any thoughts on any of these suggestions and any further suggestions on how we can address our traffic problems. Shelagh is currently collating suggestions from a number of residents with a view to sending the report to FC as they have failed to deliver on a long promised site visit and review.

Please feel free to forward any further suggestions via our Facebook page. Please remember ‘Nothing happens quickly’ with FC.


Update from Robbie Blyth, FCCT

Signs are now in place at Ruby Bay Car Park advising of Wild Camp of dos and don’ts. The picnic area can be used for organised camping but only if pre-arranged with FCCT by appropriate organisations.

The disabled toilet is now being kept open at night and this is working well. There are plans to build a new toilet block in the future.

The new parking scheme should be in place by end of July and FCCT staff ae now on duty on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays and will be more frequently when the new parking meters have been installed. **

Overflow car park will be used when necessary and, again, thanks to Alex Nairn of Elie Estate Trust for making this available.

There have been signs of dune excavation at the harbour end and Robbie explained that retrospective permission will need to be applied for.

Robbie underttok to look into installing a public rubbish bin to replace the one at footpath from beach at the end of the Toft.  It had been was removed by request of the owners of the house opposite as it had been placed on land belonging to them.

The meeting was able to reassure Robbie that all necessary permissions for the mobile sauna, now situated on the dunes have been sought. It is understood that it is shortly going to be open to bookings, it was acknowledged as an oversight not to have informed FCCT by the Harbour Trust about the installation.

Robbie confirmed that the bin at the bottom of School Wynd will be replaced asap. ***

Shelagh expressed our thanks to Robbie and his team for all their work in addressing all these issues.

General village Infrastructure

Angus has written once again to the Coal Board requesting an update on a solution to the sink hole on Grange Road. He pointed out that it has been over six months since it first appeared and still nothing has been done. There is now considerable amount of traffic using many unsuitable alternative routes.

The rusty gate on the lane by the school leading to the 9-hole golf course still hasn’t been attended to. It is understood that Cllr Alycia Hayes is investigating this.

Grizelda reminded members of the CC to keep her informed of evidence of any work requested having been carried out. If anyone knows of any necessary repairs to general village infrastructure they should let us know so we can alert FC and add it to the already long list of work required to be undertaken.



Once again it was noted that the installation of several ‘points of remembrance’ have been appearing in various spots throughout the edges of our villages, in particular around Ruddons Point and Ruby Bay. It was felt that these popular and public beauty spots are not really suitable places for such displays and it is hoped that folk might find alternative ways of remembering their loved ones.



Next meeting Tuesday 6th September, 7.30pm – venue to be decided.  As usual this will be a public meeting and members of the public are invited to join.




*  We have received a response from the house owner who has advised there are
a tremendous number of cars, vans and lorries that use that path as a rat
run because they are unwilling to use Cadgers Wynd.  They think it is too
narrow, yet ambulances get up and down it.  Nearly all of the vehicles
speed. He realises the bumps are unsightly but the work hasn't finished on
them. He wished they weren't necessary, but the use of the rat run has made
it so.
He also advised that the whole area gets flooded because of the tarmac laid
by Scottish Water.  The tarmac was deemed necessary as they were wearing
away the sand. This has  created the dip that causes flooding. There is
also flooding at the bottom of Castwell Wynd, which the Council now claim is
not their responsibility.
He feels it's all a bit chicken and egg. If there is a solution that gets
people to use Cadgers Wynd rather than the dune front, then he is obviously
open to it. Most (but not all) of the houses have access to their homes from
the High Street.


** The meters are now in place with charges as follows:

  • Up to two hours free parking
  • Over two hours £2
  • Overnight night parking in designated bays £10
  • One free disable parking space


***On Monday 18th June it was noted that there is now a bin at the bottom of School Wynd. Thanks to Robbie Blyth!


Minutes of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council meeting held on 7th June 2022 in Earlsferry Town Hall and via Zoom


Present:  Shelagh Mackay, Grizelda Cowan, Angela Anderson, Angus Meldrum, Patricia Ritchie and Cllrs Fiona Corps and Alycia Hayes


Apologies from: Sandy Bingham, Nicola Hetherington and Cllr Sean Dillon


No new declarations of interest.


May minutes - proposed by Angela, seconded by Angus.


Chair’s Report

Shelagh welcomed two new local councillors Fiona Corps and Alycia Hayes to the meeting and expressed the hope that Sean, who has contracted Covid, makes a speedy recovery. Before settling in Fife Alycia travelled internationally as an Opera Singer for 18 years before entering politics. She has been a Councillor before in another area and now lives with her family in Kingsbarns.

By way of providing a brief update on the most pressing issues that have been on every agenda for the past few years Shelagh explained that we are still waiting for a response from Fife Council on how to resolve the traffic issues in our villages. Despite many assurances we have still not had a visit from anyone from FC. We accept that things were difficult during lockdown but it seems as if Covid is becoming the normal excuse for any inaction. Despite numerous requests we have been told that we cannot have any traffic calming measures as Elie is on a main road. Strange to see that Lundin Links and Largoward, both on a main roads, have several. Robbie Blyth has drawn up a draft plan but that this deals mainly with parking issues, in particular at Ruby Bay, Shelagh to circulate to Cllrs. Cllr Fiona Corps informed us that FC has adopted policy of introducing 20 MPH speed restrictions throughout all villages and towns in Fife for a trial period. The CC welcomes this plan.

As for parking, our thanks are extended to Elie Estate Trust for allowing parking on Nairn Park but acknowledge that this is neither a permanent nor a satisfactory solution. It is understood that the parking meters for Ruby Bay Car Park are on order but may take a while to come due to Covid, Brexit, ship stuck in Suez Canal, climate change or just general incompetence.

Shelagh also described our on-going problem with sewage provision in the villages and explained that no new house building can be undertaken until such time as Scottish Water can provide a more up to date and efficient sewage treatment system.


Local Place Plan

We are aware that Fife Council is preparing a ‘Local Place Plan’ - in their words:

‘The council is preparing a new Local Development Plan and it will be shaped by the views and aspirations of communities across Fife. The plan will replace the current plan approved in 2017 and will set out planning policies and proposals for the use and development of land across Fife. We aim to adopt the plan in 2026 and it will look ahead for 10 years from then.

Our new Local Development Plan will consider any registered Local Place Plans, to allow communities to have a more direct role in the decisions that influence their place, We're inviting communities to prepare Local Place Plans so that they can play a proactive role in defining the future of their places.

Local Place Plans are community-led plans, setting out proposals for the development and use of land. Once they have been registered by the planning authority, we have a legal responsibility to take them into account in the preparation of the Local Development Plan.’

The CC will be looking into ways in which we can gather public opinion and it is hoped that, following all the work he did on our Charette in 2019.Shelagh to seek help from those involved with the Charette who might be persuaded to help with this project.


Jubilee Weekend

Congratulations were extended to all the groups, organisations and individuals who contributed to the numerous fantastic and very successful Jubilee celebrations.

Thanks also to Fife Council who returned day after day to empty our overflowing bins.


Toll Green

The continuing puzzle over who actually owns Toll Green rumbles on. The questions remain:

  • Who actually owns Toll Green?
  • Who should maintain it?
  • Who can use it?
  • Who has the authority to undertake any construction on TG?
  • Papers sent to Fife Council legal dept for consideration, no response received.

Cllrs Fiona Corps and Alycia Hayes have promised to see if they can come up with any answers.

It is understood the wooden huts placed on the Green by the owners of the Buffet have been donated to the community and discussions are ongoing as to where they might be re-sited.

Meanwhile, it was noted that an application has been submitted by the Environmental Action Group for funding for the replacement of railings on Toll Green. It was felt, at the meeting that this is something that FC should be undertaking and that planning permission would be needed in any case. Angela to provide more information about the proposed project.


Memorial benches

Our councillors were updated on the history of memorial benches – see May minutes. We are still trying to find out if tree planting may be considered a suitable alternative as the general feeling is that there are enough benches in the village already.



Grizelda agree to dig out the original infrastructure spreadsheet and update it.

  • Broken drain cover at Cadgers Wynd
  • Rusty gate to path leading to 9-hole course just north of the school
  • Sink hole at Boat Wynd

These been repeatedly reported to Fife Council and we are still awaiting action.

Angus has already written to Coal Authority asking for an update on progress re sink hole on Grange Road. He agreed to write again as nothing seems to have been done in six months and congestion traffic is getting worse as the village becomes busier. It was agreed that the diversion across the golf course is totally unsatisfactory.


Beach Group

Angela to meet with a reporter for the Courier who is preparing an article on coastal erosion. It was noted that some homeowners behind the dunes at Earlsferry may be contributing to danger of erosion. The article is expected to be published at the end of June/July. This will be highlighted on CC Facebook when it is printed.


Social Media

There has been increased activity on our Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/ElieEarlsferry - over the past few weeks. Over 1000 people ‘reached’ with ‘post engagements’ up by over 500% and page ‘likes’ up by 50%.


Community Council members

It was noted that there are spaces on the CC for new members and local residents are being encouraged to consider joining us. Shelagh to put a call out on Facebook. Some young blood would be very welcome. A local person has already been approached and their interest confirmed.



Alycia brought to our attention FC’s consultation on short term lets within our communities. Grizelda agreed to publicise this on CC’s Facebook page. 

See www.fife.gov.uk/housing/short-term-lets for more information.



Next meeting Tuesday 5th July at Earlsferry Town Hall at 7.30pm.  As usual this will be a public meeting and members of the public are invited to join.




Minutes of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council meeting held on 17th May 2022 in Earlsferry Town Hall and via Zoom


Present:  Shelagh Mackay and Vixen, Grizelda Cowan, Angela Anderson, Angus Meldrum and Martin Dibley, Chair of Visit East Neuk


Apologies from: Cllrs Sean Dillon and Fiona Corps and Nicola Hetherington


No new declarations of interest.


April minutes - proposed by Angus, seconded by Angela.


Chair’s Report

Shelagh reiterated our sincere thanks to our three departed local Fife Councillors for all the work that they have done over the past years and expressed regret that the two independent candidates had not been successful in their bid to be re-elected. We all wished them good luck for the future.

Shelagh once again expressed thanks to Alex Nairn for taking the time to answer questions at the single topic meeting held on 12th April in connection with proposed plans for a sewage treatment work at the Grange development site. Following the meeting Shelagh has written to Fife Council, SEPA and Scottish Water requesting clarification of what may/may not be permitted.


Questions from the public

Concern has been expressed with regard to the damage caused to the fencing on Earlsferry Dunes by workmen at Olgivie Villa. Robbie Blyth of FC&CT has given assurance that builders will be asked to make right all damage caused, at the completion of the job. In the same area a broken drain cover has been reported. It is understood that the damage has been caused by works vehicles and this has also been reported to Robbie.

With regard to the fencing which appeared on the beach at the bottom of Golf Club Lane the meeting was informed that this had been installed in error. Although this had not been intentional, we await, with interest, to see if this has any affect on the movement of sand.

We have received notification that yet another memorial bench has appeared at Chapel Green despite assurances form FC that no more were to be installed. The owners of the adjoining gardens are particularly anxious as these benches make it very easy for a would-be intruder to access their properties. Our previous local councillor, John Docherty, had taken on board this problem and had assured us that Fife Council’s policy was to offer protection to vulnerable people. As the adjoining property owners are pensioners, some living on their own, they most definitely can be defined as ‘vulnerable’. We are very disappointed that FC have reneged on their previous promises and hope that one of our new local councillors will be happy to take this on. We are still receiving requests from people wishing information on how they can have a memorial bench. We understand that some time ago Fife Council assured us that no more benches were to be installed anywhere in the village. Shelagh to look back to see who actually gave this assurance.


Jubilee Celebrations

It was noted that a large number of Jubilee celebratory events are planned for the weekend 3rd – 5th June and that these are all being well publicised throughout the village and on social media.

The Community Council’s application for a grant to purchase a gazebo for use during the Jubilee weekend was successful – approx. £2,000.


Traffic review

Still no response from Fife Council. It is fervently hoped that our new local councillors may take up the baton and continue the hard work done by Linda, Bill and John all who did their best to persuade FC to address this serious problem before our villages get any busier.


Toll Green

The question of ownership of Toll Green continues to be unresolved.


Presentation from Martin Dibley, Chair Visit East Neuk

Martin attended the meeting in order to explain the make-up and aims of Visit East Neuk:

Visit East Neuk has been in existence since 2010 and is one of six Local tourism Associations across Fife whose aim is to assist with the development of Tourism in their respective area. Each Local Tourist Association operates under the umbrella of Fife Tourism Partnership. Their remit is supporting Tourism on a Fife wide remit.

Tourism, in 2019, brought in just short of £116m to the East Neuk economy and provided jobs for 2,432 people. (source Destination Leadership 2021)

The committee of VEN is elected at each AGM and is made up of local people who are mainly in the tourism and hospitality industry in the East Neuk or have an interest in it. The committee are all unpaid volunteers.  

Membership and minutes are all available on the Fife Tourism Partnership website, ours go back to 2018.

To support local tourism Visit East Neuk holds open meetings, open committee meetings during the year and an open AGM at the end of the season.

What we are doing now:

  • Consumer facing Facebook page and Instagram at VISIT EAST NEUK NOW. We post between 20 and 25 times a week on anything interesting to potential visitors to the East Neuk.
  • We have a new Facebook page EAST NEUK LOCAL TOURISM ASSOCIATION, which is purely business to business and is aimed for anyone in the hospitality and tourism industry in the East Neuk. Posts to this are aimed at providing tourism related information to the industry and is not a consumer facing page.
  • Our community web site EASTNEUKNOW.COM  is building to be the go-to place for information as to what's on, what's available and what's  where  in the East Neuk. This site is aimed at providing information not only to residents but visitors and potential visitors.
  • Production of our printed visitor guide booklet which is available to all.



Broken drain cover at Cadgers Wynd

Rusty gate to path leading to 9-hole course just north of the school

Sink hole at Boat Wynd

These been repeatedly reported to Fife Council and we are still awaiting action.


Next meeting Tuesday 7th June at Earlsferry Town Hall at 7.30pm.  As usual this will be a public meeting and members of the public are invited to join.





Minutes of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council single topic meeting held on 12th April 2022 in Earlsferry Town Hall and via Zoom


Present:  Shelagh Mackay, Grizelda Cowan, Angus Meldrum, Nicola Hetherington, Sandy Bingham, Cllrs Linda Holt and John Docherty, Alex Nairn representing Elie Estate Trust and members of the public David Smith, Emma Gilchrist and Bob Duff


Apologies: Angela Anderson


Reasons for this meeting

Shelagh explained that, following some questions from the public which were sent in an email which were not highlighted at the CC monthly meeting, it was decided that a single topic meeting should be arranged in order to address the points which would have been covered in CC meeting help on 5th April.


  1. Concern has been expressed over the proposed sewage provision at the Grange site. With regard to sewage provision, it was noted that, in the planning application, SEPA had made it quite clear that on-site sewage provision would not be acceptable and had declared an objection. The question was asked why it now appears that an onsite sewage treatment works might now be acceptable to FC Planning?
  2. It was also asked if each individual house was to have its own treatment works or if one large one would service all.
  3. Third question asked was if the Wadeslea development was going to go ahead as, if there is no suitable sewage solution how could houses be granted planning permission and subsequently built?


Cllr Bill Porteous expressed the opinion that these questions are for SEPA, Scottish Water and Fife Council and not for discussion at a CC meeting. Shelagh disagreed and felt it was appropriate to discuss them and then direct queries to the appropriate body.


Alex Nairn explained that all building proposals are still at the discussion stage and that nothing is yet definite. He acknowledged that there is a sewage problem already existing in our villages and that possible on-site treatment works might help to alleviate the existing situation. He gave firm assurances that any work done will be in full agreement with SEPA and Scottish Water.


David Smith thanked Bill Porteous for his comment and Alex Nairn for his honest answer. He explained that, as members of the public have approached him expressing their concerns, he felt that it is the responsibility of the CC to address public concerns. A further concern was that if the Grange site were to go ahead but not the site at Wadeslea then any land offered in compensation by Elie Estate Trust to Fife Council would have no practical value if it could not be built upon.


Alex Nairn explained that, although SEPA do not usually approve of on-site sewage treatment works, they might accept one at the Grange if only temporary. He felt that as for the possibility of the Grange plans going ahead and Wadeslea not that is a question for SEPA and Scottish Water.


Cllr Linda Holt said that she will write to Planning Committee voicing her concerns over the possibility of development at Wadeslea not going ahead due to sewage problems.


Alex Nairn stressed the that Elie Estate Trust is 100% committed to building affordable homes at Wadeslea and that it is all up to Scottish Water. David Smith stressed that is not anyone’s intention to countermand Elie Estate Trust’s efforts and thanked Alex Nairn for his honesty and assurances.


Shelagh to write to FC, SEPA & Scottish water.



Minutes of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council meeting held on 5th April 2022 in Earlsferry Town Hall and via Zoom


Present:  Shelagh Mackay, Grizelda Cowan, Angela Anderson, Angus Meldrum, Cllrs Linda Holt and John Docherty, Robbie Blyth representing Fife Coast and Countryside Trust, Alex Nairn representing Elie Estate Trust,


Apologies from: Cllrs Bill Porteous- joined meeting by Zoom Patricia Ritchie, Nicola Hetherington


No new declarations of interest.


February minutes - proposed by Angus, seconded by Angela.


Chair’s Report

Most topics are on the agenda with the exception of:

There has still been no response from Lesley Craig with reference to traffic management over the forthcoming busy months. This is a matter of concern and urgency as we are now only two weeks from easter. We have been informed that FC has been in touch with Alex Nairn  of Elie Estate Trust requesting use of Nairn Park as a temporary car park. More on this topic later on.


The meeting welcomed Robbie Blyth who updated on FC&CT’s plans as follows:

FC&CT are to recruit additional members of staff.

Car parking charges are to be introduced at Ruby Bay Carpark as follows:

Cars up to two hours – free

Car daily parking - £2

Overnight parking for camper vans to be restricted to seven marked bays - £10

A machine is to be installed and everyone must get a ticket to display. The car park will be manned and anyone contravening the rules will be issued with a fine.

Toilets will be open during daytime hours from 1st April – 31st October. A very basic overnight toilet is to be installed in September and FC is considering installation for chemical toilet disposal facility.

Tents will not be allowed on the picnic area and leaflets will be made available to illustrate exactly what ‘wild camping’ actually means.

FC requested use of Nairn Park as a temporary car park. Although Alex Nairn is prepared to consider this for this year, he stressed that this must be seen as temporary measure and that establishing suitable alternative parking must be a priority.

Cllr Linda Holt advised that we should wait till after local elections and if no progress has been made we should highlight the problem in every way possible including going to the press.

Following several requests from members of the public, Robbie agreed to look into ways in which homemade ‘shrines’ which have been popping up all over our beauty spots, including those at Ruddons Point (a SSS and a RAMSAR site) might be halted. The owner of the land also to be contacted by Grizelda.

Robbie is also to investigate the missing bin at the bottom of School Wynd and the possibility of siting a new one at the Toft.


Beach Group report

The meeting was assured that the seaweed at the Harbour Beach is to be removed imminently.

A full report will be added at the end of these minutes.


Councillors’ reports

Cllr Joh Docherty  reported that all reported damaged road signs are now taking up to six months to be repaired.

John also informed the meeting that he had been deselected by the SNP as a Fife Councillor candidate and that he would be standing as an Independent candidate. E&ECC wished him well.


Cllr Bill Porteous expressed his thanks to Robbie Blyth and his team for all their efforts to address the problems in our villages. Bill informed the meeting that he would be standing down as a Fife Councillor.


Elie and Earlsferry Community Council would like to thank our three local councillors for attending our meeting so regularly and who have worked so hard in trying to address our villages’ problems. We are so grateful that they recognise that the East Neuk in general, and Elie and Earlsferry in particular, have unique problems which are often misunderstood and overlooked by Fife Council. Our local councillors have done a sterling work in bringing these to the attention to the powers that be at FC.



Traffic review

After several requests from the Chair and Cllr Linda Holt a reply has been received from  FC’s Lesley Craig, advising that there was no update.  We are still waiting for a traffic review site visit which was promised two years ago. Again we are approaching the summer season no further forward than 2 years ago, arguably the villages were even busier during the pandemic than previously, but FC do not appear to be willing to engage with the CC on this issue.


Next meeting Tuesday 17th May at Earlsferry Town Hall at 7.30pm.  As usual this will be a public meeting and members of the public are invited to join.




Meeting of Elie and Earlsferry Beach Group held on-line on 3 March 2022

Present: Angela Anderson; Robbie Blythe; Graham Bucknall; Linda Holt; Alex Nairn; Andrew Ovenstone.

Apologies: John Docherty; Keith Dewhurst; Ronnie Sinclair, Bill Porteous.

  1. Seaweed management

There has been a considerable problem with seaweed and detritus collecting on the beach over winter. The two areas of the beach which were worst affected were by the Granary and the Water-Sports Centre.

There is still a need for a long-term solution which involves the seaweed being removed as required. Robbie believes there is a strong case for its removal by Fife Council as a proposal had previously been put to Fife Council in relation to this and agreement on its removal had been received from the Council.

Alex had obtained a quote of £60k for a beach rake and proposed that a group of local volunteers undertake the raking of the beach on a regular basis with Fife Council being tasked with its collection and removal.

Graham advised the Ship Inn could co-ordinate volunteers, agree a program of works and provide light funding in support of the raking of the seaweed on the beach and insurance cover.

Robbie advised there was insufficient funding to purchase a rake but the use of the rake which had been sold by Fife Council to Shell Bay Caravan Park might be the better option.


  • Robbie to check on current level of seaweed and if necessary, ask Fife Council to remove it.
  • Robbie to contact Fife Council to discuss and get agreement on a  strategy for removal on a regular basis of the seaweed and detritus.
  • Alex to contact Shell Bay Caravan Park regarding the use of the rake approximately 10 times per year.
  • Alex to circulate a You-tube video on beach raking.


  1. Maintenance and repair of Life-Belts

It was noted that a number of the Life-Belts on the beach were in need of repair. Robbie advised that Fife Council had placed new Life-Belts on all designated beaches.  Elie was not included in this list.

Angela indicated that under the Public Health Act 1963 Local Authorities have responsibility for providing life-saving equipment on beaches.


  • Robbie to contact Fife Council about the state of the Life-Belts.


  1. Management of Dune Paths

Keith had noted there are multiple points of access through the dunes to the beach.  He put forward a proposal for a managed access point through the dunes at the bottom of Castwell Wynd where there are currently 3 paths crossing the dunes. He proposed making use of Greenheart Oak sleepers spiked down with ground screws to create a straight slow steady gradient down to the beach level. These managed access points are usable for all, including wheelchair users. This project could act as a pilot, which if successful could be rolled out to other areas of the beach which have similar problems. 

Robbie was supportive of the concept however he advised that each area of the dunes is owned by the beachside home-owners which front it, so they would require to be in agreement with and supportive of this proposal. It would also need resources and funding and the paths would require to be maintained.


  • Robbie to contact Keith to discuss the proposal and see what could be done but he felt there may be other matters which might need to take priority.


  1. Public Toilets

The toilets at Ruby Bay are due to be upgraded. This will be done at the end of the season when the entire unit is to be replaced. The new toilet is to be placed on Fife Council land. A new septic tank is to be put in place before April.

Between 1st April and the beginning of October the toilets will be open between the hours of 10am and 6pm. In October, the toilets will be open between the hours of 10am and 4pm.

The disabled toilet was left open overnight this last winter, however the locks have now been changed. Somebody with a key had been accessing the toilets and leaving them open at all hours.

Currently there is provision for the toilets to be open 140 days per year. The additional provision of opening days has been over and above the existing service , however the hope is that the new toilets at Ruby Bay could be open all year round.


  1. Wild camping

No doubt people will continue to come to Elie in large numbers, and the  intention of the signage which has been erected is to nudge the campers to where they should go.

It is not acceptable for wild camping to take place at Ruby Bay, so robust signage is to be erected on the green at Ruby Bay. It will advise that no more than 4 tents should be placed on the foreshore. Poles are to be put in place in set areas on the shoreline and areas away from the carpark to assist compliance with this guidance. Benches have also been placed at strategic points in an effort to control wild camping.

There are currently no measures available to enforce this, but the hope is that these measures will ensure people only camp in designated areas.

There is currently no toilet provision during the night. The intention is to install a temporary toilet during the holiday season in the vicinity of the public toilet block for night-time cover. This should prevent defaecation on the dunes.


  1. Traffic Management Plan

FCCT will continue to manage Ruby Bay car park and would hope to get the lease and use of Nairn Park again this year as an overflow car park.  However, this does not offer a long-term solution to the parking problems identified in the area during peak tourist times.  Elie estates has indicated this is the last year they are willing to lease Nairn Park for this purpose.

Alex advised that Elie estates had gifted land to the community which they could use for parking.  However, it was pointed out that this land was occupied by the dunes and access via the road to Ruby Bay was already proving to be difficult. Robbie also flagged up that it was unlikely there would be local support to turn an additional area of the dunes into a car park.

Robbie advised that traffic management is the responsibility of Fife Council and whilst we did not have the necessary skills in our group to create a suitable Traffic Management Plan, Fife Council does have that skill-set.

In the meantime, Robbie will be looking to employ 2 parking attendants.  Parking Meters will be put in place at Ruby Bay along with new signage. There will be space for overnight parking for 8 motor-homes. Where this is not complied with, invoices will be attached to the relevant vehicles.


  • Robbie to make a strong case to Fife Council with regard to the development by the Council of a Traffic Management Plan. He will also advise the Council that they will require to get something in place within the next 12 months.
  • Robbie to propose to Fife Council that the recycling centre be re-sited.


  1. Disabled access at the Harbour

The best option for this would be through the land at the Water-Sports Centre. There is a need for a joined-up plan for beach access.


  • A beach access plan is to be developed by the Beach Group and consideration will be given to upgrading the area.


  1. Waste and sand management Issues at the Harbour

Sand which had been encroaching on the road had been scooped up and placed over the harbour wall onto the beach. However, this sand had been contaminated by the overflow of sewage in the area.

Alex proposed a staggered fence be placed near to the exit onto the beach from the Toft to trap the sand.


There is also a problem with poo bags been placed in the bins at the Ship Inn as people wander off the beach.

The sink-holes which have appeared behind the seawall defences at Ruby bay have also not been dealt with.


  • Robbie to speak with Transportation Services about the sand and sewage effluent
  • Robbie in collaboration with Andrew and Graham to try and develop a plan for sand and waste management at the harbour.
  • Robbie to contact Transportation Services about the sink-holes.

Post hoc – Seaweed Management

Graham Bucknall advised that the area around the Toft in front of the Ship Inn, the Toft and the dunes is the worst area in Elie Bay with regard to seaweed and detritus build up, as we discussed during the meeting.  It was this area I referred to when I said it had been “atrocious” since before fireworks in the autumn, had been allowed to build up and was now both impassable to all but strong adults (children, disabled, the elderly no chance) and also full of litter, dog mess, etc.  It is really bad and is an embarrassment when visitors assume we are happy for it to be like that.




Minutes of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council meeting held on 1st March 2022 in Earlsferry Town Hall and via Zoom


Present:  Shelagh Mackay, Grizelda Cowan, Angela Anderson, Angus Meldrum, Patricia Ritchie, Nicola Hetherington, Cllr Linda Holt and Alex Nairn representing Elie Estate Trust


Apologies from: Cllrs Bill Porteous- joined meeting by Zoom and John Docherty


No new declarations of interest.


February minutes - proposed by Angus, seconded by Angela.


Chair’s Report

Most topics are on the agenda with the exception of several requests from members of the public requesting memorial benches. All requests are passed on to the relevant department at FC but requestees are advised that, since there are already numerous benches sited throughout the village, tree planting of native trees might be considered as a preferable alternative. FCCT are happy to advise.


Councillors’ reports

Cllrs Linda Holt and Bill Porteous are both attending the meeting convened by Willie Rennie on the ‘Superheadteacher’ campaign and hope to join this meeting later. Meanwhile the CC expressed their thanks to both councillors for their efforts to persuade FC to shelve their plan of appointing a ‘Superhead’ for all primary schools in East Neuk, Lundin Links and Largo.

Both joined meeting later and Linda confirmed that FC has, for time being, bowed to pressure from the public and shelved the plan to appoint a Superhead but she advised that fresh proposals will be presented after the local elections. The Group is working on a Participation Request to the Scottish government. The request uses a ‘toolkit’ developed for the very successful ‘St Andrews Hospital ‘Out of Hours’ campaign.  A Participation Request National Event is to be hosted by the Scottish Government on Thursday 10 March.  


Traffic review

After several requests from the Chair and Cllr Linda Holt a reply has been received from  FC’s Lesley Craig, advising that there was no update.  We are still waiting for a traffic review site visit which was promised two years ago. Again we are approaching the summer season no further forward than 2 years ago, arguably the villages were even busier during the pandemic than previously, but FC do not appear to be willing to engage with the CC on this issue.



Plans are now available for a new play park. These will be circulated among members for opinions. The work needs to be undertaken by FC approved suppliers and contractors, as a consequence, Fife Council has costed the work at £68k. Shelagh to meet with Bridget to discuss further and investigate funding opportunities. It was noted that Ian Wilson who had responsibility for parks and recreation with FC had assured us that funding would be available. It is not known if he is still in office. Sandy has a few ideas about funding opportunities and will forward these to Shelagh. The plans have been developed from input from PTA and local children.


Community Jubilee Project

A meeting is to be held next week 10 March. Details will be posted on E&ECC and E& E Chat Facebook sites.


Update from Alex Nairn

The meeting welcomed Alex Nairn to the meeting. Alex had already submitted up update on building plans as follows:

The planning applications were approved by the North East Area Committee in Feb 2021 subject to a Section 75 Legal Agreement.  The Section 75 is in all but an agreed form although we have had no response from Fife Council’s legal department since before Christmas.

Of note is that an open-space/play contribution of £1,000 shall be paid for each market housing unit to be spent on the provision, improvement or upgrade of open space and/or play facilities within Elie.  Additionally, to safeguard the provision of affordable housing in the event that the Grange is developed and Wadeslea is not, an area of land at Wadeslea has been offered to the Council by way of an option to cover this eventuality.

It is still our intention to offer the land for half the affordable houses to a housing association (probably Kingdom HA) to provide social rented housing and invest in the construction of the remaining half of the affordable houses and offer them as mid-market rent.

Discussions are ongoing between Scottish Water and SEPA over the upgrading of the waste water treatment works (WWTW) serving Elie & Earlsferry.  What is clear is that a new biological treatment works will be required and it will be a number of years before it is available (currently a series of primary settling tanks at the Harbour).  

The resident population of Elie & Earlsferry is approx 860 and the public sewage system has been designed for a population equivalent of 2,000.  However in the busy summer months more than 4,000 can reside in the village meaning the sewer system is operating at twice the capacity it is designed for.  For this reason there can be no new sewer connections in the village until this situation is resolved.

We are investigating temporary on-site sewage treatment, similar to what the Elie Holiday Park installed for the 20 new static caravans at Shell Bay.  Engineers and an excavator were on-site last week assessing the ground conditions both at Wadeslea and the Grange which were found to be favourable.


Alex then took questions:

Following Robbie Blyth’s request on behalf of FC&CT that Nairn Park be retained as an overflow car park Alex agreed that this was acceptable as a temporary measure but that he felt that FC must take responsibility for providing adequate parking and more suitable access to it. He pointed out that Elie Estate Trust had sold some 26 acres to FC in the 60s and that FC should consider using some of this land for provision of parking.

Nicola asked that, if charging was to be made for parking, the excess funds after paying for parking attendants could be put towards village projects.

Trisha asked if priority can be given to ‘locals’ applying to rent the ‘social housing’ houses to be build at Wadeslea. The meeting understands that allocation is awarded according to a ‘points’ system but enquiries will be made if Trisha’s request can be considered.

The meeting expressed thanks Alex for his contribution and that we look forward to further regular updates.



The rusty gate giving access to the nine-hole golf course is still of concern.

If was noted that, due to a sand blockage at the sewage treatment works at the harbour, there has been an overflow on to the road. It was agreed that the CC should write to Scottish Water in an attempt to persuade them to recognise the situation as a high priority. Alex Nairn informed the meeting that he had contact details for officers at SEPA and Scottish Water and that he would pass these on to CC. A lack of maintenance and a build up of sand resulted in the system working inefficiently with some ground damage.

The Chair is to meet with the sailing club to see if joint pressure can be applied to resolve the issues.* update


Police Report, February

10 calls to the police were reported, consisting of various types including assist member of the public, an assault and road traffic matter. Two crimes were recorded in this period.



It was noted that the planning application for a house at Chapel Green has been resubmitted - https://planning.fife.gov.uk/online/applicationDetails.do?keyVal=R7588ZHFKV600&activeTab=summary . Concern was expressed concerning the apparent re siting of the trees which were planted to replace the ones which had been, previously, illegally felled. The Community Council is to request that it be a Statutory Consultee with regard to this application.


It was also noted that heritage groups may be concerned about the erection of a glass balustrade at the Granary.


Carol’s Shop have approached Fife Council in connection with a request to have a safe queuing space outside the shop, a diagram of the proposal was emailed to CC for comment. The decision rests with Fife Council.


Cllr Linda Holt highlighted FC’s proposal to scrap the weekly summary of planning applications which is widely circulated, including to CC’s. This would mean the CC members would have to search FC’s planning portal to establish any relevant applications, an almost impossible task. Shelagh to write to FC planning department to object.


Social Media

We have over 1000 followers of our Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/ElieEarlsferry

Last month our CC Facebook postings have received approx 300 views with a total of 886 ‘likes’.


Treasurer’s Update

Nothing new to report.


Beach Group

Next meeting is planned for 3rd March.



It has been noted that, over the past few years, several ‘shrines’ have appeared in at least two of our popular beauty spots near Shell Bay/Ruddons Point and by the Lady’s Tower. It was agreed that these locations are not suitable for such displays and it is hoped that people appreciate the environmental impact of plastic and other manmade items being left in beauty spots enjoyed by wildlife and humans. Visitors and locals alike are encouraged, in the words of Native American chief, Chief Seattle, “Take only memories, leave only footprints.”  


The idea of removing 3 pieces of plastic from the beach or pathways when out walking should  also be encouraged. Many people do much more than this, but it would help if more did so.



Next meeting Tuesday 5th April.  As usual this will be a public meeting and members of the public will be invited to join. Information on whether this will be a ‘face to face’ meeting or via Zoom will be posted on CC Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ElieEarlsferry  nearer the time.


*Update- Cllr Holt hasreceived the following update- many thanks:


Our teams visited the site today to investigate the cause of the spill.


We have found that the sewer rather than the works itself has had sand build up inside it which has restricted its hydraulic capacity. We have organised for a team to attend and clean the sewer and the CSO to bring it back to full capacity.


To reduce the risk of it filling with sand again, we will be sealing the manhole and have added it to our regular maintenance schedule.


Finally, we have now a cleaned up the impacted area. We are now waiting on a skip being uplifted.


I understand the strength of feeling locally around this issue and the importance of the blue flag status beach.


With this in mind we have recently been carrying out the following upgrades to local assets:

-              We have upgraded the telemetry on South St and Cadgers Wynd waste water pumping station. This was completed this week.

-              In the next month, South St pumping will receive new and improved pumps which will further increase its reliability. The types of pumps being installed here have been successfully installed elsewhere at multiple other locations.

-              Cadgers Wynd pumping station will also have new pumps installed over the coming months.





Minutes of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council meeting held on 1st February 2022 via Zoom


Present:  Shelagh Mackay, Grizelda Cowan, Angela Anderson, Angus Meldrum, Patricia Ritchie, Nicola Hetherington, Cllrs Linda Holt, John Docherty and Robbie Blyth from Fife Coast and Countryside Trust


Apologies from: Sandy Bingham and Cllr Bill Porteous


Declarations of interest. It was noted that Patricia Ritchie is no longer Chair of Earlsferry Town Hall Group and that Grizelda Cowan is now on Visit East Neuk Group.


Update from Robbie Blyth

It was noted that since the removal of the public bin by footpath from Harbour Beach to The Toft almost opposite the Ship Inn, the owners of the adjacent garden have reported a significant amount of rubbish being thrown into their garden. Robbie explained the bin had been removed by request of the owners of house opposite the footpath who own the land. He assured the meeting that he would look into alternative locations for a replacement bin and that he would liaise with the Wangs who own the garden. It was also reported that, as a result of recent storms, the bin at the bottom of School Wynd has relocated itself to end of South Street. Robbie assured the meeting that this would be sorted.

Robbie reported that several meetings have been held at Fife Council in an effort to address the problems relating to parking (camper vans and cars) and toilets at Ruby Bay Car Park. He will update the CC once plans have been fonalised with FC. Discussions are ongoing over charging, parking attendants, toilet access and overflow parking.

 Cllr Linda Holt informed the meeting that the whole issue has been taken over by ‘Heads of Services’ at Fife Council and is being addressed as a priority. However, any action will depend on available resources.

Shelagh informed the meeting that otters have been sighted around Ruby Bay, Robbie said that this was a positive development  and members of the public are being asked to keep any eye out for evidence of them. All information should be passed on to Pauleen Amour-Barclay, Fife Nature Records Centre – Pauleen.Amour-Barclay@fife.gov.uk


The fence which had been erected which was blocking the footpath along the dunes at Earlsferry has now been opened up. The meeting was pleased that a solution which was good for both dune sustainability and public access had been reached.

Shelagh expressed our sincere thanks to Robbie and his team for all their hard work within the community.



The rusty gate giving access to the nine-hole golf course is still of concern. Cllr John Docherty confirmed that he has reported this to the relevant department at FC and we await action.

Angela reported that the sink hole at Boat Wynd has been temporarily filled in with turf, presumably by a concerned resident, but still no action from FC. Cllr Bill Porteous agreed to look into this again.


Visit East Neuk

After discussion, it was agreed: that Visit East Neuk would not pursue the project of placing the puffin logo on the ‘Welcome to the East Neuk’ road signs.   The Group may, in the future, revisit a project to revamp these road signs but will do so only after consultation with all the East Neuk Community Councils.

It was confirmed that VEN has accepted Grizelda to join the group as the CC’s representative.


Councillors’ reportS

Linda Holt confirmed that the broadband company, EASTNEUKNOW who is offering fast broadband has decided to set up privately. Anyone interested should register their interest - https://www.eastneuknow.blog/register/

John Docherty confirmed that A917 is to be upgraded.

The general number for all FC enquiries is 0345 550000 and that its hours of operation have been changed to 9am – 5pm. John informed meeting that he will attempt to persuade FC to lengthen this period.


Community Jubilee Project

Shelagh attended the first meeting at ETH on 27th January 2021. This was well attended and a healthy number of volunteers have signed up to help with plans which include  a Street Party on Earlsferry High Street.

Shelagh agreed to represent the CC on the Jubilee Celebration Group and to apply for funding from the Local community Funding Fund.


Speeding traffic within village

Yet again concern was expressed about the excess speeding through the village, in particular along Links Place and down Park Place. It was noted that Leven and Lundin Links have recently acquired a large number a speed bumps and questions were asked as to why FC has repeatedly failed to respond to our pleas for some effective speed control measures. Shelagh agreed to request (yet again) a site visit from FC’s Lesley Craig.


Police Report

It was noted that there was a police presence in the village last weekend operating speed checks on the road into Elie from St Monans. We look forward to knowing the results of their findings.

Police reported eight calls during January including one traffic accident and one crime.


Social Media

Last month our CC Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/ElieEarlsferry  was visited by 656 people and there were 69 ‘engagements’ and six ‘likes’.


Treasurer’s Update

Angus reported that there is just over £1,200 in our bank account with approx. £9000 from Neil’s fabulous fundraising run and approx £3000 in CC fund.


Beach Group

Angela reported that the group members were very glad that a compromise had been reached re the footpath in the dunes at Earlsferry. Next meeting is planned for end of February/beginning of March.


Cycle Path

A meeting was held on Wednesday 10 November 2021 at Earlsferry town Hall to discuss the proposed Cycle Path between Pittenweem and Earlsferry.  We heard from Crispin Hayes and Sonja Potjewijd, the meeting was attended by 3 members of the CC and 21 others. The maps attached were displayed in the hall and comments were invited via post-it notes to enable Sonja and Crispin to capture the attendees’ views. We were introduced to the 4 options which had been considered- North of A917, south of A917, the old railway line and the coastal path.

The coastal path is a non-starter, the railway line has access issues, North of A917 is the shortest and scores best on the selected criteria (no further info provided). Consequently it is the favoured route.

An application has been made by SUSTRANS- a 3rd sector organisation, to transport Scotland for £10M of government funding. This funding was no direct impact of FC so money isn't available for other purposes. SUSTRANS will fund 70% and 30% needs to be raised.

So far the number of responses to the scheme across 3 villages has been encouraging and the results form part of the consultation. The aim behind 'Places for Everyone' is that a 3 metre wide path should be safe for a 12 year old to use it to cycle to Waid academy, so called Utility journeys, but it can also be used for leisure purposes to encourage people to get out of their cars.

It was recognised that for 5 months of the year there are probably more leisure journeys than utility journeys. Alongside this program there is an organisation eastneuk50.co.uk looking at train journeys from Kirkcaldy to St A to Tayport to Dundee by train, this could help extend the tourist season in the area.

The path is deemed to be technically easy, no difficult technical barriers, but Landord agreement is required, construction could start in 2024, with fundraising being done in 22/23.. Discussions with landowners will inform detailed design drawings The section between Anstruther and Pittenweem is being funded by FC. FC will maintain the path within the road corridor.

The width of the path varies depending on the speed limit of the road- up to 40mph 4m strip, over 40mph 6 metre strip, the variable speed limits on the A917 may require to be reviewed, with an ambition of 20mph through villages?

The path is unlikely to be lit, but may have solar powered studs, bike parking and maintenance also form part of the consultation.


Sonja’s and Crispin’s details are below.

Sonja Potjewijd:  spotjewijd@gmail.com

Co-Founder, Footprint East Neuk

Centre Manager, East Neuk Centre Trust, Principal Officer, East Neuk Community Action Plan (ENCAP)  079 39147150

Crispin Hayes crispin@eco-consultancy.co.uk



Under the banner of Spaces for People Shona Jones, who runs the very popular ice cream shop in the village, is in talks with Fife Council discussing the possibility of retaining the space on the road outside her shop for safe queuing.


Next meeting Tuesday 1st March.  As usual this will be a public meeting and members of the public will be invited to join. Information on whether this will be a ‘face to face’ meeting or via Zoom will be posted on CC Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ElieEarlsferry  nearer the time.








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